Best 66 quotes in «armageddon quotes» category

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    The hugest changes were the ones that could not be seen – that’s where the real apocalypse lay: in people’s hearts, their souls, their beings.

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    The world is heading for another major crisis that is being called, even by the secular world, “Armageddon.

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    The world is a goddamned evil place, the strong prey on the weak, the rich on the poor; I’ve given up hope that there is a God that will save us all. How am I supposed to believe that there’s a heaven and a hell when all I see now is hell.

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    The worst threat to man is man himself

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    They really need to cite their sources, you think to yourself, which would make your seventh-grade science teacher proud if only he knew. It’s a moot point, however.

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    The world will end by the doing of man's own hand.

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    What silence rules the ghostly hours That guard the close of human sleep! (“The Testimony of the Suns”)

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    When the masses consciously decide to be unconscious, the masses decide to be annihilated by conscious will. And by the laws of the universe, their desire must be fulfilled, for they have used freewill against themselves.

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    You are one of the unfortunate ones whose body decays rapidly in the face of radiation poisoning. You hang your head over the toilet to vomit again and again, and die praying to the porcelain gods.

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    You cast a desperate look at Eric, who has not yet noticed that you’ve been bitten. Will I turn now? Am I becoming one of them? When Ghandi said, 'Be the change you want to see in the world,' I don’t think this is how he meant it.

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    You one of those decaffeinated Christians, padre? The diabetic wafer? Doctrine-free, guilt-reduced, low in Last judgement, 100% less Second Coming, no added Armageddon? Might contain small traces of crucified Jew?

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    You stumble upon an unhappy Martian sentry on a mission and shoot ineffectually at his powersuit a few times before he pulps you with his laserbeam eyes and hideous poisonous-gas breath. Glory!

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    You want to pray to someone, pray to Bruce Willis in Armageddon.

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    As a kid I was, constantly terrorized with the idea of Armageddon and the Antichrist and things like that and as I got older, I realized that, something like Antichrist is the collective disbelief in God.

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    Bringing about Armageddon can be dangerous. Do not attempt it in your own home.

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    There was the kind of silence there might have been on the day before Creation. Adam stood smiling at the two of them, a small figure perfectly poised exactly between Heaven and Hell. Crowley grabbed Aziraphale's arm. "You know what happened?" he hissed excitedly. "He was left alone! He grew up human! He's not Evil Incarnate or Good Incarnate, he's just...a human incarnate-

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    Well,' Lydia said, 'I guess Armageddon's back on.' Eliot fought back a grin. 'You're smiling?', Lydia said. She looked at her car and at their house and down the empty street. 'That's totally inappropriate.

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    Well, sir. I look at facts. And the fact is that our world is dying and if we don't all do our best to save it, we aren't going to last much longer.

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    We're living on the top of a pyramid,' he had said, 'supported by the massive base, rising above it, above everything that has made it possible. We're responsible for nothing, not the structure itself, not anything above us. We owe nothing to the pyramid, and are totally dependent on it. If the pyramid crumbles and returns to dust, there is nothing we can do to prevent it, or even to save ourselves. When the base goes, the top goes with it, no matter how elaborate the life is that developed there. The top will return to dust along with the base when the collapse comes. If a new structure is to rise, it must start at the ground, not on top of what has been built during the centuries past.

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    Yeah, Vi, unless Armageddon hit while i was fuckin' you this morning and we missed it, I'm thinkin' grocery stores still exist and they're all still stocked.

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    ya better come inside when you're ready to but no chance if ya don't wanna dance you like four letter words when you're ready to but then you won't 'cos you know that you can

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    Armageddon is not a foreign policy.

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    Armageddon. The slaughter of humanity. An atomic war no one wanted, but which no one had the wisdom to avoid.

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    So what if I cant spell Armageddon, its not the end of the world.

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    Have you any idea what it's like to live under the same roof as four women? Armageddon is the best word for it.

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    If we will not devise some greater and more equitable system, Armageddon will be at our door.

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    If it should happen you wake up and Armageddon has come, lie still.

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    I'm so pleased that I'm coming back to Armageddon, just to meet everyone. I'm very excited about doing it, I've heard great things about Armageddon and I'm just really excited to get there.

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    ..She had that brand of pragmatism that would find her the first brewing tea after Armageddon.

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    Will be a divine fight, a holy war...Armageddon on a miniature scale.

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    We get to see it! January 1st, 2000! We get to see... all those fundamentalist preachers having to do their backpedaling when the Armageddon doesn't occur.

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    We may be the generation that sees Armageddon.

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    What would you pack for Armageddon? Sunscreen and shades? Flame-proof underwear? Maybe a travel guide to the Underworld?

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    A little while, their hunger unfulfilled, The mothlike worlds flit 'round the guttering sun. ("Ephemera")

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    And how should we behave during this Apocalypse? We should be unusually kind to one another, certainly. But we should also stop being so serious. Jokes help a lot. And get a dog, if you don't already have one.

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    But that's how it goes; you think you're on top of the world, and suddenly they spring Armageddon on you.

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    As the horde of ancient and mythical creatures impossibly descends upon you and dragonfire envelopes the land, you are forced to concede that it’s probably the very coolest way that you could die.

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    As the night air started to creep in, he lifted her in his arms and walked the back way to their home on campus. He spent the evening digging her grave, not even caring who came his way. He didn’t care whether he lived or died, now that he had lost his only love. Mike glanced into her face one more time, and then covered her with dirt. “We bury our own. We take care of the ones we love.” He spoke softly, then placed a flower on her grave and made his way back to their dorm room.

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    We're made up of energy, so who's to say you can't transmit through electrical means? If you could transmit yourself wirelessly, then it's Armageddon pretty much.

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    Goodness, a girl steps out of the office for a couple days and the whole world ends!

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    Crowley thumped the wheel. Everything had been going so well, he'd had it really under his thumb these few centuries. That's how it goes, you think you're on top of the world, and suddenly they spring Armageddon on you.

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    Deciding to spit in the eye of every homely matron who ever warned her children not to stare into the sun directly, you crank the titanic telescope around to look directly towards the sun, the center of our solar system.

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    Every generation of humans that has ever lived believed they would see the end of the world, whether they called it Armageddon or Ragnorök.

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    Everything had been going so well, he'd had it really under his thumb these few centuries. That's how it goes, you think you're on top of the world, and suddenly they spring Armageddon on you.

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    In some universes, all possible pasts funnel towards a single fixed ending, Ω. It you are of millenarian bent, you might call Ω Armageddon, If you are of grammatical bent, you might call it punctuation on a cosmological scale. If you are a philosopher in such a universe, you might call Ω inevitable.

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    How do you think it will happen?' 'Well, thermonuclear extinction has always been very popular. Although the big boys are being quite polite to each other at the moment.' 'Asteroid strike?' said Aziraphale. 'Quite the fashion these days, I understand. Strike into the Indian Ocean, great big cloud of dust and vapour, goodbye all higher life forms.' 'Wow,' said Crowley. taking care to exceed the speed limit. Every little helped. 'Doesn't bear thinking about it, does, it,' said Aziraphale gloomily. 'All the higher life forms scythed away, just like that.' 'Terrible.' 'Nothin but dust and fundamentalists.' 'That was nasty.' 'Sorry, couldn't resist it.' They stared at the road. 'Maybe some terrorist-?' Aziraphale began. 'Not one of ours,' said Crowley. 'Or ours,' said Aziraphale. 'Although ours are freedom fighters, of course.' 'I'll tell you what,' said Crowley, scorching rubber on the Tadfield bypass. 'Cards on the table time. I'll tell you ours if you tell me yours.' 'All right. You first.' 'Oh, no. You first.' 'But you're a demon.' 'Yes, but a demon of my word, I should hope.' Aziraphale named five political leaders. Crowley named six. Three names were on both lists.

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    If there was Armageddon tomorrow? Well, then all those school-goers would be the unschooled and I’d be in my element. Survival is all about circumstances and who’s prepared for the current situation

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    if you can fight,fight,help each other, be prepared for anything.

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    I am crying for more and more disasters, for bigger calamities, for grander failures. I want the whole world to be out of whack, I want everyone to scratch himself to death.