Best 83 quotes in «toys quotes» category

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    The streets are a poor kid’s PlayStation™

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    The toys can help in the battle." "Mother Ginger? I doubt it!" "Never underestimate the value of a mother in wartime. She has the most to fight for.

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    This is an odd one. You have one country in the world where a word has a deeper meaning, it can really mess with design plans. ...But we have a difficult situation here so I guess we'll be looking at putting different sound chips in the dolls heading there [Britain].

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    This is a perfect example of how entirely out of hand the women in this country have gotten. You act like men aren't anything more than extraneous amusements, little toys to keep you entertained.

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    Toys can be anything; children can play all morning with a stone and a plastic bucket. It is about how imaginative conductive and how many applicative possibilities toys offer.

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    Toys were at the bottom of my parents’ priority list, and “Money doesn’t grow on trees” was the mantra most frequently heard around the house. Most of the toys Bill and I had were hand-me-downs or gifts we received for Christmas, or on our birthday. I can pretty much remember every toy I ever got, but that’s just the way it was. I do not believe that the lack of toys indicated a lack of love, but rather indicated where my parents were financially. However, having said that, North Germans such as my parents tended to be cold by nature, which was in sharp contrast to the South Germans, who loved to sing, make love and dance. The North Germans tended to look down on the South Germans, considering them frivolous and lazy. It seemed to me that most of the people from North Germany were very clandestine and anyone outside of our circle was suspect, and considered to be Schmeir Hammel, a slimy, castrated ram. My brother and I were frequently reminded to keep to ourselves and not make friends. Above all, we were told that ein Vogel beschmutzt sein eigenes nest nicht, meaning that a bird does not dirty its own nest. What it really meant was that you don’t talk to others about what happens within the family!” !

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    Bath toys are reserved only for the oldest, more lethal vampires.

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    We live through the belief of children...Regicide is suicide, citizens. Inscribe that in your hearts. The Great Pretend is a fragile construct.

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    We're a society of brats, fighting over the same toys. That, for me, is the closest we come to be inherently evil as a people. It leads to selfishness, inflexibility, and impatience -- among so many other traits that are ugly and harmful. We're combative, competitive, petty, and suffer from one fatal flaw that I can never get my head around. We recognize behavior in others that makes us insane, while turning right around and doing the exact thing to someone else.

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    All play and no work makes Jack a mere toy.

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    To live for the hope of something isn’t really living at all, and so, like a child putting away its toys and picking up a tool, he marched to Lyca’s bathroom, to shower off the stench of failure, soap up the death of hope, then wash away the ashes of his love for Daphne.

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    Dogmas are the toys that amuse and can satisfy but unreasoning children. They are the offspring of human speculation and prejudiced fancy.

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    Do you have any toy train schedules?

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    If you didn't believe in objective truth, arguments would be just toys, or games, or jokes.

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    Always remember that true happiness is not in getting what you want, but wanting what you already have. He who dies with the most toys is still dead. What is wanted is not the will to believe, but the will to find out, which is the exact opposite.

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    Financial Security is not enough money to buy toys. That is to learn to live with less money than you earn. So, you can help other individuals or investors. You are not a winner until done it

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    Haruhi: Whaddaya think I am?! The Twins: To us? Why that's obvious-- a toy!

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    If little else, the brain is an educational toy.

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    Be it whim or emergency, the modern laboratory is equally at the service of romance, equally ready to gratify mankind with a torpedo or a toy.

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    I always kinda liked our attic ghost. When I was a kid, I used to go up there and read stories to it. Show it my new toys. It's just an old spirit stuck between the worlds, right? What's to be scared of?"" ~Vic

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    I have a lot of cooking tools. In fact I have a whole drawer full of knives. Cooking tools, especially cutlery, are my toys.

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    I'm like a stuffed toy. You've never met me, but if you did, you'd just want to take me home and put me in your child's room.

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    I grew up in Scotland in the 1970s. There was not much money. The most popular Christmas toy was probably a potato.

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    If you put a baseball and other toys in front of a baby, he'll pick up a baseball in preference to the others.

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    I kinda see my current position like this: Here's your five minutes in the toy store, so you gotta do all the good movies you can before 'Chuck Woolery' rings the bell.

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    It has not been for nothing that the word has remained man's principal toy and tool: without the meanings and values it sustains, all man's other tools would be worthless.

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    In this era of affluence and of permissiveness, we have, in all but cultural areas, bred a nation of overprivileged youngsters, saturated with vitamins, television and plastic toys.

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    One time my mom tried to send me to my room for a time-out when I was 5 or 6, and I was like, "Fine! I like my room! All my imagination and toys are in my room!" I will never forget that. And she will never forget that.

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    I used to lie awake as a child and get more entertainment and terror out of blank walls and plain furniture than most children could find in a toy-store.

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    I want to have a little toy version of Morgana. I can then show it to my grandchildren one day. So I can say I used to have a waist.

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    Keep your vampire mitts off me. I'm not your friggin' blood toy.

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    Society is doing a great deal for the workingman, for the lower classes; but it seems to me, sometimes, as if it formed associations to obtain for them toys, and then formed other associations to teach them to play with them.

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    Other kids would take their parents to the toy store and I'd take my mom to the record store.

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    No toys in the fish tank

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    Playtime and toys are good for kids, or they wouldn't buy them. McDonald's can provide that experience. And having dinner with the family is good for kids.

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    Primarily I'm a meat man, although once in a while I toy with a few vegetables.

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    Something like 'Alien,' that was not so easy. If there's any genre I wouldn't mind not having to do anymore, it would be science fiction. It's just all to do with the toys, and there's so much hanging around.

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    Usually, if you smile at them and show some interest in the toy, they will give it to you. That's a straight up Democrat move!

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    The web is more a social creation than a technical one. I designed it for a social effect - to help people work together - and not as a technical toy.

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    Waves are toys from God.

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    Their toys are alive and can sometimes come to their aid, or get lost and Olie has to find them. They go to other planets. They go to the ice cream planet.

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    Welcome to the island of misfit toys.

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    They [zebras] looked like highly varnished animated toys.

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    We are all youthful barbarians, and only our new toys bring us excitement. That has been the sole purpose of our flights. This one flies higher, that one faster. But now we will make ourselves at home. We will forget the machine, the tool. It is no longer complex; it does what it is supposed to do, unnoticed. And through this tool we will find again the old nature, the nature of the gardener, the navigator, the poet.

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    When I was a beggarly boy, And lived in a cellar damp, I had not a friend nor a toy, But I had Aladdin's lamp.

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    What I have got from my childhood aren't toys, but memories. And happy memories are better than any toy.

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    When I was 8, I got a little toy propeller plane: You could turn it on and the people disappeared from the little windows and stewardesses appeared, and it ran along the ground.

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    Yes, during the pilot, they gave me a little toy from the shop. It's like three little moose in a boat, paddling. It's very cute. And I got to keep some of the clothes.

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    You don't choose your family. They are God's gift to you.- Desmond Tutu In the end, kids won't remember that fancy toy or game you bought for them, they will remember the time you spent with them.

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    Who buys a minute's mirth to wail a week? Or sell eternity to get a toy? For one grape who will the vine destroy?