Best 45 quotes in «morale quotes» category

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    It is vital that we not be made to seem wholly helpless in the opening moments of the war. Once a nation ceases to believe that they can win a war, that war is lost.

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    Morale still seems reasonably high and, while the desertion rate has risen, it is still limited to those who can walk.

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    Nothing sapped morale like the fear of being attacked from behind.

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    Morale and attitude are fundamentals to success.

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    Morality is always prejudicial.

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    Naturalmente la distinzione/congiunzione tra essere ed esistenza riguarda tutti gli esseri umani, e la potenziale priorità dell'essere concreto per vivere meglio concerne gli uomini non meno che le donne, seppure con diversi accenti. Nulla vieta a noi maschi - le lettrici e i lettori mi permetteranno questa riflessione di genere, in questo caso maschile - di poter riacquistare una giusta postura al riguardo. Nulla lo vieta se non la stessa terribile scelta millenaria di separazione, di oppressione nei confronti del genere femminile di cui siamo, anche inconsapevolmente protagonisti - e l'inconsapevolezza non è mai stata una scusa per un pensiero virtuoso. Allora, nessun senso di colpa: se proviamo a sentire, a pensare, a volere, a poter vivere diversamente la specie e quindi innanzitutto il genere femminile - per noi maschi significa capirne la positività, provare ad imparare da esso suscitandone gli insegnamenti e quindi, perché ne è un aspetto costitutivo, rispettandolo come genere primo -, se riusciremo in questo miglioreremo noi stessi, liberandoci da tare storiche acquisite, di cui non possiamo essere elettivamente responsabili in prima persona ma che tendiamo a riverberare e perpetuare. Conquistare una visione concreta della specie e dei generi, innanzitutto del genere femminile, vuol dire anche, e con crescente importanza, provare ad elaborare un'ontica e un'ontologia femminile (per ontica intendo il concreto dell'essere e per ontologia la potenzialità dell'essere). Elaborare un'ontica e un'ontologia del genere femminile significa andare alle radici di un'ontica e un'ontologia concretamente intese dell'umanità tutta, e concretamente vuol dire inseparabile dall'esistenza e dal vissuto, inseparabile dalle scelte che si operano, dai valori morali ed etici che si scelgono. E perciò stesso certamente è anche un problema filosofico, e non solo: è un problema di teoresi complessiva, un problema - e un bel problema - della vita.

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    Per quanto riguarda l’attualità e il futuro: non si tratta di mutuare il modo di vivere e di pensare delle primitive e dei primitivi, tornando indietro a prima del patriarcato, ma di teorizzare e progettare l’essere migliori e vivere meglio anche capendo che l’intuizione elementare del prius femminile è stato parte dell’affermazione e dell’emersione della specie umana. Lo sfalso non spiega tutto. L’umanità ha tutt’altro che risolto il problema dell’oppressione patriarcale e affrontarlo è complicato. I maschi non devono far finta di non far parte del loro genere, devono provare a schierarsi attivamente contro le caratteristiche peggiori e poter riconoscere quelle più positive. Non è possibile omettere il passaggio di riconoscimento di appartenenza al genere maschile, e uso il termine appartenenza perché solitamente è proprio un’appartenenza di clan, di banda, dalla quale non ci si può dissociare passivamente. Lo si può fare solo in modo attivo, a partire dagli ambiti che si frequentano. Lo sfalso perenne può essere interpretato e immaginato dalle donne positivamente per il futuro, non come una dannazione al multi-tasking ma come potenzialità a vantaggio di una specie che è unitaria, che condivide una contemporaneità rispetto all’essere, rappresentare e agire. Una riflessione da impostare che qui accenno come tema da esplorare riguarda gli aspetti morali sottesi a questo sfalso, perché la preminenza nel genere femminile della preoccupazione per la vivibilità e per il bene, anche se intesa in maniera riduttiva o talvolta in maniera sbagliata, ritengo inerisca la morale, oltre che la capacità di percezione, di attenzione, di sguardo d’assieme.

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    ... par la constance de la générosité, on supprime la morale. [in Éloge de l'imprudence]

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    That's the thing about war: it's never enough to disable the buildings, to blow holes into their middles; instead, they're hit over and over again, as if to pound them to dust, to disintegrate them, to remove them from the earth, to deny that families ever lived in them. But people did live there. And they needed to return, even though there was nothing left to return to except forbidding piles of broken concrete and cable wires sticking out of the heaps like markers of malevolence.

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    Presidents and other politicians manage the appearance of things, largely by manipulating the air and hope.

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    Sans culture morale, aucune chance pour les hommes.

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    Stay sought-after by enabling others to proudly use their best talents together on things that matter to them. One way is to get employees to pair up on projects, thus cutting down silos and scaling up stronger performance -- plus these benefits: • Facilitates cross-training in a fast, natural and fun way. • Enables individuals in different parts of your organization to get to know more people in meaningful ways, and discover each other's best talents and favorite interests. • Prevents your organization from being hamstrung when a key expert leaves.

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    Rephrase the words "staff members" into team members. Because the people in our team are far more than employees, or colleagues. We are a unit!

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    There is no seamen in the world who prefers a slow ship to a fast one. The painters painted better, the cooks took a little more time with the meals, and the technicians tightened the bolts just a little more. Their ship was no longer a cripple, and pride broke out in the crew like a rainbow after a summer shower.

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    The most important thing is not to let fundraising get you down. Startups live or die on morale. If you let the difficulty of raising money destroy your morale, it will become a self-fulfilling prophecy.

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    The distance between your Dreams and Reality is inversely proportional to your Efforts.

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    I think the asset management industry, especially in the US, is going through a pretty tough time. If you talk to the CEO of a US asset manager, morale would be at a low, even though stock markets are at almost record levels.

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    There may be something going on in your life right now, that seems like a giant, so big that you think it's impossible to conquer. But, remember no matter how gigantic your problems may be, you have everything in you to overcome. You have the power to say to that mountain move, get out my way. Activate your faith, and watch it happen. The victory is yours!

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    While motivation fires up our interest and willingness to run the race, encouragement helps get us across the finish line.

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    You are well aware that it is not numbers or strength that bring the victories in war. No, it is when one side goes against the enemy with the gods' gift of a stronger morale that their adversaries, as a rule, cannot withstand them. I have noticed this point too, my friends, that in soldiering the people whose one aim is to keep alive usually find a wretched and dishonorable death, while the people who, realizing that death is the common lot of all men, make it their endeavour to die with honour, somehow seem more often to reach old age and to have a happier life when they are alive. These are facts which you too should realize (our situation demands it) and should show that you yourselves are brave men and should call on the rest to do likewise.

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    La vraie e loquence se moque de l'e loquence, la vraie morale se moque de la morale. True eloquence has notime foreloquence, true morality has no time for morality.

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    Nothing is so good for the morale of the troops as occasionally to see a dead general.

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    One lesson is to not to play desperately if your position is worse but still reasonable. Lashing out wildly in an inferior position usually only hastens defeat. Meanwhile, solid, stubborn defense can demoralize the attacker, make him lose confidence. When that happens, the tables can turn. Keep fighting, stay steady, keep morale high - and public protests are good for all of these things.

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    You are a Hero. Be Heroic. Always.

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    Morale is good; troops are confident; leaders are capable.

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    More than fans, they felt like a team of morale-boosters who would always be around to remind me of my own worth

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    Service rivalry leads to service pride, which is good for building morale and esprit.

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    A little girl was sitting beside him, with huge, doomy eyes, a bear suit with all the buttons done up in the wrong buttonholes, and very dark, straggly hair that stuck straight out of her head at odd angles. She seem to read his mind. "Shh," said the little girl. A lot of her teeth had recently fallen out and she was very serious for such a small person. "We're not allowed to talk about the Lost. It's bad for morale.

    • morale quotes
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    The good news was that Enterprise and the newly arrived Yorktown had attacked the Marshall and Gilbert islands. Those attacks had a great effect on morale.

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    You can always find reasons to work. There will always be one more thing to do. But when people don't take time out, they stop being productive. They stop being happy, and that affects the morale of everyone around them.

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    Ought we not to ask the media to agree among themselves a voluntary code of conduct, under which they would not say or show anything which could assist the terrorists' morale or their cause while the hijack lasted.

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    D'altro canto, c'era sempre la morale che bisogna continuare a fare quanto si può, giorno per giorno; nella politica come in tutto il resto della vita, per chi non è un balordo, contano quei due principî lì: non farsi mai troppe illusioni e non smettere di credere che ogni cosa che fai potrà servire.

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    As for the problem of overproduction, which has been latent in our society since the development of the machine technique, it is solved by the device of continuous warfare, which is also useful in keying up public morale to the necessary pitch. ... The problem, that is to say, is educational. It is a problem of continuously molding the consciousness both of the directing group and of the larger executive group that lies immediately below it. The consciousness of the masses needs only to be influenced in a negative way.

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    But [Coca-Cola] was also genuinely welcomed by the servicemen in far-flung military bases: Coca-Cola reminded them of home and helped to maintain morale.

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    don't ever think that you're a single in total freedom,but think of combating the forces of lust.

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    Don't tell a lie to be loved, speak the truth to be hated.

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    Don't shrink your standards, link yourself with those who think and ink like you.

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    God doesn't need me to believe in Him. Believing in myself satisfies him just as much.

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    Even if everything is destroyed, keep your spirit high because this will put everything into its place again!

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    Expendable was not the word I was looking to hear to boost my morale, but whatever.

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    First people lose their hair, then their vices, then their motivation. Then a toupee brings it all flowing back.

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    I don't need to be vocal about my intentions, I am just intentional about my actions.

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    If you keep your morale high, you’ll keep everything high! And to keep your morale high, try to benefit from nature’s energy! And to benefit from nature’s energy, make the nature as your favourite port!

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    If you thinks right the right things, then the right thinks will make the things right.

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    Individual talent is an obstruction principally among teams that employ the facade of a synergy to diminish the majorities mediocrity.