Best 81 quotes in «up quotes» category

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    You can rely on corporate funded researchers to cover up inconvenient truths.

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    Yet… not enough information… will screw you up.

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    You can’t keep your feet on the ground, hoping to enjoy the fruits of your labour. The fruits are on the top; keep climbing till you pluck them with your hands!

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    You are fucked up ... And still we are friends!?

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    Young people today are deeply passionate and crave authentic life based on truth. They're hungry to make a difference. They're willing to take a stand for whatever they believe, even to die for a cause. When they sell out to Jesus, they'll pursue a standard of righteousness that is greater than anything you and I ever saw growing up. Don't water it down. Don't lower the standard. And don't just settle for raising it-raise it higher. Believe in your children. Talk with them. Speak well of them. Encourage them. Pray for them. Celebrate the victories with them. Affirm their growth. We can raise a generation that, although they'll make mistakes, will sell out completely when Jesus grips them. They'll give Him everything. They'll make you proud by being even weirder than you are.

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    You prank me … You fuck with me … You screw me up … Now is my time, get ready for the extra shit.

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    And here I was, left with only myself to deal with. It was entirely up to me.

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    25. Whenever two human beings spend time together, sooner or later they will probably irritate one another. This is true of best friends, married couples, parents and children, or teachers and students. The question is: How do they respond when friction occurs? There are four basic ways they can react: • They can internalize the anger and send it downward into a memory bank that never forgets. This creates great pressure within and can even result in disease and other problems. • They can pout and be rude without discussing the issues. This further irritates the other person and leaves him or her to draw his or her own conclusions about what the problem may be. • They can blow up and try to hurt the other person. This causes the death of friendships, marriages, homes, and businesses. • Or they can talk to one another about their feelings, being very careful not to attack the dignity and worth of the other person. This approach often leads to permanent and healthy relationships.

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    Are you an angel or a devil, sir? I need to know. Are you taking me up or down?

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    As many roads down as up, and the roads down as slippery as the others.

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    As more medical professionals get smart meter sickness, the utility and government smart meter cover-up just gets so much harder for the vested corporate interests!

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    Every relationship that we have with people today is either lifting us up or dragging us down

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    Beaming into the thick of a tree without becoming a lifelong tree hugger was a tricky business. A precision job. Scrooby’s job at the Time Saving Agency was a tough one. Billions of lives depended on him not screwing up. Literally billions and billions. Once, he’d screwed up in only a very small way and people wore those little yellow smiley faces on t-shirts for decades afterwards – and that was just a small screw up. He sighed. Here he sat, in the branches of an apple tree in an apple tree orchard – and without a single apple in sight. Below him, Isaac was waiting to get bonked on the noggin with an apple so that he could fulfill history by toddling off to invent gravity and shape scientific and mathematical principles for generations to come. Only one problem – no apples.

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    Dying from an aggressive fatal brain tumor is like dying from Alzheimer's disease accelerated one hundred times.

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    God wants to take care of us, raise us up and direct us in life

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    Friendship? ... You wanna know what's friendship? ... A Symbol of getting easily fucked up.

    • up quotes
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    Gamblers take blind risks. Entrepreneurs take risks while visually impaired and feel their way up and out.

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    God wants to raise rich and successful Christians up whose prosperity will never end

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    Each day when you wake up you have a choice: You can have a good day, or you can have a bad day. So you might as well have a good one.

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    Go up in a big airplane. Go high enough, and you will see the radiation rainbow interference ring around the shadow of the airplane on the clouds below.

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    Hey.... hey mother fuckers, waky, waky, wake up, wake up....

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    How can you say anything other than Ratatouille is Pixar's best movie? Your a chef, for Christ's sake," Sue said. Lou smiled at Sue's accusatory tone. She needed this distraction. Harley rolled his eyes and said, "You're letting your biases show, Sue. Up uses music better- like a character. The opening fifteen minutes is some of the best filmmaking- ever. And who doesn't love a good squirrel joke?" "But Ratatouille brings it all back to food." Sue waved a carrot in the air to emphasize her point. "They made you want to eat food cooked by a rat! I'd eat the food; it looked magnificent. That rat cooked what he loved; what tasted good. Like I've been telling Lou, we should cook food from the heart, not just the cookbook.

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    I advise people to be careful about taking advice from long term Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS) victims. If they have had it for decades and have not cleared it up, then you can discount what they have to say regarding curing the condition. However, they are an excellent resource on the biological harm of electromagnetic fields (EMF), EMF avoidance and low EMF products.

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    I am not a fan of sealed up sterile homes or Faraday cages and their use in human health, although I do understand that some people do feel relief in these environments.

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    If a person who grew up in an unhappy family cannot reprogram the sub consciousness he will not be able to create a strong marital union in the future

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    If You Are Feeling Blue, Try To Paint The Sky With It. When Its Done, Look At It And Then Definitely The Golden Sun Will Come Out From You To Brighten Up Your Entire Day....

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    If you aim upward, you will at shoot higher things (future prospects). If you aim downwards, you may shoot your feet (foundation).

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    If you're a follower of Jesus, He has given you abundance so that you can care for others, not so you can stock up on capri pants for next summer or afford a leather interior in the new SUV.

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    If you're a follower of Jesus, He has given you abundance so that you can care for others, not so you can stock up on capri pants for next summer or afford a leather interior in the new SUV. As long as you don't own the responsibility of being blessed with resources so that you can give to those around you, then you can stay focused on getting more for yourself.

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    If you don't know what's respect, I think that you will end up like, "It's not a Happy".

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    I had to make a large number of changes to clear Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS) up, it took years to figure it out. I kept on making change after change until one day I realized that EHS was no longer present.

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    If you wait for the mango fruits to fall, you'd be wasting your time while others are learning how to climb the tree

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    I have outlived a few of the kids that I grew up with in Knowsley Village, Liverpool, UK. Two dropped dead at eighteen years of age from heart attacks! They lived across the road from each other and played together. I wonder if it was some exposure that was common to them? Curiously, an entire family of three ladies all got breast cancer just round the corner from them, it killed my friend! A little further up the road another friend dropped dead of brain cancer in her thirties. Always seemed like far too much premature death in such a small area.

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    In Mexico, dishes pile up in the sink just as fast as in the States, goddamn it.

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    I just screw up and fake it up.

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    I'm glad that there is somebody who likes what I do, but up to when he will continue? Will he stop?

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    I'm only up when you're not down Don't wanna fly if you're still on the ground

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    In the end... I am fucked up as hell... the problem isn't that I write to someone or speak to someone... but the silence... Which comes within that noise... ... within that text!?!? It really fucks me up!

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    I think irradiating pilots with WiFi radio frequency (RF) radiation is really going to hit about five years from now as 'Delayed Radiation Complications' show up. I am expecting to see increased airplane accidents & crashes for various reasons starting in 2020 onward.

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    It did occur to him that perhaps he’d gone to the wrong Academy – the guys in the Space Fleet always had more interesting stories to tell at the spaceport bars. You know, tales about the dude who got vaporized in a plasma accident in the engineering section, or the fella who got turned into a blob of weird space jelly by some alien virus – or the time someone flew a starship into an astor-field at warp four by mistake (they were still trying to find the black box on that one). The Imperial Space Fleet’s recruiting office sure didn’t go around advertising ‘Join up, see the universe, meet interesting aliens and die screaming’, but it was known there were risks involved. It was part of the job after all, and yet somehow, they still got recruits signing up in droves. Yes, indeedy – the stories were far more interesting than his – took a load of ore to Gorda, took a load of mining equipment back to Tordrazil. Took a load of Florpavian Flame-birds to a zoo on Deanna, took a load of machinery to Salus. Picked up and dropped off a few passengers on the way. Still, Florpavian Flame-birds were a risky cargo… and damned tricky to transport – which is probably the only reason he’d had any entertainment at all on the last trip.

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    I think people need to recognize that those of us who have been so much influenced by violence in the media- in particular pornographic violence- are not some kinds of inherent monsters. We are your sons, and we are your husbands. And we grew up in regular families.

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    Over the years I have come to understand three things about the police: 1) They cover up virtually everything involving a police officer. 2) They will not enforce the laws for people that they do not like. 3) They will target people that they do not like for prosecution using various techniques that include unwarranted stops, drug testing, faked police reports, tickets, fines, blatantly mislead the judge at court, and removal of USA federal rights.

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    It is only when we are ready to give up on some things in our lives that we could receive new things.

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    I wish he would look at me the way he looks at his subjects. Because then he'd see there's more to me than shy, just like I see there's more to him than slacker

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    Make up for every mistake you make in life. Some of us humans tend to learn from our mistakes and others tend to make the same false mistakes." ― Sage Canny

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    Never split up, better together than one by one to die!

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    In God's economy, you may even harvest a crop in places where you didn't plant seed. When you're generous, you will be blessed, whether it comes to you materially, spiritually, emotionally, relationally, or some other way. God obviously cares much more about what happens in our hearts than what happens in our bank accounts, more about our attitudes than our credit scores. Giving generously changes you. It frees you up, undermines the power that money and possessions can have over you, and it makes you more like Him.

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    One two, one two, Type a word or two. Arrow left, arrow right, Keep those fingers nice and tight. Keys up, Keys down, Move those digits all around. One two, one two, Type a word or two.

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    Panic is more like protection from the danger, stuff when they don't go on plan it's a code on "how much humans we are"...

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    So… die!? When is going to die this guy or that woman in series!???? Kind of fucked up… knowing the answer and continue watching. ( Dexter, Person of Interest, Breaking Bad - On thoughts)