Best 97 quotes in «disgusting quotes» category

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    There's just the unabashed and unprecedented and disgusting level of money in politics. I don't blame just the Republicans; the Democrats are just about as beholden to it, too.

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    The time will come when it will disgust you to look in the mirror.

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    To kill a man will be considered as disgusting [in the twentieth century] as we in this day consider it disgusting to eat one.

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    Vampires are very sexy right now. It's kind of disgusting. It's kind of a bandwagon.

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    Well, upon my soul! You are not ashamed to stand there and confess yourself a disgusting drunkard.

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    Trump is a symptom of widespread disgust, not the head of a carefully crafted ideological movement with a checklist of issues.

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    What's disgusting about the Dirty Harry movies is that Eastwood plays this angry tension as righteous indignation.

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    We've always had anti-Americans. We've always had left-wing protesters and so forth, but they were always off to the left kooks. They were always oddball nutcases. Now they're not. They come across as ordinary, everyday mainstream people. It just disgusts me. It's so unfortunate, so unnecessary.

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    We are accused here of polygamy, and actions the most indelicate, obscene, and disgusting, such that none but a corrupt and depraved heart could have contrived. These things are too outrageous to admit to belief.

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    "Women," he said in disgust. I wasn't sure whether we was referring to me or nuns.

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    Women have said the most malicious, disgusting things about me. But I know that when somebody comments about you, good or bad, it is 99 percent of the time their projection of how they feel about themselves.

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    When I have brown hair I feel the most like myself, but I don't feel glamorous. It's a disgusting thing to admit.

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    Exactly what it sounded like, Munchkin. You want to live here in a Sentinel compound then you’re going to act like a Sentinel. You’re going to train and do your duties without bitching. Since you’re mated that also means that you’ll keep house for me, cook, doctor my wounds and spread your legs when I have excess energy.

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    You both sicken me. (Markus) It’s what I live for…Father. Your eternal disgust succors me like mother’s milk. (Fang)

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    Cigars are all the rage, dad. You should smoke cigars!" - Calvin "Flatulence could be all the rage, but it would still be disgusting." - Calvin's mom

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    Elizabeth Bachinsky, Darren Bifford, Jason Camelot, Rachel Cyr, Tara Flanagan, Lilly Fiorentino, John Goldbach, David McGimpsey, Evan Munday, Sachiko Murakami, Ian Orti, Marisa Grizenko, Christina Palassio, Mike Spry, Darren Wershler.

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    You can't sing when you're upset. You can't sing when you're crying. You get all congested and disgusting.

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    As soon as he was half-awake he slipped his knickers off. Holding them close to his face, he handled them loosely for a moment with an absent expression, then suddenly buried his nose in them, his dark eyes huge, his face monstrous with the wisdom of evil. As well as the blood and the seepage from last night's ejaculation he had shit himself lavishly in his sleep, a sloppy, yellow liquid. Having spent a while burying his face in them, he folded the knickers up and put them carefully to one side on top of a stack of others. He would never wash them; he would never wear them again. Every secretion that had occurred in his underclothes, before, during, or sometimes just after a moment of action was a souvenir to be preciously kept and safeguarded.

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    Herk threw up the mouse, the hamburger he'd eaten for lunch, and some pasty glop that looked like tomato soup. He was just starting to ask his mother what was going on when she threw up. And there, in all that puke, that old dead mouse didn't look bad at all. It sure looked better than the rest of the stuff.

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    If we happened to be in rehearsal downstairs in my room and a neighbor padded across the lawn to rap gently on the window and ask us to please be more quiet, Natalie might simply lift up her skirt and mash her vagina against the window while extending her middle finger.

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    Get this disgusting bloody meat sack off of me!

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    I believe that sexual offenders and predators should be released…as long as it is mandatory they get to move into the house next door to the judge that released them.

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    If someone calls you disgusting, they are lusting. It creates an energetic cord of control, which steals power, gifts, money, reputation, and free will choice from you. Drop the parasites.

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    I once took a poo in the woods while hunched over like an animal. It was AWESOME.

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    I like gross generalizations...I also like disgusting specifics!

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    It tastes of the most bitter poison . . I've never tasted something so disgusting." - Mark Blackthorn

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    No, it’s because you’re fucking pathetic. You’re no better than a human and to top it off you’re nothing but a whore.

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    No, it’s because you’re f**king pathetic. You’re no better than a human and to top it off you’re nothing but a whore.

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    Porn is disgusting!

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    My mouth fell open in incredulity. “Ah, Maria. Are you trying to tell me you’ve taken up the sport of fly-catching with your mouth?” Ros reached over and lifted my chin. “And an assistant too. So that you don’t scare the little flies away. How wonderful; I didn’t realise it was a team sport. Interesting. Tell me, what do they taste like? I can’t imagine a fly filling any hole in your stomach. How many have you caught?” “That’s disgusting.” Ros screwed her face up. “My thoughts exactly.

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    Selfies are disgusting.

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    Your greatest accomplishments, no matter how impressive you think them to be, are some else's worst nightmare. Your most prized possession is another man's disgusting chunk of trash. Be careful what you brag about.

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    ...women's bodies are "inferiorised, stigmatized . . . within an overarching patriarchal ideology. For example, biologically and physiologically, women's bodies are seen as both disgusting in their natural state and inferior to men's'' (2001, p. 141).

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    Working for OSHA is a horrible job to have. You have to ignore the whistle blowers and send them illegal letters saying that you cannot find any problems. I have a lot of those fraudulent letters, as I have been through OSHA twice. Once as the utility company employee and once as the utility company subcontractor employee. It is a disgusting & blatently corrupt system.

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    There probably was a time when the idea of having a toilet inside a house was repulsive.

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    ... You asked how am I?? Really?? So you care about me?? or you just decided to ask to return it back because people have learnt you to return everything back, what he has done to you to do the same to him. To behave in the same way, yeah but without curiousity to focus on this is like to go and get fucked by everyone starting from the bin guy (the guy who search food in the garbage) up to the guy who is rich. If you like that, I will say that there is some kind of problem with you, how can you even havee a sex with the garbage man.... oh, oh yeah if you are one of them you are out of this place. If you help this garbage man to succeed it goes that he develops something better and from poor up to rich... But to reach there you need time, you need to believe in that person, but again doesn't it disgusting this thing. Look it from side like Monk, how can you even touch such person??

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    All disgust is originally disgust at touching.

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    All affectation; 'tis my perfect scorn; Object of my implacable disgust.

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    All those big words produce disgust today.

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    Anybody who informs on other people is doing something disturbing and even disgusting.

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    All is disgust when one leaves his own nature and does things that misfit it.

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    A lot of times, it gets weird when some guy is playing your dad. It feels weird to you. It feels like they're forcing sentiment. It's disgusting.

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    Big can be beautiful - just not to me. I find you disgusting; freshmen 15 is not a life sentence.

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    A society can be Pareto optimal and still perfectly disgusting.

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    A stupid disgusting bore is a guy who has nothing to say, and nonetheless says it anyway.

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    Damn description, it is always disgusting.

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    Bodily fluids and solids are universally the most disgusting things we as human beings can come upon, but as long as they are inside us, it's part of you.

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    Celebrity! It's become the most disgusting word on the planet. It makes me sick to my stomach.

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    Disgust is intuitive microbiology

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    Disgust is so reassuring; it feels like a moral proof.