Best 205 quotes in «beginning quotes» category

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    Congratulate yourself as a good beginner. Feel proud of God for choosing you to begin the work at hand. Accept the work freely and get started. Be grateful.

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    Courage provides you with two qualities; the capability to begin something and the ability to endure it to the end! Let no one stop you from sparking your life with courage!

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    Cualquiera que conociese a Violet se hubiera dado cuenta de que estaba pensando intensamente, porque llevaba la larga melena recogida con una cinta para que no se le metiera en los ojos. Violet tenía el don de inventar y construir extraños aparatos, y su cerebro se veía inundado a menudo con imágenes de poleas, palancas y herramientas, y ella no quería que algo tan trivial como su cabello la distrajese.

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    Cutting my roots and leaving my home and family when I was 18 years old forced me to build my home in other things, like my music, stories and my journey. The last years I have more or less constantly been on my way, on the road, always leaving and never arriving, which also means leaving people. I’ve loved and lost and I have regrets and I miss and no matter how many times you leave, start over, achieve success or travel places it’s other people that matter. People, friends, family, lovers, strangers – they will forever stay with you, even if only through memory. I’ve grown to appreciate people to the deepest core and I’m trying to learn how to tell people what I want to tell them when I have the chance, before it’s too late. …

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    De unde venim? Adevărul e că venim de nicăieri... și de pretutindeni. Apariția noastră se datorează acelorași legi ale fizicii care au creat viața în întregul univers. Nu suntem cu nimic deosebiți. Existăm cu sau fără Dumnezeu. Suntem rezultatul inevitabil al entropiei. Viața nu este unicul rost al universului. Viața este, pur și simplu, ceea ce creează și reproduce universul pentru a disipa energia.

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    Don't be sad because i'm dying, be happy because very second another great human being is born, another great person who gets the chance to do better things than i did.

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    Don't wait for what you don't have. Use what you have, begin now and what you don't even expect will come alongside with excess of what you expect. Go, make it happen.

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    Don’t cluster too much plans to do within a relatively minimum time. As beginner, you must not cut your coat according to your elder brother’s size. Know your limit.

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    Don't rush in order to have things done early. Be prepared before you set off. That's the rule. However, this does not mean that you keep delaying the time for beginning. You must begin by all means! Go, get prepared!

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    Dream big dreams, but start small. A journey of thousand steps begins with a step.

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    En un lugar de la Mancha, de cuyo nombre no quiero acordarme, no ha mucho tiempo que vivía un hidalgo de los de lanza en astillero, adarga antigua, rocín flaco y galgo corredor. Una olla de algo más vaca que carnero, salpicón las más noches, duelos y quebrantos los sábados, lentejas los viernes, algún palomino de añadidura los domingos, conmuían las tres partes de su hacienda. El resto della concluían sayo de velarte, calzas de velludo para las fiestas, con sus pantuflos de los mesmo, y los días de entresemana se honraba con su vellorí de lo más fino.

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    El olor de comida cocinándose es a menudo relajante.

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    Es muy útil, cuando uno es joven, aprender la diferencia entre «literal» y «figurado». Si algo ocurre de forma literal, ocurre realmente; si algo ocurre de forma figurada, es como si estuviese ocurriendo. Si tú estás literalmente volando de alegría, por ejemplo, significa que estás saltando en el aire porque te sientes muy contento. Si, en sentido figurado, estás saltando de alegría, significa que estás tan contento que podrías saltar de alegría, pero que reservas tu energía para otros asuntos.

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    Everybody dies. It’s no risk to lose your life. You knew it was lost from the beginning.

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    Estoy seguro de que en el transcurso de vuestra vida os habréis dado cuenta de que las habitaciones de las personas reflejan su personalidad. En mi habitación, por ejemplo, he reunido una colección de objetos que son importantes para mí, y que incluyen un polvoriento acordeón en el que puedo tocar algunas canciones tristes, un legajo de notas sobre las actividades de los huérfanos Baudelaire y una fotografía borrosa, hecha hace mucho tiempo, de una mujer llamada Beatrice. Son objetos muy valiosos e importantes para mí.

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    Every day is a new beginning to finish something.

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    Every dream is the beginning of a new life in your thoughts..

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    Every good thing begins with one positive thought.

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    Every friend was once a stranger and if you know this, you have to understand that conversations are the beginning of connection

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    Everyone has to start somewhere,' he says, his eyes dark and smoldering, his fingers seeking the scar on my face. The one on my forehead. The one that's hidden under my bangs. The one he has no way of knowing about. 'Even Picasso had a teacher.' He smiles, withdrawing his hand and the warmth that came with it, returning to his painting, as I remind myself to breathe.

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    Existence is the end of endless eternity without a beginning or an end.

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    Everything created has a beginning, Destiny of the everything created has an end.

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    Fathers are the future's keepers, as it was in the beginning when the only begotten Son became Father to Man and the Great Circle of Father to Son; Son to Father began.

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    For those who believe in resurrection, death is inconsequential. It's not an ending but rather a new beginning. A second chance, a reunion. The very idea of resurrection is so seductive a concept it's easy to forget, before you can rise from the dead you have to spend a few days in hell.

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    Find strength in your heartbeat, than weakness with a beat heart. Take each breath as another chance, and love for a new day.

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    First step is the beginning of a change.

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    Fussing over food was important. It gave a shape to the day: breakfast, lunch, dinner; beginning, middle, end.

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    From the very beginning perplexing and wandering from one ocean to another an everlasting wander

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    Getting started is the most difficult thing to do; once you file it out, they rest of the journey is as soft as the straw. Be a good beginner.

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    God has from the beginning, placed in us all the necessary gifts, abilities and talents to have success

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    I believe ... I believe that if there was a start to this, then there has to be an end.

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    God has given every man an opportunity and a chance to re-write his or her story; it is up to you to use a blunt pen or a ball point . I have chosen a ball point and this is just the beginning.

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    He clenched onto her, the way a 3-year-old kid would clench to his doll whenever someone tried to take it away from him. The doll was getting tore a bit every time the kid held it tighter. In the end, when they stopped trying to take it away from him, he looked at it with all the love he had for it. The doll wasn't the same anymore. It had lost all its beauty it had in the beginning. And the kid just wished in silence that if only he could let it go in the beginning.

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    I believe in old age; to work and to grow old: this is what life expects of us. And then one day to be old and still be quite far from understanding everything - no, but to begin, but to love, but to suspect, but to be connected to what is remote and inexpressible, all the way up into the stars. (Letters on Life)

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    How often do you think we write our own ending before the story is even finished? How often do we give up on ourselves when our lives are just starting? Things get hard and we immediately back away and assume that means we’re going in the wrong direction, doing the wrong thing. If anything, when the waters get thick, that’s our sign to keep going.

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    I am Tersa the Weaver, Tersa the Liar, Tersa the Fool.

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    ...and the hermit's spirit detaches itself, ever so gently, and begins its lonely passage upward, to find its final resting place among the stars.

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    I felt a sensation that later in my life was often repeated: the joy of the new.

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    I don't expect congratulations for successful beginning, what I want is the applaud at successful ending.

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    I dread the beginning of her new life more than words can tell, but I see some hope for her if she travels - none if she remains at home.

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    I can’t seem to wipe away the blood. I rub my hands against my nightgown, but traces of the red remain, staining the lines of my palms and the crescents beneath my fingernails. I wipe harder, gathering and bunching the soft cotton inside my fists. The fabric has been slit up the center and for a moment I worry that I’ve been cut, that maybe the blood is my own. I try to ask what’s happening, but there’s a mask over my mouth and nose. Suddenly it hits me—I’m in an ambulance. I don’t remember how I got here.

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    I could say it all began with my mother.

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    I did not know where to begin nor where to end, that's the truth of the matter.

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    I flip through the book, one of his top three, without question, to the last horrifying chapter: ‘A Stronger Loving World'. To the only panel he's circled. Oscar-who never defaced a book in his life-circled one panel three times in the same emphatic pen he used to write his last letters home. The panel where Adrian Veidt and Dr. Manhattan are having their last convo. After the mutant brain has destroyed New York City; after Dr. Manhattan has murdered Rorschach; after Veidt's plan has succeeded in ‘saving the world'. Veidt says: ‘I did the right thing, didn't I? It all worked out in the end'. And Manhattan, before fading from our Universe, replies: ‘In the end? Nothing ends, Adrian. Nothing ever ends'.

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    If you can begin to believe in your own beauty, you can then begin to believe in the beauty of others.

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    If Utopia is not a place, but a people, then we must choose carefully, for the world is about to change, and in our story, Rapture was just the beginning. -Eleanore Lamb

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    If you give chance to the beginning then you will have a destination.

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    I have only to glance over my shoulder for all those years to drop away and I see it behind me again, the ravine, rising all green and black through the saplings, a picture that will never leave me.

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    I have a story to tell you. It has many beginnings, and perhaps one ending. Perhaps not. Beginnings and endings are contingent things anyway; inventions, devices. Where does any story really begin? There is always context, always an encompassingly greater epic, always something before the described events, unless we are to start every story with “BANG! Expand! Sssss…,” then itemize the whole subsequent history of the universe before settling down, at last, to the particular tale in question. Similarly, no ending is final, unless it is the end of all things…

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    I have always been considered a bit of an outsider, and a general failure at everything I put my hand towards. In fact, you might even go so far as to say that I’m a lesser being of great insignificance! I state this because, when writing a story, you should always start the first line off with at least one basic truth. -First lines from the novel Sukiyaki

    • beginning quotes