Best 103 quotes in «measurement quotes» category

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    Golf is not, on the whole, a game for realists. By its exactitudes of measurements it invites the attention of perfectionists.

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    Grades don't measure anything other than your relevant obedience to a manager.

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    I belong to those theoreticians who know by direct observation what it means to make a measurement. Methinks it were better if there were more of them.

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    However far apart we pull two entagled particles, they remain 'connected' through their common wavelength function.  Their fates remain intertwined until a measurement is made on one of them, collapsing their common wavelength function.

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    I don't tell everyone my life history because if everyone knows your inside-leg measurement, how can you surprise them?

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    In the measurement world, we set a goal and strive to achieve it. In the universe of possibility, we set the context and let life unfold.

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    I am learning to live close to the lives of my friends without ever seeing them. No miles of any measurement can separate your soul from mine.

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    In business, the idea of measuring what you are doing, picking the measurements that count like customer satisfaction and performance... you thrive on that.

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    It is really just as bad technique to make a measurement more accurately than is necessary as it is to make it not accurately enough.

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    I often say that when you can measure what you are speaking about, and express it in numbers, you know something about it; but when you cannot measure it, when you cannot express it in numbers, your knowledge is of a meagre and unsatisfactory kind.

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    It is a real issue, a measurement of our society, when we say it's fine to destroy unborn life who has a heartbeat at 16 days post-conception.

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    Kinship among nations is not determined in such measurements as proximity of size and age.

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    Our universe is not a 'was' or a 'will be' system. It is an 'is' system vibrating within the 'now' measurement of time.

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    Modern science is predicated on "truths" verified through accurate observation and measurements of physical world phenomena.

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    Once in a rare while, somebody comes along who doesn't just raise the bar, they create an entirely new standard of measurement.

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    Let the sky and God be our limit and Eternity our measurement.

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    Medical statistics will be our standard of measurement: we will weigh life for life and see where the dead lie thicker, among the workers or among the privileged.

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    No effect that requires more than 10 percent accuracy in measurement is worth investigating.

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    One may even suspect that there is more to reality than measurements will ever reveal.

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    Our goals should serve as markers, measurements of the progress we make in pursuit of something greater than ourselves.

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    Persistence is the measurement of your belief in yourself.

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    Temperature measurements in the arctic suggest that it was just as warm there in the 1930's...before most greenhouse gas emissions. Don't you ever wonder whether sea ice concentrations back then were low, too?

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    Science is a kind of glorified tailoring enterprise, a method for taking measurements that describe something ? reality ? that may not be understood at all.

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    The Constitution is the origin and measure of legislative authority. It says to legislators, thus far ye shall go and no farther. Not a particle of it should be shaken; not a pebble of it should be removed.

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    The clock, for all its precision in measurement, is a blunt instrument for the psyche and for society. Schedules can replace sensitivity to the mood of a moment, clock time can ride roughshod over the emotions of individuals.

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    The Great Idea in advertising is far more than the sum of the recognition scores, the ratings and all the other superficial indicators of its success; it is in the realm of myth, to which measurements cannot apply.

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    The laboratory routine, which involves a great deal of measurement, filing, and tabulation, is either my lifeline or my chief handicap, I hardly know which.

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    Subatomic particles have no meaning as isolated entities, but can only be understood as interconnections between the preparation of an experiment and the subsequent measurement.

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    The measurement in this race is not where you come from, it is "what do you fight for.

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    The more precise the measurement of position, the more imprecise the measurement of momentum, and vice versa.

    • measurement quotes
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    the size of a misfortune is not determinable by an outsider’s measurement of it but only by the measurements applied to it by the person specially affected by it.

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    There is an unusually high and consistent correlation between the stupidity of a given person and that person’s propensity to be impressed by the measurement of IQ.

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    There is nothing new to be discovered in physics now. All that remains is more and more precise measurement.

    • measurement quotes
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    There we measure shadows, and we search among ghostly errors of measurement for landmarks that are scarcely more substantial.

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    The mathematical forms of order which the mind of a physicist manipulates coincides "miraculously" with experimental measurements.

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    They just elected me Mis Phonograph Record of 1966. They discovered my measurements were 33 1/2, 45, 78!

    • measurement quotes
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    The world is complex, dynamic, multidimensiona l; the paper is static, flat. How are we to represent the rich visual world of experience and measurement on mere flatland?

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    This is the thing I've noticed is that the greater the distance between you and any ordinary task is the measurement of how much rockstar potential you have.

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    Time is neither friend nor enemy it's just a measurement.

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    We attempt to define a person, the most commonplace person we know, but he will not submit to bounds; some unexpected beauty of nature breaks out; we find he is not what we thought, and begin to suspect that every person exceeds our power of measurement.

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    When it comes to exploring the mind in the framework of cognitive neuroscience, the maximal yield of data comes from integrating what a person experiences - the first person - with what the measurements show - the third person.

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    We need to stop comparing ourselves to others, and stop patting ourselves on the back for attaining artificial measurements of spirituality. We need to take care that we do not think we are something we are not, or else we may deceive ourselves, setting ourselves up for rebuke in the future when we see Christ face to face

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    Whenever you can, count.

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    When you can measure what you are speaking about, and express it in numbers, you know something about it.

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    All conflict in the world is essentially about our differences in measurement.

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    Amani ya moyo ndicho kipimo cha mafanikio yetu.

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    Any individual indicator can be a lead or lag indicator depending upon the context and explanatory model chosen.

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    A true Net Performance Score will take into account many aspects of a typical customer engagement.

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    Define clearly how you will measure success in meeting the business purpose and vision.

    • measurement quotes
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    Be careful not to measure your holiness by other people's sins.