Best 110 quotes in «chill quotes» category

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    Spiritual infirmities such as tepidity are caused, not only by chills but also by fevers, that is, by excessive zeal.

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    That is what chills your spine when you read an account of a suicide: not the frail corpse hanging from the window bars but what happened inside that heart immediately before.

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    The Big Chill is one of those things that everybody can identify with. Between eight characters, they can pick somebody who's somewhat like them

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    The fish who keeps on swimming is the first to chill upstream.

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    The blues is a low down achin' chill.

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    The gym is where I get my chill-out time. I try to go six days a week, but when I'm working, that goes down to about three.

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    The hill pines were sighing, O'ercast and chill was the day; A mist in the valley lying Blotted the pleasant May.

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    The greatest thing about where my life is right now is it's very relaxed and chill. I'm just hanging out, being myself and doing my work.

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    The chilling truth is that his story could have been mine. The tragedy is that my story could have been his.

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    The lobbies of the new hotels and the Pan American Building exhale a chill as from the unopened Pharaonic tombs... And in their marble labyrinths there is an evil presence that hates warmth and sunlight.

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    The man who falls in love chill find plenty of occupation.

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    The ones that love us least, are the ones we'll die to please.

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    ...the pain of the constant, bone-chilling loneliness she'd accustomed herself to. And learned to live with it.

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    There is one thing that freezes a musician more than the deadliest physical cold, and that is the spiritual chill of an unresponsive audience!

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    The police have no right to do what they have been doing to the protesters. Their behavior has been designed to chill the protester's constitutional rights. This judge's ruling is wonderful.

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    There`s sort of a chilling effect on non-profits and the media and a lot of other places because the establishment is so powerful. That`s where the money is.

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    There is certainly some chill and arid knowledge to be found upon the summits of formal and laborious science; but it is all round about you, and for the trouble of looking, that you will acquire the warm and palpitating facts of life.

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    This dazzling, unput-downable debut novel proves beyond a doubt that Dan Wells has the gift. His teenage protagonist is as chilling as he is endearing. More John Wayne Cleaver, please.

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    The songs from your childhood, when you hear them you get chills all over.

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    To represent the best of Canada is such an honour, it's chilling. There is so much excitement.

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    There will be a whole new spirit blowing through Texas. There will be a smile on everybody's face and a chill up the spine of every politician.

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    Through the chill of December the early winter moans... but it's that January wind that rattles old bones.

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    Walking with Murphy through the bone-freezing chill toward the bus stop, I start shivering. And somehow, when he slips his arm around me to warm me up, it feels right. Righter than anything ever has.

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    We are all unique, which makes us beautiful; so never despair, and just chill the hell out about it all.

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    We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things. Not because they are easy, but because they are hard.

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    We grow with years more fragile in body, but morally stutter, and can throw off the chill of a bad conscience almost at once.

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    We've got to get rid of this discrimination, this chilling, this bigotry toward gays and lesbians that are reflected in literally hundreds and hundreds of statutes and regulations in this country.

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    What about you three, where are you going?" Even before Halt answered, Will knew what he was going to say. But that didn't make it any less terrifying or blood-chilling when the words were said. "We're going after the Kalkara.

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    What's funny for me is that I made a lot of the music I make with intentions of it being a song you listen to, to chill out.

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    When chill November's surly blast Made fields and forests bare.

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    Wraith held up his hands. "Chill, Gramps. I don't want to sit on your knee or anything.

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    Yea, though the breath of disappointment should chill the sanguine heart, Speedily gloweth it again, warmed by the live embers of hope.

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    We can no longer let the threat of an early frost send a chill of fear throughout a large portion of our workforce. Diversification is the only answer.

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    An actual date with a boy. This is possibly, definitely the number one best thing that’s ever happened to me. And I have no chill about it. None whatsoever.

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    Angels are good not simply because they see bad as bad, but also because they see bad as corny.

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    A sense of hopelessness had invaded his bones, as chill and as inescapable as the rain.

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    Aunt Pooh doesn’t go from zero to one hundred—she goes from chill to ready to kill.

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    UNC symbolizes something special. When you get chills you know you belong here.

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    6 Ways To Give Your Mind A Break: 1. Stop stressing 2. Stop worrying 3. Give rest to the problems weighing you down 4. Lighten up 5. Forgive yourself 6. Forgive others

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    A chill swept through the air, the sort of graveyard kiss promising bad news to follow.

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    For a beach bum you’re not very chill,” said Benny. Bob frowned. “This beach bum is a retired death god who is getting a little agitated,” he said.

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    I think I know what will help you chill.” The way his eyes devoured me hinted I shouldn’t take the bait, but I did anyhow. “And what would that be?” Noah pressed his body into mine, pushing me against the lockers. “Kissing.” I held my books close to my chest and fought the urge to drop them and pull him close. But that would only encourage his behavior, and good God, bring on his fantastic kissing. Fantastic or not, kissing in public would definitely mean detention and a tardy slip. I ducked underneath his arm and breathed in fresh air, welcoming any scent that didn’t remind me of him. Noah caught up to me, slowing his pace to mine. “You know, you may have never noticed, but we have calculus together,” he said. “You could have waited for me.” “And give you the chance to drag me into the janitor’s closet?

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    Glasgow is maybe the most bullshit-free place on earth. I think I call it "the antidote to the rest of the world." It's so unapologetically working class and attitude-free. Everyone's looking "to take the piss out of you," as they put it. They're all comedians, and tough. They don't put on airs.

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    If you can’t build with them, don’t chill with them

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    He needed the warmth of the sun to take away the chill of foreboding that grew in him.

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    Materialism doesn't matter I love you, let's live for laughter Make a maneuver Avoid being apart of consumerism consuming consumers Just be chill and grasp your free will

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    Some stuff are kind of nightmarish... or chillish... This are Reddit Collection #1,2,3 and soona 4!

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    My favorite part of the party is when the party is over. When I don't feel obligated to have a good time, and I can just sit and chill with whoever's left to chill with, you know?

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    What Happens, Happens.

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    Anytime I hear that somebody's really rich, the first question is, 'Do you do anything with it? Or do you, like, chill? You just sit on it?'

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