Best 607 quotes in «mythology quotes» category

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    I don't buy the whole mythology of the sixties. I think I'm an intergenerational person.

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    If no other knowledge deserves to be called useful but that which helps to enlarge our possessions or to raise our station in society, then Mythology has no claim to the appellation.

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    If you hear an old parable and you don't believe it, it's mythology. If you hear an old parable and you believe it, it's religion.

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    If we come from good families where we have been supported well, there is a disillusionment we have to undergo in terms of the culture's values. We have to get beyond our cultural mythology to find out who we are.

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    I've talked to dozens of Chicagoans who will only go off the record in talking about the manufactured mythology.

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    I love Norse mythology - Thor and Odin and Loki - amazing characters.

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    In the absence of an effective general mythology, each of us has his private, unrecognized, rudimentary, yet secretly potent pantheon of dreams.

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    I'm from New Orleans. There's a lot of vampire mystique and mythology that resonates there, and I was fascinated by it. I always wanted to play one.

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    It has always been the prime function of mythology and rite to supply the symbols that carry the human spirit forward.

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    I wanted to make a kids' film that would strengthen contemporary mythology.

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    Mythologies, in other words, mythologies and religions are great poems and, when recognized as such, point infallibly through things and events to the ubiquity of a

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    My brothers were the ones who taught me about mythology and storytelling, and showed me how to do stop-motion animation.

  • By Anonym and pity for hell's occupants will not enter our hearts.

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    Most of the monsters... are based on some sort of mythology. Every culture and even some geographical areas have monsters and mythology that is their own.

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    My Greek mythology is not strong enough.

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    Mythologies become exhausting burdens, from a writer's perspective.

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    Myths are public dreams, dreams are private myths.

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    Myths which are believed in tend to become true.

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    ..,No love cannot leave where there is no trust..,~cupid and psyche..,"Greek mythology of Edith Hamilton

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    North Korea has a very striking mythology there. It is influencing the whole nation.

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    Of all the minor creatures of mythology, fairies are the most beautiful, the most numerous, the most memorable.

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    One may as well preach a respectable mythology as anything else.

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    Perhaps because of this, many have looked at my practice in terms of science and technology, however, for me it is just as informed by Surrealism and mythology.

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    Research is always the best part. As we dug deeper into the history and mythology behind each of the hallows, we discovered more and more stories - some of them deserving of novels in themselves.

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    The drug which makes sexuality palatable in popular mythology.

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    Mythology is not religion. It may rather be regarded as the ancient substitute, the poetical counterpart, for dogmatic theology.

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    Mythology can be defined as the sacred history of humankind.

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    Mythology is studied in the school system because most of us come from it.

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    The thing about tourism is that the reality of a place is quite different from the mythology of it.

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    The mythology of the New Testament, also, is not to be questioned with respect to the content of its objectifying representations but with respect to the understanding of existence that expresses itself in them.

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    There is a sort of mythology that grows up about what happened, which is different from what really did happen.

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    The thing about playing gods, whether you're playing Thor and Loki or Greco Roman gods or Indian gods or characters in any mythology, the reason that gods were invented was because they were basically larger versions of ourselves.

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    We cannot resort to simplistic or extreme solutions which substitute myths for common sense.

    • mythology quotes
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    With this particular series [The Cursed Wheel] I'm going farther in that direction than I've tried before in terms of the elasticity of the mythology.

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    When your mind is simply trapped by the image out there so that you never make the reference to yourself, you have misread the image.

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    A book is the only shuttle service that carries one safely to another dimension and back

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    Writers cannot let themselves be servants of the official mythology. They have to, whatever the cost, say what truth they have to say.

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    A digital wall of masks stared back at him. His finger rolled the mouse in a slow downward scroll. "Okay, you bastard. Where are you?

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    A crushed spark never ignites,” I tell him. “That’s not how you fan the flame.

    • mythology quotes
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    — A kígyó emberek nem isznak tejet – közölte vele Kekropsz. – Mi laktózérzékeny hüllők vagyunk.

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    Aeneas' mother is a star?" "No; a goddess." I said cautiously, "Venus is the power that we invoke in spring, in the garden, when things begin growing. And we call the evening star Venus." He thought it over. Perhaps having grown up in the country, among pagans like me, helped him understand my bewilderment. "So do we, he said. "But Venus also became more...With the help of the Greeks. They call her Aphrodite...There was a great poet who praised her in Latin. Delight of men and gods, he called her, dear nurturer. Under the sliding star signs she fills the ship-laden sea and the fruitful earth with her being; through her the generations are conceived and rise up to see the sun; from her the storm clouds flee; to her the earth, the skillful maker, offers flowers. The wide levels of the sea smile at her, and all the quiet sky shines and streams with light..." It was the Venus I had prayed to, it was my prayer, though I had no such words. They filled my eyes with tears and my heart with inexpressible joy.

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    Aerric’s skill as a fighter, along with the fact that he could not be killed, made him the ultimate weapon. Morrigan and Brighid had used the hide of a phoenix and a bit of Pandra’s dragon blood to create him.

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    Ahhh." Anubis narrows his eyes at me. “I’ve given you inspiration. Now you’re thinking about bringing the lightbulb to ancient Egypt. It would be a hit––all those dark tombs.” You. I was thinking about you. His eyebrows rise. “Huh? Me?” Fluorine uranium carbon potassium. I said that out loud. "I mean," I stutter, "I was thinking about…unimolecular reactions.

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    Akheronin sisuksissa on kyyneliä, hammasten kiristystä, utua, tulta, sietämätöntä poltetta, jäätävää kylmyyttä, koiria, karhuja, leijonia ja käärmeitä. Tässä legendassa helvetti on eläin, jonka sisällä on muita eläimiä.

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    A knight will give a lady a ring from his hand and take a kiss from her lips, when he wishes to love her and serve her all his days," she recited, as she had when he was small. She pulled the ring from the chain and held it out to him. "This ring is the knight's who swore to serve me. Take it. One day you may find a lady to wear it.

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    And though the dead forget the dead in the house of Hades, even there I shall still remember my beloved companion.

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    Alles wird man ja satt, des schlafes sogar, und der liebe, Auch des süßen gesangs, und bewunderten reigentanzes: Welche doch mehr anreizen die sehnsuchtsvolle begierde, Als der krieg; doch die Troer sind niemals satt des gefechts! (Ilias; 13. Gesang V. 636-640)

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    All of the great mythologies and much of the mythic story-telling of the world are from the male point of view. When I was writing The Hero with a Thousand Faces and wanted to bring female heroes in, I had to go to the fairy tales. These were told by women to children, you know, and you get a different perspective. It was the men who got involved in spinning most of the great myths. The women were too busy; they had too damn much to do to sit around thinking about stories. [...] In the Odyssey, you'll see three journeys. One is that of Telemachus, the son, going in quest of his father. The second is that of the father, Odysseus, becoming reconciled and related to the female principle in the sense of male-female relationship, rather than the male mastery of the female that was at the center of the Iliad. And the third is of Penelope herself, whose journey is [...] endurance. Out in Nantucket, you see all those cottages with the widow's walk up on the roof: when my husband comes back from the sea. Two journeys through space and one through time.

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    Alte Männer sind eine rachsüchtige Brut. Sie beneiden junge Männer um ihre Kraft und verübeln jungen Frauen ihre Verführungsmacht.

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    ..and why the winter suns so rush to bathe themselves in the sea and what slows down the nights to a long lingering crawl...