Best 160 quotes in «swim quotes» category

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    I loved Ian in the now, the way he looked at me, how he made my stomach swim, how he held my hair when I was puking my guts up after eating a bad enchilada. That’s love.

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    I love the water; I love to swim.

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    I'm glad Hurricane Katrina happened. It taught us an important lesson: black people can't swim.

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    I love to swim. I need goggles. If I don't have goggles I run in to the walls of the pool. I have no sense of directions.

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    In medicine, uncertainty is the water we swim in.

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    I never learned to ride a bicycle, and it is too late now. I never learned to drive. I never learned to swim.

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    In the world who knowes not to swimme, goes to the bottome. [In the world, who knows not to swim goes to the bottom.]

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    I start my own frat, and try out for the women's swim team.

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    I miss my dad every day, but I know he would be proud to see me continuing to swim and going for another shot at the Olympics.

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    I swim three times a week.

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    I try to swim every damn day I can, and I've learned to scuba dive and snorkel.

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    In the hospital, I promised myself that I ever walked again, that I would eat well and swim every day.

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    It's like you learn to swim by swimming. You learn courage by couraging.

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    It's very important to older male homosexuality in Los Angeles to have a pool, so that cute boys will come to your house and swim around in the pool.

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    I used to feel like I was drowning. So I stopped trying to swim.

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    I've played everything - baseball, football, basketball. I can still swim a mile a day. That's why I can't walk.

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    It's better to swim in the sea below Than to swing in the air and feed the crow, Says jolly Ned Teach of Bristol.

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    I watch the ashes swim around like dandelion puffs, making swirls where bodies and walls once stood.

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    I was the guy on the swim team entertaining the bus on the way to the meets.

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    I went to a women's college. ... it was a little like learning to swim while holding on to the side of the pool; I didn't learn the arm movements until after I graduated, but by that time I was one hell of a kicker.

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    Learning an instrument isn't about becoming a star anymore than learning to swim means you want to become a haddock

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    I was taught that if you see a person drowning, you must jump into the water to save them, whether you can swim or not.

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    LOGOMACHY, n. A war in which the weapons are words and the wounds punctures in the swim-bladder of self-esteem - a kind of contest in which, the vanquished being unconscious of defeat, the victor is denied the reward of success.

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    Life is just the same as learning to swim. Do not be afraid of making mistakes, for there is no other way of learning how to live!

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    Maybe Fate isn't the pond you swim in but the fisherman floating on top of it, letting you run the line wild until you are weary enough to be reeled back in.

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    My training centered on aerobic development, meaning I'd swim longer with less intensity during the majority of my practices. As I got older, I began more weight training, and my workouts went from long at a lower intensity to shorter and more intense.

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    Most of the time you don't even know they're there. Now, that's the scary thing. It's really strange and invading, but I'm still working it all out. I try to not let it bother me. And if I want to swim naked in my pool, I'm still going to do it. I certainly don't want to feel that I have to change everything in my life that I do to cater to them. I just won't let it happen.

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    Life's greatest adventure is in doing one's level best.

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    Normally I make myself swim, do exercises. For zest I like going to the cinema.

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    Once a changemaker, always a changemaker but only a few swim against the tide.

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    One can read all one wants, and spend eternities in front of a blackboard with a tutor, but one is not going to learn to swim until one gets in the water.

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    Once I learned to swim, I learned that there were waves.

    • swim quotes
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    Not like this vision before us, who was shaking water out of his slightly overlong reddish-brown hair as he leaned over to lay down his board (revealing, as he did so, the fact that beneath his baggy swim trunks—so weighted down with water that they had sunk somewhat dangerously low on his hips—lurked what appeared to be an exceptionally well-formed gluteus maximus)

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    One thought of thee puts all the pomp to flight; Priests, tapers, temples, swim before my sight.

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    Swim upstream. Go the other way. Ignore the conventional wisdom.

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    Rick: Can you swim? Evelyn: Well, of course I can swim if the occasion calls for it. Rick: [throwing her overboard] Trust me. It calls for it.

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    Seated upon the convex mound Of one vast kidney, Jonah prays And sings his canticles and hymns, Making the hollow vault resound God's goodness and mysterious ways, Till the great fish spouts music as he swims.

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    The best way to learn to swim is to dive.

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    The Constitution was framed upon the theory that the peoples of the several states must sink or swim together, and that in the long run prosperity and salvation are in union and not division.

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    Shaw is like a train. One just speaks the words and sits in one's place. But Shakespeare is like bathing in the sea - one swims where one wants.

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    The ground is my ocean, I’m the shark, and most people don’t even know how to swim.

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    The only regrets I have are rather prosaic - like I wish I went for a swim in the Pacific.

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    Start with a growing market. Swim in a stream that becomes a river and ultimately an ocean. Be a leader in that market, not a follower, and constantly build the best products possible.

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    There's a house across the river, but alas, I cannot swim I'll live my life regretting that I never jumped in

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    The question why, at least in my life, often leads to despair. Why did this happen to me? Why didn't someone who claimed to love me treat me with respect, compassion, kindness? Etc. These questions never have answers. They are an ocean, and you'll never swim to the other side. Eventually, you'll tire and die.

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    The only use for a knife during a shark attack is pure treachery: Stab your buddy, swim like hell, and hope the munchies take him.

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    They tied his arms behind his back to teach him how to swim, they put blood in his coffee and milk in his gin.

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    There's a small island, inhabited in the South Pacific that I will try to swim to.

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    This Is Your Time, This Is Your Dance. Live Every Moment, Leave Nothing To Chance. Swim In The Sea. Drink Of The Deep, Embrace The Mystery Of All You Could Be. What if Tomorrow? And What If Today? Faced With The Question, Oh What Would You Say?

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    To be an American and unable to play baseball is comparable to being a Polynesian and unable to swim.