Best 140 quotes in «who we are quotes» category

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    Mulle meeldib ette kujutada, et maailm on nagu üks hiigelsuur masin. Tead, masinatel pole kunagi ühtegi üleliigset osa. Neil on täpselt ettenähtud arv kindlat tüüpi osasid, mida need vajavad. Nii et terve maailm on üks suur masin, siis pean ma siin ju mingil põhjusel olema. Ja see tähendab, et ka sina oled siin samamoodi mingil põhjusel.

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    It is not who you are NOW, it is what GOD says you are that matter.

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    It's who we are in the still points that defines us.

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    Only when we face the impossible, and experience the unbearable, do we find out who we truly are.

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    Our truest reflection reveals that we are what we think, we are what we say and we are what we continuously do.

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    Sometimes we represent our weakness as if it were bad. We don’t think it’s okay to be weak…We have been injured in many ways and our real self houses all of the evidence of those injuries. The pain, the brokenness and the emotional underdevelopment we all possess is part of who we really are.

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    Perhaps there is nothing wrong with being childish and naïve. Perhaps naivety is simply the unwillingness to learn one’s lesson. It is the decision to speak and live the truth, the beautiful truth of who we are and what we’re capable of, against all odds and in the face of all opposition.

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    So, tomorrow, I'm leaving. And I'm not going to let that happen again with anyone else. I'm going to do what I want to do. I'm going to be who I really am. And I'm going to figure out what that is. But right now I'm here with you. And I want to know where you are, what you need, and what you want to do.

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    The greatest thinkers have attempted to find who we are where we come from and why we are here but the greatest enigmas to me are how your hair is a lasso that captures the stars how your eyes are lakes that drown my doubts and how your skin is the sun bursting all at once. If I knew these answers I’d know everything for you alone contain the entire universe.

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    We are all products of our environment; every person we meet, every new experience or adventure, every book we read, touches and changes us, making us the unique being we are.

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    We can't act until we know who we are and what we believe.

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    We are who we are in large part because of where we are and when we are. But lives of courage and consequence remap the locus of spirit and possibility for generations to come.

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    Who you essentially are—the reason why you were put on this earth—is what you never grow tired of being.

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    We've been dead for thousands and thousands of years. Dead or sleeping, depends on how you feel about it at any given moment. But that's okay. The trouble starts when you are born, then everything becomes taxing and temporary. When they pulled us into awareness, they killed us. Then we get saddled with a seven minute relay, at best. A soft limbo that's only palliative and comforting in theory. A momentary respite that's a cosmic joke of course and still resented by the divine. A petty haggling of which we weren't even a part of. When forced into an existence, we turned into the ward of all that breathes, subjected to the known universe, and though always partial to the unknown, which wasn't really found and never understood, is lost to us.

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    What matters most is not 'what' you are, but 'who' you are.

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    You're never to old to be young

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    You and I... we are One. We are the waves on this cosmic sea called Love. And as the waves roll in, so do we for we are the waves, we are the Love. And when the waves roll out, so do we, for we are the Love, we are the waves. But fear not for we are not just the waves, we are the sea. This sea; that is Love. You see my sweet heart, there's no separation whatsoever between the waves and the sea, between coming and going (when perceived from our totality). We always are the sea. We are 'the' Love. We are this sea that is Love. So let us surrender. Let us surrender to Love. For Love; it truly is what we are... we are the sea, this sea called Love.

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    You certainly believe in the power of love. And throughout the series, you see how love shows itself in ways that mirror the best of who we are.

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    And we're being attacked because of what we do, not because of who we are. And by refusing to talk about that, I'm afraid the American people, at least, don't have a good idea of just how dangerous the threat is that we face.

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    All of life is an announcement of who we are. The only question is whether this proclamation will be made by choice or by chance.

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    As we develop new beliefs about who we are, our behavior will change to support the new identity.

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    Don't go to eighth grade...don't talk about something old...don't bring up old memories that have nothing to do with who we are now. THIS is all that matters! TODAY.

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    Because we are not separate and we are a strand in the web of this existence, there is nothing about us - which includes who we are and what we do - that is not happening perfectly.

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    Both within the family and without, our sisters hold up our mirrors: our images of who we are and of who we can dare to become.

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    Buddhism is the study of changing who we are, modifying or perhaps totally restructuring ourselves as perceivers.

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    But we all make mistakes. It’s how we fix them that makes us who we are.

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    But we don't have a right to force anyone to abandon their faith. It is one of the foundational commitments of who we are as Americans to respect diversity.

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    Darwin matters because evolution matters. Evolution matters because science matters. Science matters because it is the preeminent story of our age, an epic saga about who we are, where we came from and where we are going.

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    Every thought, emotion, and action is a statement about who we are, and who we are becoming. Why not make this statement 'On Purpose'?

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    Feelings and thoughts do not define who we are; they are just part of the weather of our inner world.

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    Football isn't who we are, it doesn't necessarily define us. It's part of our life and it always will be, but football won't define us. Excellence does.

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    For a long time, we assume we know who we are, until the moment we fully realize who that is; in that moment, identity is no longer predictable, but rather takes the form of a truth that, like any other, can become a sentence with no more than a change of perspective.

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    God's revelation is in the gospel not only reveals who He is, but it also reveals who we are.

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    God sees with utter clarity who we are. He is undeceived as to our warts and wickedness. But when God looks at us that is not all He sees. He also sees who we are intended to be, who we will one day become.

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    Healing is the rediscovery of who we are and who we have always been.

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    Everything that happens to us is a reflection of who we are.

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    I have the belief that we are all created to be unique. We are supposed to be different and do those things that made us who we are.

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    How we treat others will determine how others treat us, and how others treat us will determine who we are.

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    If life is to have meaning, and if God's will is to be done, all of us have to accept who we are and what we are, give it back to God, and thank Him for the way He made us. What I am is God's gift to me; what I do with it is my gift to Him.

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    In general, costumes are the first thing in life that let other people know who we are. They indicate who the person is without saying anything.

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    I think it's the tragedy of our time that we're not aware of the affect of the manner in which we've adopted tools. Those tools have become who we are.

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    It is not so much what we say or do that educates; what really educates is who we are.

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    It is only our deeds that reveal who we are.

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    It just doesn't occur to an American that someone else will solve their problems. Americans take pride in solving problems for themselves. And if we fail, we get back up and try again. It's what we do. It's who we are.

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    It’s not good enough to imitate the models proposed for us that are answers to circumstances other than our own. It isn’t even enough to discover who we are. We have to invent ourselves.

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    It's our flaws who make us who we are.

    • who we are quotes
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    It takes a lot of bravery to be authentic and honest and to take that social mask off in order to connect with another human being. So much of what makes us who we are is smoothed away online. And what truly connects us is the wrinkles, not the smoothness.

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    It would be pretty impossible for us to separate our personal and professional lives, because so much of what we do comes from how we were raised and what we share and who we are.

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    I've always been a big believer in the power of place. I believe that where we are affects who we are when it comes to happiness, spirituality, economics and creative genius.

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    Knowledge is important, but only if we're being kind and gentle with ourselves as we work to discover who we are.