Best 312 quotes in «men and women quotes» category

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    The woman's vision is deep and reaching, the man's far reaching. With the man the world is his heart, with the woman, the heart is her world.

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    They know they're supposed to do something, but they're not sure what. And you know what they do when they're not sure-- of course you do: They either do the wrong thing or they do nothing, and it's a toss up as to which is worse.

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    Thirty years of marriage to Erasto had taught her much, namely that men were reckless by nature, full of bluster, most incompetent, the rest fortunate to have a wife to keep them from allowing their innate ineptitude to engulf all around them.

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    To come across as younger than they are: Women buy creams that promise to slow aging; men buy fast cars.

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    To feel aroused is to feel alive. Having great sex is like taking in huge lungfuls of fresh air, essential to your body, essential to your health, and essential to your life.

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    Unfortunately, he still hadn’t asked for my number, or a date, or my hand in marriage, and my drink was getting low.

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    Until the human condition could be resolved it was not safe to acknowledge the different roles men and women played in the journey to enlightenment. Over time it was found that the best way to control prejudices was to prevent acknowledgement of any substantial differences between the sexes. The dogma of politically correct culture emerged.

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    ... untuk pria dan perempuan berbeda, kata orang Perancis 'hiduplah perbedaannya' dan satu hal tentang, obyek tentang yang namanya tubuh ini, terkait erat dengan rasa malu, diawali dengan daerah kemaluan yang sejak Adam dan Hawa, karena dosa dan asal lalu ditutupi. Mengapa? Karena seakan-akan punya kehendak sendiri, tapi itu hanya pada pria, adanya ereksi yang tak terkendali, jadi menyalahi kehendak kesadaran, yang menjadi ciri hewan unggulan akhirnya, yang membuat manusia mirip hewan, nafsu tak terkendali. Kemudian semakin berbulu semakin hewani: memang tubuh itu memalukan dan untuk kendala birahi, dipakailah busana yang manfaatnya ganda: menutupi malu, melindungi tubuh, memperindah dan memperelok dengan maksud meningkatkan daya tarik.

    • men and women quotes
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    We laughed together. It’s so lovely laughing with a man. It feels positive. Relaxed…

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    ...we've told men for so long that we're equal, we can open our own doors, carry our own bags, pay our own way, that now they're afraid to offer in case we accuse them of sex discrimination. If you were a man would you buy a woman underwear? I wouldn't dare. What if she throws it back in your face and calls you a sexist pig? So they've tried to turn into new men, but that's no good either, because now we're telling them to be masculine. We don't just want them in a pair of Marigolds cleaning the oven, that's not good enough. We want them to take control, to whisk us off hotels, buy us dinner, and make mad passionate love to us all night. We want it all ways. We want them heroes and handy with the vacuum. No wonder the poor guys are confused

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    We want to look desirable. We want others to want to mate with us. No different than a colorful peacock. When girls dress up for their night out at the club, they are doing what all animals do when they try to make themselves desirable for a potential mate. That's the whole point behind the fashion, perfume, cosmetics, diet, and plastic surgery industries.

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    We women think men are obsessed with sex, and we’re so wrong. Men care about being comfortable. Old jackets, old habits, old ways, old sweethearts, they want all that. They hate change, it gets them unsettled, and they get enough of that when they face challenges at work. They want to come home and regenerate in the cocoon of being Mama’s pet. It is not surprising that men don’t understand the need for growing up. They don’t realize that setting boundaries with parents is the most important thing we need to do in our lives.

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    We zijn inferieure schepselen, net goed genoeg om te jongen. We hebben eierstokken, moeten ons er iedere maand bij neerleggen dat we bloeden, we zijn afhankelijk van de maan. Onze hersenen zijn minder ontwikkeld dan die van onze metgezellen en onze lichaamskracht is geringer. In alle omstandigheden zijn we emotioneler. Als een vrouw ziet dat een rivale mooiere schoentjes draagt dan zij zelf, zal ze niet ophouden de ander omlaag te halen en te kwetsen. Kun je je twee mannen voorstellen die elkaar verfoeien vanwege hun molières? Mannen wedijveren met elkaar op het niveau van geld, ambitie en intelligentie. Zij hebben het vermogen tot afstand nemen en onthechting, terwijl vrouwen iedere beheersing verliezen zodra ze een poederdoos of een ring zien. Nooit zal een vrouw een Michelangelo, een Bach of een Palladio zijn. Grote filosofen met een rok aan bestaan niet. Hoe wil je dat ze systemen ontwerpen zoals Kant, Hegel of Marx? Een dergelijk abstraherend vermogen kan niet ontstaan in de geest van een pop.

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    What always happens between men and women? Reality.

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    What would you like to do with my neck?’ I asked. ‘Seduce me with your words. Feel free.

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    When a guy calls you hot, he's looking at your body. When a guy calls you pretty, he's looking at your face. When a guy calls you beautiful, he's looking at your heart. All three guys still wanna fuck you though.

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    When guys try to get a good job and make a lot of money, it's so that they can find a good mate, because they know women like guys with money. Big tits are to men, what big wallets are to women. A sexy woman can have almost any man she wants. And a rich guy can have almost any woman he wants.

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    When you hear men talking," said Cornelia, "all they ever do is speak ill of women. ... And I don't quite know how they managed to make this law in their favour, or who exactly it was who gave them a greater license to sin than is allowed to us; and if the fault is common to both sexes (as they can hardly deny), why should the blame not be as well? What makes them think they can boast of the same thing that in women brings only shame?

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    When you’re honest, what compares with the gorgeous thrill of sex? What brings you the same sense of wonder, pleasure, and fulfilment? I can’t think of anything as good.

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    Whilst ladies persist in maintaining the strictly defensive condition, men must naturally, as it were, take the oppposite line, that of attack; otherwise, if both parties held aloof, there would be no more marriages; and the two hosts would die in their respective inaction, without ever coming to a battle. Thus it is evident that as the ladies will not, the men must take the offensive... Is it not time that the ladies should take an innings? Let us widowers and bachelors form an association to declare that for the next hundred years we will make love no longer. Let the young women come and make love to us; let them write us verses; let them ask us to dance, get us ices and cups of tea, and help us on with our cloaks at the hall-door; and if they are eligible, we may perhaps be induced to yield and say, 'La, Miss Hopkins - I really never - I am so agitated - Ask papa!

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    Why does a woman work ten years to change a man, then complain he's not the man she married?

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    Women always said things like that, and it made him crazy. It's as if every conversation with a woman was a test, and men always failed it, because they always lacked the key to the code and so they never quite understood what the conversation was really about. If, just once, the man could understand, really comprehend the whole of the conversation, then the perfect union between male and female would be possible. But instead men and women continue to cohabit, even to love each other, without ever quite crossing over the chasm of misunderstanding between them.

    • men and women quotes
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    Women who say that they have met the most amazing guy in the world are only saying that because they haven’t lived with them yet.

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    Women eat ice-cream, men toast marshmallows.

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    Women prefer speaking to talking.

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    Would three boobs be better than two?

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    Yanımızdayken fazlasıyla bildik olan hayatına, birden kaçınılmaz olarak içine karışacağı başka hayatlar eklenir; belki de bizi o hayatlara karışmak için terk etmiştir. Giden kadının hayatındaki bu yeni zenginlik, geriye dönük olarak, yanımızdaki, belki de gidişini tasarlamakta olan kadını etkiler. Bizim yanımızdaki hayatına, ona yönelik, fazlasıyla aşikar bıkkınlığımıza, kıskançlığımıza ilişkin, (birçok kadın tarafından terk edilmiş olan erkeklerin, kişilikleri ve da ima aynı olan, hesaplanabilir tepkileri nedeniyle hemen her defasında aynı şekilde terk edilmelerine yol açan -herkesin kendine has bir üşütme şekli olması gibi, kendine has bir aldatılma şekli olmasına yol açan), çıkarsama yoluyla bulabildiğimiz ve bizim için fazla esrarengiz olmayan psikolojik gerçekler dizisiyle çakışan, bizim bilmediğimiz bir dizi gerçek daha vardır muhtemelen.

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    Yes, madam,” he said, with the exceeding politeness of a man who has just imagined raping you.

    • men and women quotes
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    You know, I'm not even sure how we ended up living together." "I am," Jake said, turning back to the lake. "Sex. It's a powerful force, my boy, and women use it." "Is that why you gave them up?" Will asked, sympathetically. "Did paranoia drive you to celibacy?

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    You probably think you know all about men, because you read a lot of romance novels, so you think you're an expert on men. But I'm gonna tell you a little secret: the men in those books are fiction. They do not at all represent how men in real life actually think. Those romance novels were written for women by women (and a few men who know what women like to read, so they write romance to make a quick buck.) When you read a book like Grey, Christian's inner monologue does not at all sound like how a man actually thinks in real life. It sounds like a woman does a poor job of imagining how a man thinks. The fictitious men in romance novels are as fake and imaginary as vampires. They're not real. Right about now, there's probably a little voice in your head, screaming: “NOOO!!! You can't say that! You can't speak for all men! Every man is different!!” True. No two dogs are alike. And yet, all dogs have something in common that makes them dogs, and makes them different from cats. The same goes for men and women. The trouble starts when cats don't realize that dogs are different. Dogs think differently, and perceive the world differently, than cats do. I'm a dog. You're a cat. And a dog knows better what it's like to be a dog than a cat does.

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    Everybody else is going to react differently to the film [Aquarius], but what I love about it is that both men and women are going to react to it because they will find themselves represented.

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    They say I should stay away from you,” I said. “They said you’re not good for me.” “I’m not,” he said with a wicked smile, “But doesn’t that make it even more fun?

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    Today the same thing over. I've got it up the tree again.

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    Too many men I know experience shame because society places pressure on them to withhold emotion: emotion and sensitivity is weak. I have found the opposite is true: emotion and sensitivity is what makes us strong.

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    To some women, a job plays the role of a man. To most women, a man plays the role of a job.

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    Unless it was Cokie, gifts from men weren't free.

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    Watching him with one eye, she wondered if men ever figured out that they were more appealing when they were pursuing their own work than when they were pursuing a woman.

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    We always blame the woman when a man falls in love, as though no man had the courage of his inclinations.

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    We men really, really, really like sex. We like sex so much, many of us are willing to risk getting in serious trouble to get it. That's why laws against rape haven't stopped rape, and why laws against prostitution haven't stopped prostitution, and why men who cheat on their wives would continue to cheat even if it was illegal, and why gay men continue to be gay even in fundamentalist religious countries like Saudi Arabia, where homosexuality is punishable by death.

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    What's your definition of dating? Lengthy social time spent with a woman during which we're not actively fucking

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    Whilst men may play the game, women know the score.

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    Why are we always the ones running away and you are the ones chasing after us? Why is it always that we surrender and you take the spoils? Why is it that even in the way you beg, there is dominance, and pity in the way we refuse?

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    Women are not the weaker sex, even after experiencing such pain, they still have the capacity to get up and walk,regardless of how long it would take. Men on the contrary, though they look a lot stronger, wiser, and meaner and of course, masculine, are not really strong enough when it comes to their children, especially a daughter. No matter what she does, no matter how rude or soft she is, the daughter would come first, then the rest of the world.

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    Women without men, I realized then, are totally different creatures.

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    Women use sex to get love. Men use love to get sex.

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    Women were created from the rib of man to be beside him, not from his head to top him, nor from his feet to be trampled by him, but from under his arm to be protected by him, near to his heart to be loved by him.

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    Women need to feel loved and men need to feel needed.

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    Women leave their marriages when they can't take any more. Men leave when they find someone new.

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    Wrinkles should merely indicate where smiles have been." _Mark Twain (Author)

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    You are lucky, Renisenb. You have found the happiness that is inside everybody's own heart. To most women, happiness means coming and going, busied over small affairs. It is care for one's children and laughter and conversation and quarrels with other women and alternate love and anger with a man. It is made up of small things strung together like beads on a string.