Best 159 quotes in «consideration quotes» category

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    For when it is the good that is under consideration, and the ethical object is predominant, truth must be considered more in reference to art than science, if, that is, unity is to be preserved in the work generally.

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    From this it follows that con-sideration for other persons or for other living beings is very vital for goodness and want of consideration for other people makes human beings selfish, regardless for other people's good.

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    Good books are for consideration after, too.

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    I am a president who also gives pardons. Usually my considerations are humane.

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    Has it not. . . invariably been found that momentary passions, and immediate interests, have a more active and imperious control over human conduct than general or remote considerations of policy, utility and justice?

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    I am a woman. I was devastated, and I felt that excluding me for the reason that they gave was unjust. I have never asked for any special consideration. I only wanted to compete.

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    Good manners reflect something from inside-an innate sense of consideration for others and respect for self.

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    Have consideration for wounded feelings.

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    I am inclined to put the zenith of success-the time of most consideration and public labor -as somewhere in the sixties, say from sixty-five to seventy.

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    He who has always spared himself much will in the end become sickly of so much consideration. Praised be what hardens!

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    I hold that it is only when we can prove everything we assert that we understand perfectly the thing under consideration.

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    In abstract mathematics, of course operations alter those particular relations which are involved in the considerations of number and space, and the results of operations are those peculiar results which correspond to the nature of the subjects of operation.

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    I never did a right thing or abstained from a wrong one from any consideration of reward or punishment.

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    In many regards, the West is dependent on Russia as a partner. Showing consideration for Russian sensitivities when it comes to old, historical bonds is a reasonable, well-founded approach.

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    Iraq should commit itself to implement the U.N. resolutions, and the Iraqi leadership should put the interests of its people into consideration.

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    I take advantage of the ability to fly with helicopters belonging to the federal police force, and this privilege is consistent with rules that have been in place for decades. A chancellor must be accessible at all times and be in a position to execute their duties as best they can. I must have the ability to immediately return to Berlin if necessary. There are also security considerations.

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    It is art that makes life, makes interest, makes importance, for our consideration and application of these things, and I know of no substitute whatever for the force and beauty of its process.

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    It is the direction and not the magnitude which is to be taken into consideration.

    • consideration quotes
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    Keeping small nations enslaved because of the deals between the great nations or because of any pragmatic considerations that might have been there are totally unacceptable.

    • consideration quotes
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    I avow that I do not hold that complete and instantaneous love for the freedom of the press that one accords to things whose nature is unqualifiedly good. I love it out of consideration for the evils it prevents much more than for the good it does.

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    I do think voters do take into consideration - particularly early state voters - take into consideration a wide range of factors, including electability, and they know that part of electability is the total package that you're presenting.

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    I feel that I am entitled to trample all other considerations into the dirt in my pursuit of a satisfying pun.

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    If slavery, as a national evil, is to be abolished, and it be just that it be done at the national expense, the amount of the expense is not a paramount consideration.

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    If time is money, it seems moral to save time, above all one's own, and such parsimony is excused by consideration for others. One is straight-forward.

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    If what we already know were simply applied to all the agricultural land of the world and the problem of proper distribution were given consideration, the world could feed itself well.

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    I had enjoyed life in Paris, and, taking all things into consideration, enjoyed it wholesomely.

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    I have done many impious things--no great ruler can do otherwise. I have put the good of the Empire before all human considerations. To keep the Empire free from factions I have had to commit many crimes.

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    I never ever take into consideration the consequences of my actions until it's too late.

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    In matters of intellect, follow your reason as far as it will take you, without regard for any other consideration.

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    In the continuing debate over the morality of enhanced interrogation, an essential consideration is often overlooked: intent.

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    It is my express wish that in awarding the [Nobel Prizes] no consideration be given to the nationality of the candidates, but that the most worthy shall receive the prize, whether he be Scandinavian or not.

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    Motherly love - putting the care of children before every other consideration - is the ultimate intelligence of nature.

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    Manners require showing consideration of all human beings, not just the ones to whom one is close.

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    Lionel whispered because he was under the impression that it was out of respect for books, not consideration for readers.

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    Mediocrity is always in a rush; but whatever is worth doing at all is worth doing with consideration. For genius is nothing more nor less than doing well what anyone can do badly.

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    Objective considerations of contemporary phenomena compel the conclusion that success or failure in competitive activities exhibits no tendency to be commensurate with innate capacity, but that a considerable element of the unpredictable must invaria.

    • consideration quotes
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    My concern is to develop a North American type of anarchism that comes out of the American tradition, or that at least can be communicated to Americans and that takes into consideration that Americans are not any longer people of European background.

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    ...our species is one, and each of the individuals who compose it are entitled to equal moral consideration.

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    Of compelling consideration is the fact that words acquire scope and function from the history of events which they summarize.

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    On religion in particular, the time appears to me to have come, when it is a duty of all who, being qualified in point of knowledge, have, on mature consideration, satisfied themselves that the current opinions are not only false, but hurtful, to make their dissent known.

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    Our rewards in life will always be in exact proportion to the amount of consideration we show toward others.

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    Propriety of manners, and consideration for others, are the two main characteristics of a gentleman.

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    Price is not a consideration when a personal relationship exists.

    • consideration quotes
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    Revolutionaries are rarely motivated primarily by material considerations-though the illusion that they are persists in the West.

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    Speciesism: A failure, in attitude or practice, to accord any nonhuman being equal consideration and respect

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    Self-respect knows no considerations.

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    Selfish, adj. Devoid of consideration for the selfishness of others.

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    The body enjoys a great share in our being, and has an eminent place in it. Its structure and composition, therefore, are worthy of proper consideration.

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    Strangers who have seen Shaw face to face are wont to report their surprise at his gentleness and consideration, his willingness to listen and his complete lack of pose.

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    Technological considerations are of great importance to architecture and cities in the informational society.