Best 94 quotes in «date quotes» category

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    It's delicious,’ he announces, chewing my sandwich. 'I would like to stay here forever and die with you in my arms.' 'I don't know. I think it's too cold for forever,' I say, smiling.

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    It seems like it's my night with Becky tonight, she's down in the dumps because of Adam." "The quarterback who wants to bang you?" I shook my head. He knew exactly who Adam was. "Yes, she likes him." He grimaced. "She could have better taste in men." "You want her to go after you instead?" His eyes got wide. "You should encourage those two to date.

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    "Was it okay?" he asked. I smiled. "Better than okay." "So I won my pass to date two?" "You did." "Good" His face lowered toward mine and I knew what was coming. I knew it. But when his lips touched mine, I still jumped. "S-sorry, I—I" "Skittish as a cat," he murmured.

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    I weave through LA's famous Farmers Market, which is really more of an outdoor food court, and now I'm a few minutes late. And the place is packed and there's still the uncertainty about where to meet when I look down and realize I'm wearing yellow pants. Yellow pants. Really? Sometimes I don't know what I'm thinking. They're rolled at the cuff and paired with a navy polo and it looks like maybe I just yacht my yacht, and I'm certain to come off as an asshole. I thin about canceling, or at least delaying so I can go home and change, but the effort that would require is unappealing, and this date is mostly for distraction. And when I round the last stall--someone selling enormous eggplants, more round than oblong, I see him, casually leaning against a wall, and something inside my body says there you are. 'There you are.' I don't understand them, these words, because they seem too deep and too soulful to attach to the Farmers Market, this Starbucks or that, a frozen yogurt place, or confusion over where to meet a stranger. They're straining to define a feeling of stunning comfort that drips over me, as if a water balloon burst over my head on the hottest of summer days. My knees don't buckle, my heart doesn't skip, but I'm awash in the warmth of a valium-like hug. Except I haven't taken a Valium. Not since the night of Lily's death. Yet here is this warm hug that makes me feel safe with this person, this Byron the maybe-poet, and I want it to stop. This--whatever this feeling is--can't be a real feeling, this can't be a tangible connection. This is just a man leaning against a stall that sells giant eggplants. But I no longer have time to worry about what this feeling is, whether I should or shouldn't be her, or should or should't be wearing yellow pants, because there are only maybe three perfect seconds where I see him and he has yet to spot me. Three perfect seconds to enjoy the calm that has so long eluded me. 'There you are.' And then he casually lifts his head and turns my way and uses one foot to push himself off the wall he is leaning agains. We lock eyes and he smiles with recognition and there's a disarming kindness to his face and suddenly I'm standing in front of him. 'There you are.' It comes out of my mouth before I can stop it and it's all I can do to steer the words in a more playfully casual direction so he isn't saddled with the importance I've placed on them. I think it comes off okay, but, as I know from my time at sea, sometimes big ships turn slowly. Byron chuckles and gives a little pump of his fist. 'YES! IT'S! ALL! HAPPENING! FOR! US!' I want to stop in my tracks, but I'm already leaning in for a hug, and he comes the rest of the way, and the warm embrace of seeing him standing there is now an actual embrace, and it is no less sincere. He must feel me gripping him tightly, because he asks, 'Is everything okay?' No. 'Yes, everything is great, it's just...' I play it back in my head what he said, the way in which he said it, and the enthusiasm which only a month had gone silent. 'You reminded me of someone is all.' 'Hopefully in a good way.' I smile but it takes just a minute to speak. 'In the best possible way.' I don't break the hug first, but maybe at the same time, this is a step. jenny will be proud. I look in his eyes, which I expect to be brown like Lily's but instead are deep blue like the waters lapping calmly against the outboard sides of 'Fishful Thinking.' 'Is frozen yogurt okay?' 'Frozen yogurt is perfect.

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    I write our names on the page. What of it, if the paper will be burned? I write our names in the sand. What of it, if the shore will be washed by waves? I write our names on trees that will be cut and benches that will be painted, but what of it? I will keep on writing our names because in this world of ephemera, You and I are the only constant.

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    Lucia opened the door. "They say not to discuss politics and religion on the first date." “Well, then.” I gave her a huge smile. “We’re screwed.

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    Make sure you date someone who always makes you want to dance, with or without music.

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    Many a woman would not be in a relationship with or married to her man, if he earned half of what he earns; and many a man would not be in a relationship with or married to his woman, if he earned twice as much as he earns.

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    My first kiss I regret. My first date I regret. But I do not regret the choice to say I love you for the first time. Even though that was the melodramatic story. Even though that one ended badly. I don’t regret it. Because that time ... that night, I was myself. I found my feelings and honored them. I loved myself enough to trust what I felt and say what I needed to say. And I chose to be myself. I was present as I delivered my awkward speech and felt each pound of my beating heart. I had never been more of myself than in that moment.

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    Never go on a date unarmed.” Words of wisdom from my father. Well, my foster father. I was an orphan, of course. The best kings always are.

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    Old-fashioned dating still exists. You’re either dating the wrong people or you are the problem.

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    Pops: How about you finish this sentence for me, Jason? When a girl says no she means... Justin, looking desperately at me: No? Nana: Are you sure? Justin, shifting uncomfortably: I'm sure. No means no. Nana: Well look at you. You got one right. Now here's another, even tougher sentence for you to finish. Premarital sex is... Me: Nana! I'm so sorry Justin. Nana: Unlike Pops, I'm not moving on. Justin? Pops: His name is Jason. Justin:Uh....uh.... Pops: While you think about that, why don't you tell me how you feel about drinking and driving? Justin: I'm totally against it, I swear! Nana: Methinks he protests too much.

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    Poverty does not always prevent a rich person from dating someone who is poor, unless the man is the one who is poor.

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    Some men are dogs; some dogs are women.

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    Some people are each holding on to a lover of theirs who no longer loves them and/or who they no longer love, only because they do not want to have a reason or another reason to be jealous of the person who would eventually be their lover if they let go of them.

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    Some people love but will never marry each other. Some are married to but have never loved and will never love each other.

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    Some people will hate you for not loving them.

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    Thanks for driving me home, Mason. And for dinner. And…everything.” “You’re welcome.” His hand cupped my shoulder, his face in the shadows. “Was this a date?” “No.” His smile was a slash of white in the darkness. “Then you’re not expecting me to kiss you good-night.” “No.” I smiled back. “Too bad.

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    The day I fall in love with you for real will be the same day they open up a ski resort in Hell.” “Splendid. That can be our first date.” He flashed me a grin which, even in the dark, managed to sparkle.

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    The vacancy in your heart doesn't connotes that nobody is seeking for the job of servicing your feelings, but because the employee must first have all the necessary credentials needed for the job.

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    This is a special date but that was a special time

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    To ask a man whether or not he has a girlfriend is to talk about his sex life. If you disagree with that, then how in the name of God do you differentiate between a man’s girlfriend and a girl that is a friend to the man?

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    To lovers out there…. When your on top you need someone who will honestly celebrate your success with you. When you fall , fail and your down you need someone who will hold you, comfort you and someone who will lift your spirit up. Being alone is not always an option. At the end of the day. You need someone to be there for you non matter your bank balance or status in life.

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    To lovers out there... Women with toys, don't have time for man and don't care about men. Now men are getting their own toy. They won't have time for other women or care about them. In this technological century we leave in were people are being replaced by robots, because people don't want to feel anymore. Were People are trying so hard avoid catching feelings for someone. Be thankful if there is someone out there, who cares on how you feel, who loves you and want to be part of you.

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    Totsuka was just so nice, it made me want to decide on our children's names together.

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    Trent, is this a date?" He didn't reach for the key still in the ignition. "You never told me how your car got impounded." "Is this a date?" I asked again, more stridently. Silent, he sat there, his hands on the wheel as he stared at the front door and the neon bowling pins flashing on and off. "I want it to be.

    • date quotes
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    Trying to make a date by using Mushrooms. (Channel Zero Season 1 Episode 4)

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    Joshua se quedó asombrado. Pero no tan asombrado como yo por lo que acababa de decir. No hacía ni veinte horas que había plantado a Sven en el altar, ¿y ya quería salir con un tío sólo para verle reír?

    • date quotes
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    Lies have expiry date, but truth will last longer.

    • date quotes
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    Many a woman is in a relationship with or married to her man not because she loves him but only because she likes men like him.

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    May I kiss you?” Finally. “Yes.” He smiled as he threaded his fingers through my hair. Carefully, he leaned forward and kissed my forehead. His mouth was warm and gentle against my skin, but it wasn’t enough. “Please tell me that wasn’t what you meant.” He laughed softly. “There’s more.” He kissed my cheek, my jaw, and hovered a fraction above my mouth. I ached for his kiss, and when the waiting stretched too long, I closed the distance. He took over, which was just as well, because I forgot where I was or the time or my name. The only thing in the world was his mouth. That kiss. Us.

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    Most women sell sex; most of them just don’t take cash (nor do they each sell to more than one ‘client’ at a time).

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    My dear, please be careful. You no longer live only for yourself. You live for me as well.

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    My last girlfriend was a Showgirl - But we eventually broke up because she wouldn't Tell me anything. Now I'm dating a girl who looks exactly like my grandma, only my girl older. -James Lee Schmidt and Jarod Kintz

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    One of the reasons God did not make a lover for Himself when He made one for Adam is because He knew that fewer people would take Him seriously once He had an ex.

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    Peace that is bought will reach its expiry even before the date printed on the flap.

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    Some activities may look attractive, but you don’t have any business dating them, else they break you up. It may be good, but not right. Flee from good things and do right things!

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    Some people would have killed themselves and/or someone else if they were single; and some people would not have done that.

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    Some women would not cheat, and some would not have cheated, had they each married a man whom they love … or at least like.

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    Some women have kissed—and some are kissing—a lot of frogs, even though the very first man that they have each kissed was and is still a prince.

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    Taken from the dedication in my debut novel Exactly 23 days. To honour all women on International Women's day. For women everywhere: When you know you are finally mended, spread the word, hold out your hand, share some love from your heart and some laughter from your soul and be there for a new member of the sisterhood who needs your help. Let's all help our sisters worldwide to stand tall and know, they can and they will recover, survive and thrive, to live the life they deserve. To all the sisters who reached out and held my hand in whatever way you could, who cried my tears with me, and laughter my laughter too, I thank every one of you. I survived.

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    Taking good care of your husband or wife is the best way to thank their parent or parents for having taken good care of them.

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    The most beautiful is to see the joy in your eyes.

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    There’s this fancy restaurant nearby with a nice view of the water. The Alchemist and Barrister, they call it. I’ve always thought the place looked nice. Since I don’t eat regular food or go on dates, I’v never been there. I’d like to make an exception and take you there on Saturday night. That is, if you’d like.

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    To lovers there. Most ladies the reason they are dumped and their relationship doesn't last is they made themselves to become a want than a need in a relationship.

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    Until yesterday, had someone even suggested that she go out with a guy with his past, she would have laughed aloud or - more likely - been offended. She should have simply said good-bye after he'd walked her to her car last night. The very Idea of the two of them going out today was absurd, and yet. . . she had asked him, and she had trouble remembering exactly how that had happened or what she'd been thinking. And yet, Colin was. . . magnetic

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    When I opened the door, Andrew was standing there like a remedy for heart palpitations. Or maybe he made them worse. It was hard to tell.

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    We kissed for two hours. Eventually, I led him into my bedroom and pulled off both of our shirts. He stopped me. "This might sound weird; it's not typical guy response." I froze, suddenly awkward. "I mean, if I didn't feel the way I do with you I would be all for it, but I kind of think maybe it would be good to wait. I've rushed into sex, and had it be a mistake." He shrugged apologetically. "I mean, if it's safe to assume you are experiencing the same date that I am, then I think we will have time." I was a little flabbergasted and more than a little embarrassed. How could I explain that the idea sounded like a huge relief to me, that I didn't quite understand where the impulse to start taking my clothes off came from? I had had the same experience. I rarely enjoyed first-time sex with partners, largely because I usually did it before I really knew or trusted them. Here was where the difference between what I knew and did remained wide. The shame I felt wash over me was tinged with that hatred of my own innocence. Was I still so green? So unconfident? Had I gone straight out of the extremity of sex work to the innocence of my adolescence? Where was my self-knowledge? Still, I was relieved. "Of course. I agree totally." I clutched my T-shirt to my chest and smiled at him. "And yes, I am on the same date you are on." "I thought so," he said. "I mean, I don't think you can feel like this when it's not reciprocal." He left at 2:00 A.M. and called me at 11:00 the next morning to schedule our second date.

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    We sometimes fall in love at last sight.

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    We think we like or love some people until we see them regularly.