Best 200 quotes in «release quotes» category

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    Silence can be breathing space and spawn release and wellness in a time of appalling inflation of words. But silence may be intolerably screaming, if it means absence of communication, deficiency in friendship and emotional deficit. (« A gap of silence”)

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    someday we will forget the hardship, and the pain its cause us; we will realise, hurt is not the end. lessons appear to teach us strength, we learn happiness is an inside job and to cure our insanity we must not fear what is to come, but believe in what we've been taught.

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    Sometimes all you know about where you're going is that it's away from where you are.

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    Sometimes I felt I would die by wishing it when I went to sleep but I always woke up again and found I was still there. Every morning finding I'm still me, that's hell." "Well, get out of hell then! The gate's open and I'm holding it!" "I can't. I'm hell, myself.

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    Suicide seemed to me the greatest kind of freedom, a release from everything, from a life that had been ruined a long time ago.

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    There is no place for the resistance to go but to project outwards until you clear it within yourself. When you make the choice to surrender and release judgments you’re able to receive new information from another source for the purpose of growth; in this case for the purpose of growth within the relationship.

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    The hour of our release draws near.

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    The anger welled inside me, with no where to go. I could feel it eating away at me. I knew if i didn't find a way to release it, it would destroy me.

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    The moment we accept our pain is the moment we release our suffering. Suffering is created when we offer life resistance, and what we resist most are the experiences that bring us pain.

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    There is a level of consciousness between sleeping and fully wakening when the worries of the day have not settled upon us; the body is stilled, and the senses wholly receptive. If the sun is bright, there is pure silence, or the birds are beginning to sing, this shining level of consciousness can come to be the nearest we will get to paradise this side of our quietus, Every day should begin so, This is no dream. This is the reality. The world outside is beautiful. We do our best to hide it. We cover it. We push it father back. The ugliness we make ourselves. We originate our own worries. We put on our own shackles; build our prisons. We can only glimpse the golden reality, briefly, through our tiny barred windows.

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    The way you engage someone's pain either reinforces their pain or helps to release it.

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    To ease the pain, erase the anger.

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    Three, 300, or 3,000 - these are the number of unknown days, each far too little and yet too much at the same time, to see an irrevocably declined loved one languish and suffer, with that bittersweet release lingering in the doorway, but never quite being sent all the way in, to comfort and carry our loved one to that Better Place.” ― Connie Kerbs

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    To be or not to be, fucked up on whiskey, that is the question.

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    To get, simply release, and then gently invite.

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    We cannot lose the battle, if we release our faith knowing that God can do a miracle

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    Tracey hurriedly shut the door behind her to prevent the flames that had been licking hungrily at her caboose all the way down the corridor, from following her inside. Then, almost falling into one of the gravity couches, she hurriedly strapped herself into it before punching the emergency release. She hoped the escape system still worked. It did. The explosive dead-bolts fired, shaking the pod loose, dislodging it from the rapidly disintegrating wreck, just about shaking the crap out of her on its bone-jarring way into the great wide open.

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    Try to forgive by trying to understand how it would feel to be in the other’s shoes. If someone hurts you – ask them - “What hurts you so much that you would do this?” Listen to the answer and try to understand what is valid for them. They may have been fighting for your attention, but no one thinks of themselves as attackers, only defenders! So don’t judge their ways, only set them free by giving them a chance to speak. You may both learn a lot from your kindness and courage in asking for the truth. But even if nothing changes, release it, remember that you both have a right to be who you choose to be. When we make judgements we're inevitably acting on limited knowledge, so ask if you seek to understand, or simply let them be!

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    We all have potential, but only few o fus can release it, for some reasons: lack of knowledge or commitment.

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    When you find out the field you were gifted, what you were created for, you will not have to work hard and sweat it out

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    We need to cease allowing the past to define us. We are evolving as a human race, and just because war and aggressive competition has always been a part of our heritage, that doesn’t mean we are forever destined to war and engage in aggressive competition. We are moving forward to a time when the heart will guide us. We once had to fight to survive, and some still do. Yet now it is time to lay down our weapons and open our hearts to the expansive potential of human compassion and creativity. Where our attention goes, energy flows. Do we continue to focus on opposition and give it our energy? Or do we begin to focus our energy on our own authentic freedom to shine and help to illuminate the world? The choice is ours. There are no mistakes – you are exactly where you need to be, and you were born with the precise gifts needed to transform a dying world into a thriving planet.

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    With the consumer Internet, if you're not embarrassed by your first product release, you've launched too late. Everyone wants their product to be shiny, great, and revolutionary, so they take too long in the development cycle to build this really shiny thing, when in fact time really matters.

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    When you release yourself from the need for approval and control you can stop punishing yourself and others.

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    With his release imminent, Knight seems more unsettled than ever. He scratches furiously at his knees. Jail, he's realized, might not be all bad. There's routine and order in jail, and he's able to click into a survival mode that is not too dissimilar, in terms of steeliness of mental state, to the one he'd perfected during winters in the woods. "I'm surrounded in here by less than desirable people," he says, "but at least I wasn't thrown into the waters of society and expected to swim.

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    When you release the negative experiences that are behind you, it makes room for love to move in. It’s as easy as a decision. God is patiently waiting for your reply.

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    You got lost on your journey somewhere." "That's what everyone says who never bothered to go on a journey in the first place.

    • release quotes
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    Writing is a beautiful way to let out pain. When you put your story out there, you release it. Once it is no longer buried or stuck within you, you are free to move forward.

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    After 30 novels, release day is still a thrill. Its always a little bittersweet, too.

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    You release the pain of the past and press on. It's a new day, and God is doing a new thing. He wants to take you to a new place, to transform you into a new person.

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    A courageous warrior knows that she is powerfully sourced by something much greater than herself and that she can release the judgments of others.

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    Actually, after the release of the Bond film, the producers came back to me to offer me another one, but I didn't have any juice left for an immediate encore.

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    A basic rule of life for reporters is that you should spend your time talking with and learning about people who are not sending you press releases, rather than those who are.

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    A consciousness of God releases the greatest power of all.

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    Anytime you make a movie, the goal is a wide theatrical release, with the right distributor.

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    Art is for the artist is only suffering through which he releases himself for further suffering.

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    As a writer, there are times when you have something to say, and yet no particular “hook” upon which to hang the missive you are burning to release.

    • release quotes
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    Being alone has a power over me that never fails. My interior dissolves (for the time being only superficially) and is ready to release what lies deeper. When I am willfully alone, a slight ordering of my interior begins to take place and I need nothing more.

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    A new release of Plan 9 happened in June, and at about the same time a new release of the Inferno system, which began here, was announced by Vita Nuova.

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    Focus on being grateful for what you have already .. enjoy it!! Then release into the universe. The universe will manifest it.

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    Footballers are kept in such a bubble that horse racing is a release.

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    For some folks death is release, and for others death is an abomination, a terrible thing. But in the end, I'm there for all of them.

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    Friendships aren't perfect and yet they are very precious. For me, not expecting perfection all in one place was a great release.

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    As one California winemaker said, "We release no wine before the bank tells us that its ready.

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    Before I had my daughter I actually wanted to do something that I could put out for free, like a mixtape, but it wasn't going to really be a mixtape, it was just going to be songs that I wrote and release for free.

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    Belief releases creative powers.

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    Both sides were supposed to release all their prisoners, those were unconditional. There was some prisoner release that took place but it's not been satisfactory.

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    Comedy Central was really impressed by how quickly we got everyone to sign the releases for the CD. They've never seen anything that quick.

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    Contemporary bands often will do tour-only releases pressed and sold only in Australia. Crikey!

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    Console game publishing has become more like theatrical release film-making and it is very hard if you are not one of the major publishers, and even for them it is hard unless they are working with major game brands.

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    Control me...release me...forget about me.