Best 285 quotes in «lgbtq quotes» category

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    We assume that anything that is new to us is new to human society as a whole, and that if we don’t see it reflected in history textbooks and in recent memory then it cannot have existed for long.

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    We can’t say it’s justifiable to deny some people their rights because we personally find something offensive. People have the right to their beliefs and they have the right to think that homosexuality is wrong, but they don’t have the right to use their religion and their beliefs to deny the rights of others.

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    Well, Louie, you’ll know then that Leviticus also tells us not to cut our beards, not to wear linen and wool together nor to eat crayfish or frogs or snails. I’m afraid that if we adhered to Leviticus the entire French nation would be an abomination in the eyes of the Lord.

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    We're only three class sessions in and I'm already behind? And to hear it from him? This buttoned-up Bible-thumper I can't get out of my head?

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    We talk about what love is and what it isn't self-assuredly, telling each other what looks right and wrong.

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    What does love mean if we would deny it to others?

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    What does religious freedom mean if we would use it as a cover for hate and privilege?

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    What I don’t understand is how some people say they can recognize the necessity to provide people with equal treatment under the law but they say it only applies in certain situations. People still use their religion and morality as an excuse to deny services to those perceived as other.

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    What matters most is not 'what' you are, but 'who' you are.

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    When I opened the door, Andrew was standing there like a remedy for heart palpitations. Or maybe he made them worse. It was hard to tell.

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    When are you going to get a fella?" Lily asks Rose after a year or two of dancing. "I have one who wants to take me kissing, but I think I should wait for you to have one." Rose flushes. "I don't think I'll ever have a fella." "Why not?" Lily bristles. "We're plenty pretty." "I don't like the look of them," Rose says. Lily purses her lips at the dance floor, appraising. After a moment long, Rose says, "Any of them." Lily looks at her a long time, as Rose tries not to hyperventilate. Then Lily shrugs and says, "Well, then it's you who should have learned to lead, isn't it?" and when Rose clasps Lily's hand, she clasps it back. It's the closest they've ever been.

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    Whenever one comes to the the table for interreligous dialogue, there is what I would call an _ecumenical taboo_ that one has to comply with. The ecumenical taboo_ does not exist in a written document, but people tend to practice it around the dialogue table. One should not raise, for instance, such questions as gender justice, sexual orientation issues, religious constructions of the other, multiple forms of violence in a religious community, or religious cooperation with neo/imperialism. each religion has its own _history of sin_ that has justified and perpetuated oppression and exclusion of certain groups of people through its own religious teaching, doctrine, and practice. In order to be _nice_ and _tolerant_ to one another, interreligious dialogue has not challenged the fundamental issues of injustice that a particular religion has practiced, justified, and perpetuated in various ways. I do not disregard that most ecumenists have based interreligious dialogue on a politics of tolerance, and this has played a significant role in easing the antagonism between religions, at least among the leaders of established religions. However, we should ground an authentic ecumenism and theology of religion in a _politics of affirmation and transformation, rather than a politics of tolerance_.

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    When these flies were put together in all-male groups they formed long, moving chains resembling conga lines, with each male attempting (unsuccessfully) to mate with the male in front of it.

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    When your child feels fully loved by you, then they will feel fully loved by God. That is how you keep them connected to their faith.

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    When we hide discrimination under the guise of 'religious freedom,' we make a mockery of human rights.

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    When we are surrounded by such diversity - in nature, in culture, in human spirit - how can we stand not to acknowledge it?

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    Why then should tolerance, as far as the public sentiment is concerned, extend only to tastes and modes of life which extort acquiescence by the multitude of their adherents?

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    When you've grown up mis-educated, surrounded by fear and hate, unaware of your privilege, lies can sound like the truth.

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    Why did Irish people vote to introduce gay marriage? Because we know what discrimination feels like and if we can take the boot of oppression off someone else's throat, we'll do it every time.

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    Without people coming in to our lives we never evolve, we just remain stagnant. Surely there is more to life than standing still whilst letting it pass you by. What’s even worse, is living a life pretending to be someone, or something that you believe others want you to be.

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    With those shared personal stories and our own valued experiences we all, sometimes unknowingly, have a unique quality to impress vast and contrasting individual footprints onto this world. You may not relate to me as a drag queen, or even a gay man for that matter. However if you take away that small portion of my life, you’ll soon discover that I’m just like someone who’s already a part of your life, that you’re close to. First and foremost, I am someone’s son, someone’s best friend, someone’s partner or someone who you may perhaps meet on the street one day, extending his hand to you when you need it the most, without judgment or hatred.

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    you asked me if I believed in eternal love. Love is something way too abstract and indefinable. It depends on what we perceive and what we experience. If we don't exist, it doesn't exist. And we change so much; love must change as well.

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    Years ago, homosexuals were given special status within the tribe. They had powerful medicine. I think it's even more true today, even though our tribe has assimilated into homophobia. I mean, a person has to have magic to assert their identity without regard to all the bullshit, right?

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    You’re not the boss of me,” I say peevishly, and he grins suddenly. “No one is the boss of you, Milo. You’re gloriously intractable.

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    YOU DESERVE LOVE This is for all of the kids Who are feeling scared This is for the quiet ones Who never had someone say they cared This is for all of the times You were forced to stay inside This is for the ones of you Who have slowly died Whether you’re gay or straight Love him or her You deserve to live You deserve to love Whether you found someone Or have heard you’re wanted enough Know that you’re needed Know that you’re loved This is for all of us kids Who cry alone in our beds This is for all the dark times When no light had been shed This is necessary Because I feel you’re hurt Now’s a time to be happy And you have my support

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    you’re such a pretty girl” they say but they don’t see the way she recoils back from the world as if it’s coming for her like fire, as if it burns and it does it burns like a flame that no one can see so white hot and intense that it rivals the sun it melts her skin and eats away at her flesh until she is nothing nothing but a skeleton that no one can call a girl

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    You can sit with us. You can live beside us. You can play your music. You can listen to mine. We can dance together. We can share our food. We can keep an eye on each other's kids. We can teach each other new languages. We can respect traditions. We can build new ones. You can ask for a cup of sugar. You can ask for directions. You can tell me when things are hard. You can tell me when beautiful things happen. We can listen to stories. We can disagree. We can agree. We can come to understandings. You can wear what you want. You can pray as you feel compelled to. You can love who you want. You can sit with us.

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    You misquote me. It's NOT "Aah." It's "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!

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    You're not under attack when others gain rights and privileges you've always had.

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    A conversation in which the two parties have different beliefs should never begin with the intention of converting the other party to your own beliefs. Every worthwhile conversation's goal should be to understand the other person's opinions and help them understand your own.

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    44 percent of college-educated white women and 54 percent of college-educated white men voted for Trump. Stop pretending you care about people of color or LGBTQ people or Muslims in your saccharine Facebook posts. Turning your profile pic into a rainbow for Pride Month doesn’t undo the fuckery you unleashed upon LGBTQ people when you voted for Trump. Being LGBTQ yourself doesn’t give you a free pass either." From "The Challenge of Staying Hopeful in the Age of Trump," The Advocate, April 28, 2017

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    25/mayo/1982 Hemos decidido crear un comando revolucionario, aunque todavía no sabemos para qué. Estamos Paco, Manolo, Esteban y yo. Yo soy Antonio. Por ahora somos solo cuatro, pero esperamos llegar a más de cien maricas para final de año. (del relato 'Arriquitaun')

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    Abuse doesn't define you.

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    Amazing how eye and skin color come in many shades yet many think sexuality is just gay or straight.

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    As trans activist Faye Seidler quipped, more Americans said they had seen a ghost than knew a transgender person, according to some polls.

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    And without my consent, with my defences in ruins, while my brain was sleeping, my stupid heart went and fell headfirst into love.

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    And maybe it was because Lisa had been gone for so long or because fumes were leaking from the van's potentially toxic motor, but that was the night Solomon realized how he really felt about Clark Robbins. He'd ignored it for weeks -- that feeling he got in his stomach when Clark was around, that rushing in his chest that he'd mistaken for panic so many times, but had actually been something else, something he hadn't felt before. Clark didn't care where he was or where he was going. And even though Solomon was afraid to call it love, what else could it be? It was there. It was real. And if he didn't watch out, it would eventually find a way to ruin everything.

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    Anna's voice wasn't a beautiful voice - rough edged and sorrowful, a bit used, somehow male and female at once. Yet it had more vibrancy to it than most Danish voices, which were often thin and white and too pretty to trigger a shiver. Anna's voice had the heat of the south; it warmed Einar, as if her throat were red with coals.

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    Any degree of concern with someone else’s sex life is too much, unless they are your dependent, or you are or want to be part of it.

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    Are you bisexual" "Labels were invented for people like you who can't grasp a reality outside of a defined gender role. I like what i like.

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    As outraged as I am by Trump’s actions since his inauguration, I know there’s no objective truth regarding how well he has performed in his first 100 days as president. We each view Trump’s presidency through lenses of privilege — lenses that are only begrudgingly relinquished, if we’re willing and able to relinquish them at all. When privilege is perpetuated and protected by the president, those clinging to their privilege praise him. When privilege is threatened, the opposite occurs. Those who felt their privilege was threatened under Obama elected a president who promised to restore it. -- From "The Challenge of Staying Hopeful in the Age of Trump," The Advocate, April 28, 2017

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    Before long, dearest...we will be free to live our lives in our own way - free to love each other away from the people who can't understand. We will go somewhere where they can never again take from us our right to live. Somewhere there is such a place, I'm sure.

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    Because I am, just as you are you. We don’t always get to pick who we are, Shelly Wynn, but we can choose to celebrate it.

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    A young homosexual friend recently said, "It's no secret that you, that one, has such-and-such color hair, is yea high, weighs thus and so, and so on, but when you keep one part of yourself secret, that becomes the most important part of you." And that is true, I think; it may be the most important truth of all.

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    Being a gay kid in this decade of equality and anti-bullying and all that stuff that gay celebrities liked to talk about on TV had so many advantages, but one of the biggest disadvantages was that I couldn't blame why I felt like an outsider on being gay anymore. Gay was in, but that didn't mean that all gay people were.

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    Being who you are is so much more important that fitting in will ever be.

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    Being homosexual is no more abnormal than being lefthanded.

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    Being equal does not mean being the same.

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    Being who you are is so much more important than fitting in will ever be.

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    But I knew the first question Mom asked Gail was, Is its a boy or a girl? Because, for some reason, that is the first thing everybody wants to know the minute you’re born. Should we label it with pink or blue? Wouldn’t want anyone to mistake the gender of a infant! Why is that so important? Its a baby! And why does it have to be a simple answer? One or the other? Not all of us fit so neatly into the category we get saddled with on Day One when the doctor glances down and makes a quick assessment of the available equipment.