Best 4015 quotes in «fantasy quotes» category

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    Don't threaten me with a good time.

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    Don't worry,' my girl said, 'I'll teach you to outwit pity.

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    Don’t you just love meeting new people in new places? It means I can be whoever I want to be. And guess what, sweet’eart? Today…I choose to be your worst nightmare.

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    Dorian sat quietly for a moment and then said, “We all straddle the abyss, Penny. If you never look down, how will you ever know who you are or what you will become? Your dad could never be ashamed of you, because falling in that abyss is part of the process of growing up.

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    Dorn exuded confidence, like someone raised in an exclusive Northeastern boarding school; the kind with crested jackets and ties, where teachers lived in fear of their students

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    Doubt is what keeps the heart and mind of every man alive. It 's what makes us think twice.

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    Down every hall is a gruesome tangle of impossible creatures, and every one of them is split open or strung with barbs or dragging their insides after them, flailing along on shattered limbs or shredded wings or blasted stumps. I’ve got the pistol, half a can of spray and a handful of useless shotgun slugs. I’m dead.

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    Doubt is the one thing a religion cannot afford.

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    Dovie'andi se tovya sagain!

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    Do you believe in eternal love, Vane?" He nodded. "When you live for hundreds of years, you see all kinds of things." "How does someone know the difference between that and infatuation?" He sat up between her legs, then pulled her into his lap to cuddle. "I don't think there is a difference. I think infatuation is like a garden. If tended and cared for, it grows into love. If neglected or abused it dies. The only way to have eternal love is to never let your heart forget what it's like to live without it.

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    Do you get the same peace of mind that I do when you're causing random damage? Especially random, senseless, mindless damage that serves no real purpose. That's my favorite kind, you know! That's the best!

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    Do you know what I have in my heart? I have hope. And I'll share it with the world.

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    Do you have a thing against knights?” “Pretty boys who run around slaying dragons to save the fair maiden?” He let the sarcasm dangle for a moment. “Nah. I’m just not one.

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    Do you feel it? That roaring call?

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    Do you know that high fever which invades us in our cold suffering, that aching for a land we do not know, that anguish of curiosity? There is a country which resembles you, where everything is beautiful, sumptuous, authentic, still, where fantasy has built and adorned a western China, where life is sweet to breathe, where happiness is wed to silence. That is where to live, that is where to die!" - Invitation to a Voyage

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    Do you play?” Quincy jerked her eyes away from the instrument to find Lord Arch watching her, his mouth drawn in a very familiar straight line. “Only for myself, now that Ezekiel is dead,” she answered truthfully. “How delightful,” he said, smiling, his handsome face giving way to the refined wrinkles of his age. “Why don’t you play for yourself now, and I’ll just listen?

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    Do you mean that Zane is some kind of bird magnet?

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    Do you really think you can win?' 'Yeah. Hell, Ortega is only the third or fourth most disturbing thing I've tangled with today.' 'But even if you do win, what does it change?' 'Me getting kiilled now. That way, I get to be killed later tonight instead.' - Susan Rodriguez & Harry Dresden, Death Masks, Jim Butcher

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    Do you think there could be a universe next door?

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    :Do you trust me?: Wareska quietly linked. :To stay alive? No. You and the monster will get lost in riddles and philosophizing. Then you will make some grand, heroic gesture, poorly thought-out and overestimating your own strength, and when the creature has roasted you alive, I will be the one sweeping up the ashes – figuratively speaking, of course. Lest we forget, I do not have hands.:

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    Dragonsbane, they called him. Slayer of dragons. Or a dragon, anyway. And, he'd later found out, not such a very big one at that.

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    Do you want to acquire God's own wisdom? Relate with the Holy Spirit. Be a seeker of divine guidance by the Holy Spirit. You can't be a man or woman of solution without God.

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    Dragons, for instance, have the right of safe conduct anywhere in Faërie. A reader may not like to read stories about dragons, she may be morally offended or aesthetically uninterested or simply sick of the subject; but at any rate she will not complain that the author has cheated by bringing in a dragon, because dragons belong in fantasy.

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    Dragons were a problem sometimes, but they only came on Tuesdays, so you could work around them.

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    Dragons were notoriously finicky about whom they ate, and thought it the height of bad manners to be kept waiting by their selected fare.

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    Dragons do not count,” the Magika said. And that was the problem, wasn’t it? Because Dragons did count and anyone who thought otherwise was deeply flawed and completely untrustworthy.

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    Do you think we can be friends?” I asked. He stared up at the ceiling. “Probably not, but we can pretend.

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    Dreams are pathways for the heart. - Reminim the gnome

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    Du är charmig när du är arg. Ilskan liksom lyfter fram dina ögon.

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    Du är skadad.” ”Tack vare dig, älskling.

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    Du är smutsig.” ”Eldar. Tack. Jag har levt på en drakrygg i ett dygn eller två. Tack vare dig. Döm inte min hygien, är du snäll.

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    Du kommer att gå upp i vikt om du teleporterar dig överallt. Det hade bara tagit oss någon sång att gå.

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    D’un tempérament courageux, prompt au galop, l’alezan brûlé au front étoilé n’était pas à son égard un simple cheval parmi d’autres. Ils entretenaient une amitié riche et complexe, révélatrice d’identité et de caractère particulier. C’est alors qu’il passait la brosse dure sur la robe du cheval que l’idée lui vint. Il se rappela avoir entendu quelquefois le Haut Chevalier appeler son noir rouanné Courroux ; Gurœv nommait sobrement son destrier à la robe gris souris Plume et Kardys le forestier appelait son chien Noiraud. Caressant de la main le front de l’équidé, Trys lui murmura : - Si je t’appelais Égide, d’accord ? Croisant son regard, il sembla à Trys que les yeux de l’hongre pétillaient de joie. Les oreilles dressées, naseaux frémissants, Égide poussa doucement son museau contre l’épaule de Trys en signe d’assentiment.

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    Du kan inte beordra en drake till någonting.

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    Du är min ryttare." "Och du min drake.

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    Dúera sesta múera nainnin, a endar isn'ar a.” ”Vad betyder det?” Jag vrider ned huvudet igen, andas över hans läppar. ”Du är solen. Du är solen jag kretsar kring.

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    Du har … sådana där … horn.” ”Jag har vad?

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    Dünyada sadece tek bir şey kötü yürekli bir insana karşı durabilir. O da başka bir insandır. Ayıbımızda yatar şerefimiz. Sadece bizim ruhumuz, kötülüğe açık olan ruhumuz, onu yenmeye muktedirdir.

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    During a late evening briefing, Jimmy listened as Harford told the group they would be teleporting. Harford’s briefing didn’t extend beyond saying the men might experience nausea, mild dizziness, and garbled sounds, and he couldn’t tell them more because each person’s experience of teleportation was unique. At last, Jimmy would find out what it was like, though the recent conversation with Vicar played on his mind. He wanted the answer to the one question that nagged him, but in the end, he didn’t ask how many men had died during teleportation. He reasoned that Harford wouldn’t tell him.

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    During the day I miss your laughter and your wit and your smiles and the sharpness of your mind. In the evenings I think more of your kisses, sighs, and understanding ways. Then some nights I lie awake consumed with thoughts of the day I can love you in every way. On nights like this, my hunger for you overwhelms me. I can dwell for hours on the taste of your mouth and the scent of your hair and the touch of your skin.

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    Du vill kyssa mig, Jack.” ”Skulle hellre kyssa chassit på bilen och har du sett hur skitigt det är?

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    Du ska inte lita på drakar. Det har du lärt dig nu.

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    Each day Marda gets closer. The sub circles coral reefs off the coasts, where mermaids are said to like the colors of the schools of fishes, and train them to swim around their necks like jewelry or live behind their ears, beneath their long hair. Sometimes mermaids like shallow places, but mostly they like the dark and the beautiful, uncharted, abandoned, soulless parts of the undiscovered world.

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    During those years he met his seminars, went & lectured & read, talked with human beings, paid insurance & taxes; but his mind was not on it. his mind was elsewheres in an area where the soul not talks but sings & where foes are attacked with axes.

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    Dust is not a constant. There’s not a fixed quantity that has always been the same. Conscious beings make Dust—they renew it all the time, by thinking and feeling and reflecting, by gaining wisdom and passing it on. And if you help everyone else in your worlds to do that, by helping them to learn and understand about themselves and each other and the way everything works, and by showing them how to be kind instead of cruel, and patient instead of hasty, and cheerful instead of surly, and above all how to keep their minds open and free and curious…Then they will renew enough to replace what is lost through one window. So there could be one left open.

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    Du tänker väl inte hoppa därifrån?” ”Jag tänker inte stanna här med dig i alla fall.

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    Duty over fear.

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    Each and every one of these brave souls standing with him would rather die fighting for virtue and beauty than surrender to a life without either.

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    Each of the dancers took a partner, the living with the dead, each to each. Bod reached out his hand and found himself touching fingers with, and gazing into the grey eyes of, the lady in the cobweb dress. She smiled at him. “Hello, Bod,” she said. “Hello,” he said, as he danced with her. “I don’t know your name.” “Names aren’t really important,” she said. “I love your horse. He’s so big! I never knew horses could be that big.” “He is gentle enough to bear the mightiest of you away on his broad back, and strong enough for the smallest of you as well.” “Can I ride him?” asked Bod. “One day,” she told him, and her cobweb skirts shimmered. “One day. Everybody does.” “Promise?” I promise.

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    Each step I take toward him is one more step closer to home.