Best 89 quotes in «software quotes» category

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    Programming is a social activity.

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    Reusability is key in reducing bugs and coding quickly. The more I use a piece of code, the more confident and familiar I become with it, which in turn significantly speeds up my development time.

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    One cannot be successful as an architect without thinking of not only what to do, but how to get it done within an organization, which requires knowing why it should matter to someone who isn’t a technologist.

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    Similarly, the computers used to run the software on the ground for the mission were borrowed from a previous mission. These machines were so out of date that Bowman had to shop on eBay to find replacement parts to get the machines working. As systems have gone obsolete, JPL no longer uses the software, but Bowman told me that the people on her team continue to use software built by JPL in the 1990s, because they are familiar with it. She said, “Instead of upgrading to the next thing we decided that it was working just fine for us and we would stay on the platform.” They have developed so much over such a long period of time with the old software that they don’t want to switch to a newer system. They must adapt to using these outdated systems for the latest scientific work. Working within these constraints may seem limiting. However, building tools with specific constraints—from outdated technologies and low bitrate radio antennas—can enlighten us. For example, as scientists started to explore what they could learn from the wait times while communicating with deep space probes, they discovered that the time lag was extraordinarily useful information. Wait times, they realized, constitute an essential component for locating a probe in space, calculating its trajectory, and accurately locating a target like Pluto in space. There is no GPS for spacecraft (they aren’t on the globe, after all), so scientists had to find a way to locate the spacecraft in the vast expanse. Before 1960, the location of planets and objects in deep space was established through astronomical observation, placing an object like Pluto against a background of stars to determine its position.15 In 1961, an experiment at the Goldstone Deep Space Communications Complex in California used radar to more accurately define an “astronomical unit” and help measure distances in space much more accurately.16 NASA used this new data as part of creating the trajectories for missions in the following years. Using the data from radio signals across a wide range of missions over the decades, the Deep Space Network maintained an ongoing database that helped further refine the definition of an astronomical unit—a kind of longitudinal study of space distances that now allows missions like New Horizons to create accurate flight trajectories. The Deep Space Network continued to find inventive ways of using the time lag of radio waves to locate objects in space, ultimately finding that certain ways of waiting for a downlink signal from the spacecraft were less accurate than others. It turned to using the antennas from multiple locations, such as Goldstone in California and the antennas in Canberra, Australia, or Madrid, Spain, to time how long the signal took to hit these different locations on Earth. The time it takes to receive these signals from the spacecraft works as a way to locate the probes as they are journeying to their destination. Latency—or the different time lag of receiving radio signals on different locations of Earth—is the key way that deep space objects are located as they journey through space. This discovery was made possible during the wait times for communicating with these craft alongside the decades of data gathered from each space mission. Without the constraint of waiting, the notion of using time as a locating feature wouldn’t have been possible.

    • software quotes
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    Software is eating the world, so we need software developers. But it is less clear what we will need when software finishes its meal and settles down to digest. What happens when robots learn to program themselves?

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    Software development is the process of creating a computer software. It includes preparing a design, coding the program, and fixing the bugs. The final goal of software development is to translate user needs to software product, while continuously improving the team and the process.

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    Software testing is a sport like hunting, it's bughunting.

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    Tether smartphones with laptops when you need a connection. Turn off updates to avoid exceeding plan data.

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    The best way to become essential for the companies that buy your products is to help them grow their business (i.e., to produce meaningful ROI) in unique ways. That is what solving customer problems is all about, and it’s as neat an encapsulation of the difference between enterprise and consumer software as we can offer.

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    The human mind is an open network of complex softwares working together.

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    The man persisted. "No, no, no. It was so funny. What software did you use? - apparently in the belief that the software had built-in humor generation.

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    The only reason we were here was because nobody had yet optimized software for First Contact.

    • software quotes
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    There are two jobs in the world that people want to do the most while knowing the least about: architect and strategist.

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    To get Windows 10 reliable, I had to lobotomise the installed software and USB devices.

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    Tuition is to studies and training is to job, but the gradation never stops (on Appraisal)

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    Ultimately, I try to think of my application’s main codebase as just stringing together various components and code from many sources. It just controls logic and flow. The real nitty-gritty is handled behind the scenes. This is why frameworks like Backbone are so important — they hide a lot of the details in the background and allow you to just focus on the flow and control of your application.

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    We can think of life as a self-replicating information-processing system whose information (software) determines both its behavior and the blueprints for its hardware.

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    Obviously, a lot of people involved with Volkswagen's emissions were aware of the diesel car software cheat. One has to wonder how many of them tried to stop it and perhaps were demoted or lost their jobs over trying to prevent the secret Volkswagen car emissions fraud?

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    User interface is the process of shifting from chaotic complexity to elegant simplicity.

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    We are a talented team of software developers that help you stay at the pulse of emerging technologies and meet all your custom software solutions. From software conception to installation, we are your local digital dream team.

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    We conquer the Independence Day aliens by having a Macintosh laptop computer upload a software virus to the mothership (which happens to be one-fifth the mass of the Moon), thus disarming its protective force field. I don’t know about you, but back in 1996 I had trouble just uploading files to other computers within my own department, especially when the operating systems were different. There is only one solution: the entire defense system for the alien mothership must have been powered by the same release of Apple Computer’s system software as the laptop computer that delivered the virus.

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    When one of the workers suggested they could automate some of the manager’s job with software they could easily develop, they were instructed not to do so.

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    Any editing, software work, and mail is done in this exported Plan 9

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    A brilliant author or businesswoman or senator or software engineer is brilliant only in tiny bursts. The rest of the time, they’re doing work that most any trained person could do.

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    With software there are only two possibilites: either the users control the programme or the programme controls the users. If the programme controls the users, and the developer controls the programme, then the programme is an instrument of unjust power.

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    At the end of the day, the GPL is not about making software free; it's about destroying value.

    • software quotes
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    By trade, I am a software programmer, so I never really had any experience with movies before. I started out with 'Paranormal Activity.

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    Defect-free software does not exist.

    • software quotes
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    As for a picture, if it isn't worth a thousand words, the hell with it.

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    Excessive or irrational schedules are probably the single most destructive influence in all of software

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    Being blind, I rely on software that talks to me.

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    For a business plan written when the hardware was a wire-wrapped board and the software was three demos on a graphics substrate, it was pretty close.

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    Experience doesn't necessarily teach anything.

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    For the average home-user, anti-virus software is a must.

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    Constrain the user's expectations to match the abilities of the software.

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    Free software is software that respects your freedom and the social solidarity of your community. So it's free as in freedom.

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    I know there's been questions about-so how long does that continue-and we've now been very clear about that, that software updates to Symbian devices are expected until at least 2016. So there's a long history still to be paved for Symbian in the future.

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    Grammar Checker – A software program that is not needed by those who know grammar and virtually useless for those who don’t.

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    Good software, like wine, takes time.

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    I am involved in the creation of software, and I'm also in the music business.

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    It's hardware that makes a machine fast. It's software that makes a fast machine slow.

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    In software systems it is often the early bird that makes the worm.

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    I've always been obsessed with electronics and using computers and software. It's always been part of my vernacular.

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    In software speed to market, speed to learning is really key. In hardware if you screw it up you are dead. So accuracy really matters.

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    It seems certain that much of the success of Unix follows from the readability, modifiability, and portability of its software.

    • software quotes
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    Like many older fans of Free Software and Open Source, I have discovered that it is really only free in the sense that the time you spend on it is worthless.

    • software quotes
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    Like any well designed software product, Windows is designed, developed and tested as an integrated whole.

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    I wrote a piece of software in 1998 that created fictional weather.

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    Of all the things you can spend a lot of money on, the only things you expect to fail frequently are software and medicine.

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    Of course, I have my own limits as to how much game software I can take care of at any one time.