Best 117 quotes in «wow quotes» category

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    If someone picks up one thing you've written, you want them to go, 'Wow, this is pretty good.'

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    I get starstruck really easily. I love music so much - it sounds so silly to say that - so if I'm playing a festival and somebody I love, like [Primal Scream's] Bobby Gillespie, is there in the backstage area, I'm like, "Wow this is amazing! There they are!

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    If someone saw a movie of your life so far, when the credits rolled, would they say, “Wow, that was awesome?” Or would they scratch their heads and say, “I wonder what that was all about?

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    I got to have about 15 minutes with Michelle Obama, and that was a big deal because youre like, Wow, Im part of living history. You know? I definitely think she could take me in an arm wrestling match.

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    I like my raps but I'm never too happy with some of 'em because I feel like they could be better. But every time I hear my flow on that song I wow myself.

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    I like to know that when I'm 90 years old, I'm going to be able to look at a song or poem I wrote and say, "Wow! I remember I was so crazy about this person," or "I remember what that day felt like.

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    I'm an idol of cinema? Oh, wow.

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    If the postman is saying hello to you, then I feel like, wow, thats something special.

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    If you don't take no chances, then you're not a performer. Performers always take chances. You go see a singer, they'll hit the high note. They'll hit that note, they're not afraid, they're gonna exaggerate the fact and make me enjoy it, make me say, 'Wow, I wish I could do that!

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    I was just surprised when my wife told me we were having a baby. I was like, Wow, that's awesome. You're going to make a great single mom.

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    I just sat all night looking at him, saying, 'Wow, it's incredible.' When Yoko woke up, I told her, 'He's fine,' and we cried.

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    I remember when I first came around, the computer-generated stuff was pretty wicked. I was like, 'Wow!' but I feel like then for the longest time, we saw so much of it, after a while, you might as well just be watching an animated movie.

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    It's always irritated me that people say, 'Where's the action? Oh wow, there's no action here; let's go somewhere else.' These people will never find the action.

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    I've had an amazing professional life, personal life, but at 64 to have a son who gives us that much love and enjoyment is, wow!

    • wow quotes
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    I wake up from dreams and go, 'Wow, put this down on paper'. The whole thing is strange. You hear the words, everything is right there in front of your face.

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    John Logan was kind of wrapping up - "Well, thanks for coming in..." - and I thought, "Oh, God, this is over and I'm out of here, and I really don't want to leave."So I said, "Can I ask you a question?" He said, "Sure." "What movie do you think you've seen more than any other movie?" And he said, "Wow, let me think about that. I guess probably The Searchers." And I said, "Well, oddly, that's the movie I've seen more than any other movie." And I wasn't just BS-ing. It's true. It's my favorite movie.

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    I was really blessed with parents who never said I couldnt do anything. And now I reflect as an adult on that, Wow, they never told me no!

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    I think, when someone say, "When did you feel like an actor?" it's those moments when I feel like, "I'm an actor, wow." That's an extraordinary moment for me. So it's not like I walk around going, "I'm an actor.

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    Ruth Montgomery had a book I was reading called Aliens Among Us. She was an automatic writer. She used to go into a trance, and she would just start typing information, and then she would come out of her trance and read it and go, "Wow," and that was just the way she wrote her books.

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    There's a woman I see who's not my therapist, but she's like an old friend who's a therapist in profession. She lets me talk to her like a therapist once in a while, and she does a great thing. Whenever I have a big dilemma, like this is a big problem in my life, she always says, 'Wow, you're going to have to figure that out.'

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    Reba McEntire came through town when I lived in Texas. She had this amazing theatrical show with, like, 13 different wardrobe changes. I was eight and I was like, Wow, I wanna do that!

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    When you do an hour and a half and you destroy, like tonight was great. I had an awesome time. I realized that I'd been up there for about an hour and a half and I realized, "Wow, I'm gonna get out of here without doing Walken." It is a bit of a moral victory.

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    The Arab awakening was like watching elephants fly: something you didn't expect, something you haven't seen before, "Wow, elephants fly.

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    When I have absolutely nothing to do, and I find myself in the middle of all of it going, "Wow!" When nothing's going on, that's when I get to stop and really appreciate the journey.

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    Wow. Who would want a fish for a pet when they could have a turtle?!

    • wow quotes
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    Wow. Ted Cruz falsely suggested Marco Rubio mocked the bible and was just forced to fire his communications director. More dirty tricks.

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    We got nominated for a Grammy, that was really crazy, and I was sitting there and Stevie Wonder was on stage and I remember thinking "Wow, I really need to take [singing] more seriously!

    • wow quotes
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    You want me to describe Elvis, wow!

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    Wow, you're never allowed to sleep late again. You're crankier than a fat guy in stilettos.

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    You are covered in blood," Tybalt said again, stressing the words harder this time. "It makes me tense." There was a thud as the guard hit the floor, and Tybalt returned to my side. "Wow. You must be tense a lot." He sighed. "You have no idea.

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    You can only truly wow a player the first time he sees [a cutscene]. I felt if players saw the cutscenes outside of the game, they would no longer serve as rewards for playing the game, so I've decided against having them.

    • wow quotes
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    All the humanity (Not the people!), are incrediable. What makes them incrediable is the way of thinking, the way of solving!

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    2 + 2 equal 4... so far I don't think it will change to 5 or 6, it's near to fact, but the probability of the ability... equals not a fact!

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    As sonner began as sooner finished... the guilt is after you. I feel it, I see it and I smell you have done something..., didn't you?? Something bad... isn't it?? Tell me... don't be afraid I won't do anything bad... (I will just cut your fingers one by one... on your hands... it will be one bloody night... Then I will start with your legs finger by finger with axe... then I will start removing little from you.... the flesh from you!)

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    Alot can happen in eleven minutes. Decker can run two miles in eleven minutes. I once wrote an English essay in ten. And God knows Carson Levine can talk a girl out of her clothes in less then half that time. Eleven minutes might as well be eternity underwater. It only takes three minutes without air for loss consciousness. Permanent brain damange begins at four minutes. And then, when the oxygen runs out, full cardiac arrest occurs. Death is possible at five minutes. Probable at seven. Definite at ten. Decker pulled me out at eleven.

    • wow quotes
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    Besides, when it came to being colorful...we invisible kids learned to carry our colors on the inside

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    Before one day, which will mean the day before today, I just played chess with a friend the strategies were incrediable the moves which I made were wise and I win the two games... This happens in other games also, however today I and two my friends we played football it ended 7 for me and my friend and for the other fried 5-6 somewhere there... We just played football!

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    Dear ones, wisdom, fortitude, strength, and hope cannot be learned in death. Life is not about reward and punishment," said Xuen. "It is about understanding, accepting who oneself is right now, in order to know what to change, and how.

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    CUT! ... Cut... ... FUCKING CUT IT! .... Where is the fucking screenplay?

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    Emily immediately saw a woman’s purse on the table, then saw the bed was messed up and slept in, as well. Her emotions were now off the charts, and the ground on which she was standing on fell out. No, Ford, no, she thought to herself. They both opened the bathroom door. “Aw, man! Dude! Call 911!” Mark said loudly, as Emily gasped.

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    I always was afraid of looking films with different killings, but look me now. Now I'm a maniac of looking films which have brutal killings like films by Stephen King.

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    From 1 to 18 is the holly worst parts of your life, you are caged and you can't do anything times passes events happen different today your granpa is alive, but tomorrow probably he will die or the next month or later-later. But what can it be done for that??

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    From where do you find such awesome stuff?? ... I'm little puzzled, and confused that people say "No", and they want everything to be on their table!

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    He lifted his shirt, and on his back was the White Rabbit, wearing his waistcoat and looking at his watch. It was just like the illustration from the book. Only standing next to him, back-to-back, was another White Rabbit wearing a leather motercycle jacket and boots and smoking a cigar.

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    I don't think your missing pieces ever go inside you again once they go missing.

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    You know it's easy to say you shouldn't do something and then something happens and you say, 'Wow, I wish I would have done something.

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    I don't need psychology I am not a sociopath Neither and Psychopath

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    If somebody I say that I have written 9 books up to here + that I have quotes. Some people won't believe, other will be amazed, in my view it's unbelieveable, that 16 Years old has his own books written by him!

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    If I know the end of a book or a film I want to know why it happen...

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    If I remove your eyes or make you in such way that to don't see... in reality you don't see the evil... you don't see me... so do whatever I don't give a fuck... that's wonderful... I like to play games... so run!... and welcome home!?