Best 18 quotes in «concert quotes» category

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    Brian came in heavy at that moment on his guitar, the rapid, high-pitched squeal ranging back and forth as his fingers flew along the frets. As the intro's tempo grew more rapid, Bekka heard Derek's subtle bass line as it worked its way in. After another few seconds Will came in, slow at first, but racing along to match the others' pace. When their combined efforts seemed unable to get any heavier, David jumped into the mix. As the sound got nice and heavy, Bekka began to rock back-and-forth onstage. In front of her, hundreds of metal-lovers began to jump and gyrate to their music. She matched their movements for a moment, enjoying the connection that was being made, before stepping over to the keyboard that had been set up behind her. Sliding her microphone into an attached cradle, she assumed her position and got ready. Right on cue, all the others stopped playing, throwing the auditorium into an abrupt silence. Before the crowd could react, however, Bekka's fingers began to work the keys, issuing a rhythm that was much softer and slower than what had been built up. The audience's violent thrash-dance calmed at that moment and they began to sway in response. Bekka smiled to herself. This is what she lived for.

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    And I do, god, how I do love playing live, it's the most primal form of energy release you can share with other people besides having sex or taking drugs. So if you see a good live show on drugs and then later that evening have sex, you're basically covered all the bases of energy release, and we all need to let off steam. It's easier and safer than protesting abortion clinics or praising God or wanting to hurt your brother; so go to a show, dance around a bit and copulate.

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    Our eyes met and locked as the song came to a halt, followed by a screaming conclusion from the crowd, girls around us pressing me into the stage, forcing all the air out of my lungs, but I’d forgotten about doing anything so basic as breathing.

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    I have the right to remain violente. Everything I say can and will be used against you.

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    It was a crypt where music played to masses of the dead, and McJagger was their desolate pharaoh, a walking mummified king. I remembered it well.

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    Music is the fastest motivator in the world.

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    Music doesn't get in. Music is already in. Music simply uncovers what is there, makes you feel emotions that you didn't necessarily know you had inside you, and runs around waking them all up. A rebirth of sorts.

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    It's not a concert you are seeing, it's a fashion show.

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    It tugs at me, filling me with the kind of seasick nostalgia that can hit you in the gut when you find an old concert ticket in your purse or an old coin machine ring you got down at the boardwalk on a day when you went searching for mermaids in the surf with your best friend. That punch of nostalgia hits me now and I start to sink down on the sky-coloured quilt, feeling the nubby fabric under my fingers, familiar as the topography of my hand.

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    Ticketmaster saying that their fee is a "convenience" is like a rapist calling his raping a "favor

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    Sunetele clădeau geometria solida a unor oraşe albe inundate de o lumină egală, ce se difuza repetat. Prin acele cetăţi minunate trecea radioasă. Portativul era un amfiteatru feeric pe care se proiecta arhitectura marmoreeană a palatelor. Pe temelia coardelor notele punctau desenul grădinilor, arpegiile curbau colinele şi din cheia de sol căderi de apă trimiteau un şipot fluid sau numai o pânză de răcoare, un păianjen vaporos ca răsfirarea fină a unui jet d`eau. Apoi seara cădea în acorduri minore peste cetăţi. Ritmul cu frază largă sau şoapta minuţioasă a lui Bach nu părăseau niciun moment o idee gravă, o emoţie concentrată, cu desenul tras sigur printre meandrele armonioase. Sunetele scoteau reliefurile unor efigii nobile, şi modulaţiile aveau sugestii virtuoase. Se înălţau rugăciunile simple ale unor iubiri fără duplicitate cu ascensiune senină; iubiri înălţate de un suflet victorios, dar fără de fast şi vanitate, trecând peste obstacole de măiestria sufletească. Şi mereu acea siguranţă care lega cetăţile vizionare ale muzicii una de alta cu un ţărm neîntrerupt şi lin. Hortensia Papadat-Bengescu "CONCERT DIN MUZICĂ DE BACH

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    The bravest thing David Bowie ever did was to go on stage after Queen at Live Aid.

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    The gig ends and my friends appear out of the glue.

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    when you come to a show do you feel the same thing that i feel when i’m on that stage? i mean, i know you’re not standing on the stage… but surely you can feel the same energy that i’m feeling, to some degree. it’s so much more powerful than all the trivial nonsense that people chalk our band up to be. it means something great and it feels empowering. it’s the grace of knowing that we can all totally suck and be a little messed up and then stand in a room with thousands of other people who are exactly the same way, no matter how dressed up they look on the outside, and we can be broken all the same.

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    We sometimes take photos (or record a video) so that we can later see what was happening while we were busy taking photos (or recording a video).

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    What is so unique about coaching female business executives is the fact they approach taking executive business decisions the same way they approach matching two pieces of cloths they will wear going to a cocktail party or to a classic concert . To my surprise this turned to be something that teaches me deeper business dimensions male executives are not privileged with.

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    When I was your age, I would go to plays all the time, just sit in the darkness and try to take it all in inside me. Contain everything in some corner of my heart so that when I had my shot, it could all come pouring out - all the lights and moments and colour.

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    Whenever you're done reading the chapter," he held uo his hands like take your time, "we'll start the concert." With a quick flip of my wrist I gave him the middle finger. He threw his head back and laughed. I looked up at Hawkins, who locked eyes with mine as he sang, "Love in an elevator, lovin' it up, til I hit the ground.

    • concert quotes