Best 82 quotes in «life after death quotes» category

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    And yet—does it not seem too good to be true? Oh, believe me, I cannot shake nor ignore the evidence. My doubt is quite illogical and therefore quite human. And—we shall all know some day—perhaps. Old people love to look back, they say. It may be because they have much to look back upon. But if the promise of the soul's reawakening holds good, there is a larger joy in looking forward. To our next meeting then?

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    A lot of people think death is nothingness, that somehow they'll stop existing. They're pretty surprised to find themselves still aware, thinking, seeing. Feeling emotions. Things they associate with life. So they're often confused. Other people have so much fear built up around the idea of death that it's too scary to contemplate, even after they've passed on." "What, they just ignore the evidence?" "You'd be surprised what people can make themselves believe.

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    There is no life after death, so offer kindness to all, not in the next life but now

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    Closed mouths, only lead to closed gates. Share your salvation!

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    …but death can’t be the final word, can it? I mean, look at this fire. The wood that we threw on it has been decimated, or so it seems, but in reality, the wood has been transformed into gasses and ashes. I think about that, you know, about how nothing is ever destroyed, but only changes form.

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    ... but where do we go?"(Elinor) "I used to think there was a plan, a rough plan, but a plan all the same," the doctor admitted. "Now, I believe there are a thousand plans. Every breath, every decision, influences the plan, expands it, shortens it, twists it all around. It's always changing. Those of us lucky enough to make it through the multitude of possible diseases and accidents get old. We get tired. We close our eyes." "And then? Where are we then?" Silly to ask him as though he knew, but in fact the doctor didn't hesitate. He took Elinor's hand and placed it on his chest, in the place where he knew his heart to be. "There." Elinor smiled and thought at last. At last someone had told her the truth.

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    Death would be an extremely bad thing like most of us paint it, if being dead were painful.

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    Death is only the death of death not the death of life.

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    don't worry - so what if there is no life after death? There is life after Garp, believe me.

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    Doubt and despair, ... the sweet nibble of decay.

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    Even those who want to go to heaven would rather kill than be killed.

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    Everyone in the tribe believed in life after death and the spirit’s ability to be reborn and live again in a new body. The undying soul was unquestioned. Did not the leaves fall off the tree and become part of the soil that nourished the tree which spouted new leaves?

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    Heaven is a place where all the dogs you've ever loved come to greet you.

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    Funny how we do not realize the true value and legacy of a living icon until they suddenly pass away. Truth is, there are many living legends among us, we just do not stop and take time to notice their worth until it's too late.

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    Foreword of my book: The Pawn “It is being said that time and space could be tied to their creator’s stance of what they are to him or her. It can possibly be perceived by those who become the receivers of this viewpoint as something different or the same.” (Claire Manning Writer/Author 2016)

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    I even spent a certain amount of time worrying about the Spiritualist doctrines: If The Other Side was so wonderful, why did the spirits devote most of their messages to warnings? Instead of telling their loved ones to avoid slippery stairs and unsafe cars and starchy foods, they should have been luring them over cliffs and bridges and into lakes, spurring them on to greater feats of intemperance and gluttony, in order to hasten their passage to the brighter shore.

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    How many successful men who have led loveless lives would wish to be born again to the mean worry and anxious labour they have suffered under and defeated? But when I have spoken to grey-haired widowed husbands of a future life their eyes have sparkled and I have not needed telling of their secret hope. As I have put it: "If there is another life I will seek my sweet friend and marry her again.

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    If a leaden bullet is composed of electric charges, may not a human spirit be composed of something equally intangible—or tangible? I found myself as Carlyle put it, "standing on the bosom of nothing." That was in 1920, when I was just turned sixty-nine. In the following year, on the 19th of December, 1 9 2 1, my wife died. The dear girl had a happy death. She never knew she was dying and she had no pain. She just fell asleep. The last time I saw her she was sleeping quietly, and she looked like a pretty child. There was a slight flush on her cheeks and one little white hand lay out on the green counterpane: "like an April daisy on the grass." That was at midnight, and she died at six the next morning. I had gone to bed, for I was exhausted with watching. For the last week or more she would not let me out of her room by night or day. When I got up on the morning of her death I found to my surprise that I did not believe she was dead. My materialism notwithstanding, I felt that my wife was alive. My daughters, who held the same materialistic views, shared my feeling. We could not believe that she was not. Perhaps it was because we had been so devoted to her, because she had so filled our lives. I began to ask myself if perhaps the spiritualists were right. I did what Lady Warwick did when the Socialist idea came to her. I read all the best spiritualist books I could get hold of. I read and thought steadily for a couple of years and then I wrote some articles in the Sunday Chronicle protesting against the harsh criticism and cheap ridicule to which spiritualists were subjected. Still, I was not convinced. I was only puzzled. The books had affected me as W. T. Stead's talk had affected me. I told myself that all those gifted and honourable men and women could not be dupes or knaves. And—if they were right?

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    If heaven really exists: then, technically, living is an activity that believers keep themselves busy with — while they wait for their death.

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    If I were to believe in God enough to call him a murderer, then I might also believe enough that he, as a spirit, exists beyond death; and therefore only he could do it righteously. For the physical being kills a man and hatefully sends him away, whereas God, the spiritual being, kills a man and lovingly draws him nigh.

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    I have spent much of my life around death. I have sat with people as they died. I have listened to others relate near-death experiences. I have studied theology and am aware of what scriptures and religions say about life and death. And I have come to the conclusion that death is not to be feared. Moreover, when it is time for me to move out of this tenement in which I am housed, I intend to look forward to it joyfully.

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    If we’ve been born once already (which we know we have) why then is it so hard for some to believe that we’ve been born before? The answer to that is nothing other than the information about life one has previously received.

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    I’ll tell you what I don’t believe, Alwyn. I don’t believe there’s a pretty forest in the sky with castles and a white light and God and all his angels waiting to welcome all the good people in. And you and me standing there sick with nerves while they check us out to see if we’ve made the grade. That sounds too much like immigrating to Australia.

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    I knew we were not alone, but there was something in the air, something good and pure that reassured me. It’s a beautiful energy, and has been with me ever since.

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    İnsanın oturup, soyut ve teorik planda kendi ölümünü mutlaka bir yokoluş olarak düşünmesi zor olmayabilir; ama aynı şeyi gözünde canlandırması bütünüyle imkansızdır: çünkü bunu yapmak kendi yok oluşunu tasarlamak -bir başka deyişle yokluğunu tasarlamak, yokluğu gözde canlandırmak demektir ki insan zihni bunu yapabilecek güçte değildir. Bize ölümden sonraki hayata inanmayı öğretenler felsefeciler ve peygamberler değildir; onların bütün yaptığı, insanlık kadar eski fıtri bir kavrayışa biçim ve manevi içerik kazandırmaktır.

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    I think there is a process where all our consciousness goes in circles if you like from one body to the other or it goes into another dimension where your next life begins and you keep moving up dimensions like a ladder through the universe or whatever. There so many different possibilities. - If we ask, where will the human conciousness goes when they dies? But Isnt that the greatest question in the world I would love to know as Peter Pan once said "to die would be an awfully big adventure", but realy i don't know because I'm not dead yet, you know it can be one with the universal consciousness. we are one consciousness manifested in different forms.

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    It is not about "life after death" as such. Rather, it's a way of talking about being bodily alive again after a period of being bodily dead. Resurrection is a second-stage postmortem life: "life after 'life after death.

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    It's an insidious idea, this notion that there is life after death. The promise of a reward in the afterlife has been used as an excuse to deny help to the poor, helpless and oppressed; to explain away human misery rather than deal with it. It is an idea that is used to encourage young men and women to kill themselves, and others, so that they can become martyrs. It allows victims of injustice to be told not to worry because justice will be done in the afterlife. It depresses me to think that so many people on the planet live their lives with this notion. Can we truly fulfill our potential as a species as long as we hold on to, and encourage, the perpetuation of the lie of life after death?

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    It was difficult to hold Broca's brain without wondering whether in some sense Broca was still in there—his wit, his skeptical mien, his abrupt gesticulations when he talked, his quiet and sentimental moments.

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    Like flowers we grow, bloom, and whither - each day and each life. In our next life we'll grow, bloom, and whither even more beautifully. But although we blossom more grandiose in each new life, all our lives are perfect in their own way.

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    I wanted my eternity in carbon molecules, in being part of the trees, the sky, air itself

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    I’ve always had a lifelong interest in spirit. I was an 8-year-old boy – an 8-year-old adorable little boy. I just understood my grandfather had a ‘knowingness.’ I didn’t know the word psychic then.” (during interview with Sam Liebowitz on the Conscious Consultant Hour)

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    Jesus’ promise of resurrection of believers came with a demonstration. He did it and said His followers who die will do same. This is leadership! It’s based on truth!

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    Live to ask. Die to answer.

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    One day with knowing the reality is better than hundred years without knowing the reality.

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    No matter how rich or poor you are, all life will come to a sudden halt to travel into two types of destinations; Heaven and Hell.

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    Primitive humans could not comprehend the vastness of infinity and eternity, so as a trick of self-preservation they came up with the perception of survival of the soul after death and its recurring incarnations.

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    People speak even after their death. Only do speak those who have recorded their speech in writing before they die, the rest go silent forever

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    Perhaps death doesn't mean goodbye, but rather, 'til we meet again.

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    Other than the promise of life after death, nothing consoles the poor better than the fact that rich people are also subject to death.

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    Pero ¡Ella está muerta! ¡Su cuerpo está muerto...! ¿Y el alma? ¿Acaso el alma no es inmortal...? ¿Acaso ella necesita de sus órganos terrenales para hacer valer su poderío?

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    The cradle rocks above an abyss, and common sense tells us that our existence is but a brief crack of light between two eternities of darkness. Although the two are identical twins, man, as a rule, views the prenatal abyss with more calm than the one he is heading for.

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    Science is opposed to theological dogmas because science is founded on fact. To me, the universe is simply a great machine which never came into being and never will end. The human being is no exception to the natural order. Man, like the universe, is a machine. Nothing enters our minds or determines our actions which is not directly or indirectly a response to stimuli beating upon our sense organs from without. Owing to the similarity of our construction and the sameness of our environment, we respond in like manner to similar stimuli, and from the concordance of our reactions, understanding is born. In the course of ages, mechanisms of infinite complexity are developed, but what we call 'soul' or 'spirit,' is nothing more than the sum of the functionings of the body. When this functioning ceases, the 'soul' or the 'spirit' ceases likewise. I expressed these ideas long before the behaviorists, led by Pavlov in Russia and by Watson in the United States, proclaimed their new psychology. This apparently mechanistic conception is not antagonistic to an ethical conception of life.

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    Sometimes I feel like my whole life before she died was a dream.

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    The dead are omniabsent.

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    Science is great for us. But for someone who see the human evaluation for more than one million years, science is a just a one instant and younger than a baby.

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    There is neither a Heaven for a Hell. Life after Death is an oxymoron. Life is just another word for existence, and Death is just another word for non-existence.

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    There are five people you meet in heaven," the Blue Man suddenly said. "Each of us was in your life for a reason. You may not have known the reason at the time, and that is what heaven is for. For understanding your life on Earth." Eddie looked confused. "People think of heaven as a paradise garden, a place where they can float on clouds and laze in rivers and mountains. But scenery without solace is meaningless. "This is the greatest gift God can give you: To understand what happened in your life. To have it explained. It is the peace you have been searching for.

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    There is just one true God (I AM), and He is the giver of life! We have just one lifetime chance to live life! Let us therefore devote our one lifetime to His service, in truth and in spirit, loving Him fully with our lips, mind and heart, no matter what, knowing that regardless of who we are, when death ends our journey of life, we remain accountable to the giver of life!

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    There is no murky pit of hell awaiting anyone ... Mind cannot arise alone without body, or apart from sinews and blood ... You must admit, therefore, that when then body has perished, there is an end also of the spirit diffused through it. It is surely crazy to couple a mortal object with an eternal...