Best 655 quotes in «africa quotes» category

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    7 Laws of Money 1. Seek money. 2. Make money. 3. Save money. 4. Spend money. 5. Enjoy money. 6. Share money. 7. Respect money.

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    Abel Muranda fought off furious red ants with mandibles that could cut through a miser's padlock.

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    According to Okonkwo, the British via its indirect rule system ensured that Africans saw their native leaders as the demons who betrayed their people. He called it a demonocracy and that was the first time I had seen him become so passionate about issues that affect Africa as a people and continent.

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    7 Laws of Self Awareness 1. You are what you think. 2. You are what you desire. 3. You are what you seek. 4. You are what you believe. 5. You are what you value. 6. You are what you do. 7. You are what you master.

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    A bee, though small, can still sting you; an elephant, though calm, can still trample you; and a lion, though full, can still devour you. An ant, though small, can still bite you; a spider, though tiny, can still infect you; and a wolf, though little, can still harm you. A petal, though innocuous, can still poison you; a flower, though delicate, can still contaminate you; and a plant, though immature, can still toxify you. A thought, though entertaining, can still pollute you; a desire, though pleasing, can still defile you; and an experience, though pleasurable, can still dishonor you.

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    According to Okonkwo, the British via its indirect rule system ensured that Africans saw their native leaders as the demons who betrayed their people. He called it a demonocracy

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    A citizen is no greater than his ideology, no cleverer than his intellect, no nobler than his aspirations, and no stronger than his opinions. A nation is no greater than its consciousness, no richer than its heritage, no grander than its potential, and no loftier than its luminaries. The world is no greater than its leaders, no smarter than its teachers, no better than its preachers, and no higher than its philosophers.

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    A continent once described as the white man’s grave, can now be suitably dubbed the white man’s harem.

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    Africa! Africa! Africa! Africa my motherland! Africa, your people cries for you! Africans must educate their citizens. Africans must reach out to it's people and empower them to build the nation. Africans you are the only people who can liberated your citizens from poverty through education. Africans must pay the price to rebuild the continent.

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    Africa had a way of coming back and simply covering everything up again.

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    Africa is crying out for entrepreneurial leaders & for leaders who are entrepreneurial.

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    Africans must change their mind and actions. The keys to building your continent depends on your will-power, persistent effort and action towards self liberation.

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    African virtues are not framed by unsubstantiated perceptions, but by the fundamental principles defined by each nations blueprint that signifies what the nation rightfully stands for.

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    Africa PRODUCES what it does NOT CONSUME and CONSUMES what it does NOT PRODUCE.

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    Africa’s hopeful transformation lies in entrepreneurship

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    Afrika si maskini! Uongozi wake ndiyo maskini.

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    Africa is a huge continent; it would take several lifetimes of thousands of researchers testing in hundreds of languages to collect a valid sample of anything, especially IQ. Most Africans do their schooling in a second language, not their mother tongue. How many people would accept to be tested for their IQ level not in their primary language?

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    African despots are all the same, they think they can wake up one morning and create themselves a Kingdom and rule over it and pass it over to their children and grandchildren. They don't get one thing you can't be a descendant of a title less class, with no trace of royal DNA and just subject yourself to people.

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    Afrika imekaliwa na mizimu. Wazungu hawataweza kumaliza mali ya Afrika. Mali ya Afrika ni ya Waafrika wenyewe. Itamalizwa na sisi wenyewe.

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    Afrika isomeshe watu wake, na itumie vizuri mapato yanayotokana na mauzo ya rasilimali zake kwa faida ya jumla ya wananchi wa nchi zake, kusudi baadaye wawe wataalamu wa rasilimali za nchi zao wenyewe, kuepukana na utumwa wa rasilimali. Rasilimali za Afrika zina miiko na masharti yake.

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    After all, what makes any event important, unless by its observation we become better and wiser, and learn 'to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly before God'? To those who are possessed of this spirit there is scarcely any book of incident so trifling that does not afford some profit, while to others the experience of ages seems of no use; and even to pour out to them the treasures of wisdom is throwing the jewels of instruction away.

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    Africa has within it everything it needs to reach the peace. But Africa does not do Africa, Africa does foreigners

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    African economists have argued that corruption—not Western colonialism, not lack of Western aid—is why Africa hasn’t escaped poverty. These economists have begged Western countries to stop giving monetary aid to corrupt African countries because nearly all the money goes to corrupt government officials and thereby further increases their corrupt power. Meanwhile, in Europe, North America, Japan, Singapore, and a handful of other countries, corruption is far more likely to be prosecuted and therefore far less prevalent. That is a major reason for their continuing prosperity.

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    African leaders should not turn the continent into a giant collector of donations and loans from wealthy nations—they must find other plausible means to help established their economic security so as to minimize poverty. This incoherent blunder on the mainland must be scrutinized.

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    Afrikan Unity is Afrikan Progress; Afrika cannot move significantly forward without Afrikan unity.

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    After a little while you became aware of how still it was out here. Now, looking back on my life in Africa, I feel like it might altogether be described as the existence of a person who had come from a rushed and noisy world, into a still country.

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    Africa must remain on the path of democracy. But democracy MUST also remain about the PEOPLE, not about power

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    African leaders must desire to liberates it’s people through intensive education (formal and informal). The African people deserve to be educated.

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    Africans my heart bleeds for you! When will you ever realize that your fight should never be against each other, but for each other? When will you ever unite and construct a future so worthy of your future generations? When will you ever stop pointing fingers at each other and start pointing each other towards the right direction? Africans my heart bleeds heavily for you! If you cannot stand together, you will be conquered forever. In the end, your real enemy will stand on the mountain top and claim victory.

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    Africa occupied a relatively blank space in the minds of most Americans, and when they stopped to think about it, aided by old and deeply ingrained habits of press coverage, all they could imagine was volcano, occupation, disease, and horror.

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    Africa was full of people in need of help and there had to be a limit. You simply could not help everybody; but you could at least help those who came into your life. That principle allowed you to deal with the suffering you saw. That was your suffering. Other people would have to deal with the suffering that they, in their turn, came across.

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    Africa is the ancestral home of black people; our arms are open, in love we welcome you. Africa is the ancestral home of white people; our hearts are open, in joy we welcome you. Africa is the ancestral home of Asian people; our minds are open, in peace we welcome you. Africa is the ancestral home of Middle Eastern people; our homes are open, in delight we welcome you. Africa is the ancestral home of Aboriginal people; our banks are open, in understanding we welcome you. Africa is the ancestral home of European people; our schools are open, in humility we welcome you. Africa is the ancestral home of American people; our markets are open, in friendship we welcome you. Africa is the ancestral home of all people; our countries are open, in appreciation we welcome you.

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    All roads lead to Johannesburg. If you are white or if you are black they lead to Johannesburg. If the crops fail, there is work in Johannesburg. If there are taxes to be paid, there is work in Johannesburg. If the farm is too small to be divided further, some must go to Johannesburg. If there is a child to be born that must be delivered in secret, it can be delivered in Johannesburg.

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    Africa wants to kick down our door, and Brussels is not defending us. Europe is under invasion already, and they are simply wringing their hands.

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    Americans made beautiful, principled speeches and imposed countless conditions on all manner of things. But in the end, in Africa they seemed to move the ball very slowly. They regarded Africa not as a terrain of opportunity, or even as a morally compelling challenge to humanity, but as a burden, and largely as one to be evaded as much as possible.

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    Almost astride the Equator, night fell like a portcullis. The sun dropped below the horizon and suddenly all was dark.

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    A Motswana in Zambia or Zimbabwe was referred to as gwerekwere and so was a Zimbabwean or Zambian in Botswana. Post-colonialism tragedy.

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    An African who loses the ability to die with dignity is a lost man.

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    And there’s one other matter I must raise. The epidemic of domestic sexual violence that lacerates the soul of South Africa is mirrored in the pattern of grotesque raping in areas of outright conflict from Darfur to the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and in areas of contested electoral turbulence from Kenya to Zimbabwe. Inevitably, a certain percentage of the rapes transmits the AIDS virus. We don’t know how high that percentage is. We know only that women are subjected to the most dreadful double jeopardy. The point must also be made that there’s no such thing as the enjoyment of good health for women who live in constant fear of rape. Countless strong women survive the sexual assaults that occur in the millions every year, but every rape leaves a scar; no one ever fully heals. This business of discrimination against and oppression of women is the world’s most poisonous curse. Nowhere is it felt with greater catastrophic force than in the AIDS pandemic. This audience knows the statistics full well: you’ve chronicled them, you’ve measured them, the epidemiologists amongst you have disaggregated them. What has to happen, with one unified voice, is that the scientific community tells the political community that it must understand one incontrovertible fact of health: bringing an end to sexual violence is a vital component in bringing an end to AIDS. The brave groups of women who dare to speak up on the ground, in country after country, should not have to wage this fight in despairing and lonely isolation. They should hear the voices of scientific thunder. You understand the connections between violence against women and vulnerability to the virus. No one can challenge your understanding. Use it, I beg you, use it.

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    A nation can be mighty, when the citizens put away their political differences, work together for a common vision, a common goal and a common good.

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    A nation which refuses to learn from foreign culture is nothing but a nation of idiots and lunatics... But to learn from other cultures does not mean we should abandon our own.

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    Anger has great strength, but no brains. Greed has many hands, but no heart. Fear has many titles, but no honor. Hatred has many forms, but no soul. Desire has great strength, but no brains. Agony has many hands, but no heart. Shame has many titles, but no honor. Ego has many forms, but no soul. Envy has great strength, but no brains. Malice has many hands, but no heart. Lust has many titles, but no honor. Evil has many forms, but no soul.

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    As an ancient cradle of Iron Age civilization, Zimbabwe has a great emotional importance to the economy of Southern Africa and that's especially true for Botswana since both countries are landlocked. Harare was the site of some historic scenes and the best trade regimes, and it is where generations of Southern African children have gone for their education. Bulawayo was a trade giant amongst the people of the north – the Bakalanga, the Venda and the Shona. Now brick-by-brick the empire was facing a second fall after the last fall of the Great Zimbabwe.

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    Already this sun was pouring its wrath into the blue Indian ocean where swordfish and marlin cruised like silver-blue attenuated warheads in their green-gold depths...

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    Anger is strong, rage is mighty, wrath is powerful, but joy is invincible. Pain is strong, bitterness is mighty, despair is powerful, but hope is invincible. Doubt is strong, confusion is mighty, suspicion is powerful, but truth is invincible. Greed is strong, malice is mighty, pride is powerful, but virtue is invincible. Hate is strong, fear is mighty, jealousy is powerful, but love is invincible. Ignorance is strong, stupidity is mighty, folly is powerful, but wisdom is invincible. The mind is strong, the heart is mighty, the spirit is powerful, but the soul is invincible. The past is strong, the present is mighty, the future is powerful, but eternity is invincible.

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    A premature death does not only rob one of the countless instances where one would have experienced pleasure, it also saves one from the innumerable instances where one would have experienced pain.

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    As an African elite, look within and ask, what can I do to change the present African narratives? What niche can I carve and do my uncompromising best to lift this continent? For my sake and for the sake of my children - Jumoke Odepe

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    As children in a small village in Sierra Leone, my friends and I dreamed of travelling the world like the missionaries who opened our village school. As a British subject, I dreamed of walking the streets of London. I imagined my self in the United States of America visiting the places where the cowboy movies were made.

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    As bureaucracies accumulate power, they become immune to their own mistakes. Instead of changing their stories to fit reality, they can change reality to fit their stories. In the end, external reality matches their bureaucratic fantasies, but only because they forced reality to do so. For example, the borders of many African countries disregard river lines, mountain ranges and trade routes, split historical and economic zones unnecessarily, and ignore local ethnic and religious identities. The same tribe may find itself riven between several countries, whereas one country may incorporate splinters of numerous rival clans. Such problems bedevil countries all over the world, but in Africa they are particularly acute because modern African borders don’t reflect the wishes and struggles of local nations. They were drawn by European bureaucrats who never set foot in Africa.

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    A seemingly simple task like taking a bath or wearing a condom feels like multitasking to someone who suffers from hemiplegia or has only one hand.