Best 161 quotes in «generation quotes» category

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    « Être engagé », c’est un concept bidon. C’est balancer des citations cyniques sur les réseaux sociaux, basta. Parce que quand on a la santé, un toit au-dessus de la tête et un boulot, on a trop à perdre pour se mouiller. On est une génération de résignés. On sait qu’on a perdu la partie, alors tout ce qu’on trouve à faire, c’est pester contre les règles.

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    Even though this generation still believes in the miracle working power of God, they must no longer wait for God to bring water from the rocks, but rather construct dams, water systems, subdue the power of the ocean thereby give glory to God almighty

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    Even though this generation still believes in the miracle working power of God, they must no longer wait for God to bring water from the rocks, but rather construct dams, develop water systems, subdue the power of the ocean and thereby give glory to God almighty.

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    Events had been set in motion whose echo would be heard a thousand and more generations from now.

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    Every generation must chisel its own destiny in its own way.

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    Every generation must reclaim their generation for God

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    Every effort to impact someone or a generation will go a long way beyond human imaginations.

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    Every opportunity, every influence and affluence you possess, could not have been for you alone, but to act as a platform to impact a generation.

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    Fly Generation We stand tall, we stand proud, we are the ‘fly’ generation We think what we learn to think and dream with our eyes open We keep our hearts on our sleeves for it to be broken but we can take it, we are the ‘fly’ generation. We question things when we need to understand Its important we know, how it works, where we stand Why all this pain and no explanation? we need answers, we are the ‘fly’ generation. We love to hate and hate to love, what have we become? Since when is that the norm? when did we succumb? The victims will be forgotten and culprits will change face But we will still be running, running to win the invisible race. So here’s to the untold stories and six degrees of separation we can take it, after all… we are the ‘fly’ generation.

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    Generational oppression begins when what is meant to be transferred to one offspring has been taken over by reason of oppression.

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    For me, it’s not just about blessing my generation, I've done that already, I also have to be a father to the fatherless.

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    From birth to death and further on As we were born and introduced into this world, We had a gift hard to express by word And somewhere in our continuous road, It kind of lost it sense and turned. There was that time we sure remember, When everything was now and 'till forever Children with no worries and no regrets, The only goal was making a few friends. But later on everything has changed, By minds that had it all arranged To bring the people into stress, Into creating their own mess. We have been slaved by our own mind, Turned into something out of our kind Slowly faded away from the present time, Forced to believe in lies, in fights and crime. They made it clearly a fight of the ego, A never ending war that won't just go They made it a competitive game, To seek selfish materialistic fame. They turned us one against eachother, Man against man, brother against brother Dividing us by religion and skin color, Making us fight to death over a dollar. Making us lose ourselves in sadly thoughts, Wasting our days by living in the past Depressed and haunted by the memories, And yet still hoping to fly in our dreams. Some of us tried learning how to dance, Step after step, giving our soul a new chance Some of us left our ego vanish into sounds, Thus being aware of our natural bounce. Some tried expressing in their rhymes, The voice of a generation which never dies They reached eternity through poetry Leaving the teachings that shall fulfill the prophecy Others have found their way through spirituality, Becoming conscious of the human duality Seeking the spiritual enlightenment, Of escaping an ego-oriented fighting Science, philosophy, religion, Try to explain the human origin. Maybe changes are yet to come, And it shall be better for some Death's for the spirit not an end, But a relieving of the embodiment So I believe that furthermore, We'll understand the power of our soul But leaving behind all we know, And all that we might not yet know It all resumes to that certain truth, That we all seek to once conclude.

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    GENES G raft of yourself E endowment N ew generation E volution S urvival Kamil Ali

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    Gen Y's work best in groups, collaboratively, transparently, interactively and entrepreneurially - and have already created positive change in many local communities and around the world.

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    Gospel of the Kingdom has not been fully expanded upon to this generation of believers

    • generation quotes
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    Growing up in the digital age, I'm expected to embrace all forms of modern technology with blissful ignorance. Books were always one of few escapes from this, because reading a book means not having to look at another damned glowing screen - which is why, no matter how "convenient" or "enhanced" digital enthusiasts claim that Ebooks are, I'll never see them as real books. They're just files of binary data, and while they might be considered books by a large amount of people, Ebooks have lost the human quality that real books have. You can argue that this is pretentious or stupid or nostalgic, but ultimately what will you pass down to your children and grandchildren? A broken old Kindle device with the same files that millions of other people have, or the dog-eared paperbacks that you fell in love with and wrote your name in and got signed by the author and flipped through in the bookstore and kept with you for years, like an old friend?

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    Hello suicide, goodbye problems.

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    History is hard to know, because of all the hired bullshit, but even without being sure of “history” it seems entirely reasonable to think that every now and then the energy of a whole generation comes to a head in a long fine flash, for reasons that nobody really understands at the time—and which never explain, in retrospect, what actually happened.

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    Generation is the Important factor, of the Growth of Ideas.

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    I am looking forward to seeing all of the corrupt government officials involved with willfully damaging the health of the next generation go to jail.

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    Ich glaube fest daran, dass jede Generation ihre eigene Aufgabe hat. Die Generation unserer Eltern hatte die Aufgabe die Perle des indischen Ozeans, die wunderschöne Insel Sri Lanka zu verlassen, um sich, und gerade uns, ein Leben in Sicherheit zu schenken. Dafür sollten wir Ihnen unendlich dankbar sein. Und die einzige Möglichkeit die ich sehe, wie wir dies zurückzahlen können, ist jede Chance die uns gegeben wird, zu nutzen, alles aus unserem Leben zu machen.

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    Future generations must always learn about what took place in sinjar so it never happens again.

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    I cry looking at our reality, through slave eyes. I bet they would say our generation has crossed the line.

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    If the old generation is weak-spirited, while the young generation is smooth-tongued, it means that it is not case that you are in the right place at the right time with the right people-- you can hardly do something significant in this social spatio-temporal continuum.

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    I don't understand how teens in this generation stress being in a relationship/love more than adults do about their future. She’s testing him to see if he's loyal, he’s testing her to see if she's after money. So, basically it’s a messed up-stressed-testing generation. Love has been blown so far out of proportion I reckon. The stress surrounding the single sentence ‘I love you’ is saddening. Relax!!! You're young! Your teen years are supposed to be fun. You have your whole lives ahead to find the right one. Just sit back, chill and live life the way it comes.

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    In this current generation, the church is not prospering in its mandate to extend kingdom principles throughout culture

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    Invest your evaporating life and reap greatness. Invest your evaporating time and leave a legacy behind for future generations. Take this short time that you have on earth and convert it into greatness.

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    Invest your evaporating time and leave a legacy behind for future generations.

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    I refuse to hold the coats of this generation.

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    Is your generation so soft that they talk of going to pieces if life doesn't always present itself in terms of beautiful, easy decisions?

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    I thank God for schools that are serious about the gospel of Jesus Christ. They are vital to perpetuating our faith through your generation and beyond.

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    I think I said that every generation had its weaklings--that that was one of the penalties of greatness--but that their failings were seldom remembered by posterity.

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    It is my civic duty to save the next generation from corrupt corporate controlled governments.

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    It is my desire that you consider the advice I am rendering here; that you should no longer sell your life but invest it into fulfilling the purpose for which you were born. Only then you can become great in your generation.

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    It is not sufficient to produce the next generation. You must also teach the new generation how to survive in an abnormal toxic world.

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    It makes no sense rushing to become a parent if you are not going to be a good one. No child deserves anything less than unconditional love and positive guidance. Our nation and the world as a whole desperately need some generations of well nurtured children.

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    It was badly received by the generation to which it was first addressed, and the outpouring of angry nonsense to which it gave rise is sad to think upon. But the present generation will probably behave just as badly if another Darwin should arise, and inflict upon them that which the generality of mankind most hate—the necessity of revising their convictions. Let them, then, be charitable to us ancients; and if they behave no better than the men of my day to some new benefactor, let them recollect that, after all, our wrath did not come to much, and vented itself chiefly in the bad language of sanctimonious scolds. Let them as speedily perform a strategic right-about-face, and follow the truth wherever it leads.

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    I want to be this generation's Sherlock Holmes. That is, the man to solve first world problems.

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    Material wealth do not last forever, but that which probably lasts forever is the wealth of intelligence and creativity.

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    Millennials don't want to be managed, they like to be led, coached and mentored. This generation is on fire and ready to go. Are you ready to change the world?

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    Mitume kumi na wawili wa Yesu Kristo waliamua kufa kinyama kulinda heshima ya mfalme wao Yesu Kristo, kama Biblia na historia vinavyosema. Kwa nini watu (wengine) wa kizazi hiki wanasema hakuna Mungu na kwa sababu hiyo hawamwamini Yesu? Je, uko tayari kufa kwa ajili ya mtu aliyekufa kwa ajili yako? Kwa ajili ya mtu ambaye mitume walikuwa tayari kufa kwa ajili yake? Je, wewe una akili zaidi kuliko mitume? Yesu aliamua kufa ili wewe uishi, lakini bado unakuwa mbishi. Badilika.

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    MOTHER... glorious be thy sparkling WOMB, since your Eternal glow passes from one generation to Other.

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    Homemaking is a passion you can pass on from generation to generation.

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    If you achieve a success not achieved by anyone else and not possible to achieve by anyone else then you are the hero of your generation.

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    Ignorance is pass from one generation to other.

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    I'm very aware we are the first generation ever to have such incredible opportunities to express ourselves publicly to a worldwide audience.

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    My grandfather used to say ‘It is my house I am paying the bills’, my dad used to say ‘this is my house I pay the mortgage’, my generation is saying this is my house I pay the rent.

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    Now we lie here, a decapitated generation, our child-like names vanishing on tombstones, can't you see? Once there was Rock 'n' Roll, freedom of speech, baroque picnics on miraculous boats, there was resurrection on romantic lakes, there were melting kisses under golden trees, there was ticking laughter, clicking metaphors, there were wine and poetic sex, beauty...

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    In today's youth, morals and manners are replaced by money and mischiefs.

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    Njeriu jeton jo vetëm jetën e vet personale, por, me vetëdije apo pa vetëdije edhe atë të epokës dhe të bashkëkohësve të vet dhe, edhe në qoftë se do të ishte i prirur që bazat e përgjithshme dhe jashtëpërsonale të ekzistencës së tij t'i shihte si të dhëna në mënyrë të vetëkuptueshme, si edhe të ishte aq larg idesë për t'i kritikuar, siç ishte Hans Kastorpi shpirtmirë, do të ishte sidoqoftë gjithsesi e mundshme që ai t'i ndjente ashtu turbull mungesat dhe ndikimet e tyre në vetëndijimin e tij moral. Njeriut të veçantë mund t'i vegojnë para syve shumë qëllime, pikësynime, shpresa, perspektiva, prej të cilave ai merr shtysa për sforcime dhe veprimtari më të vrullshme, por kur jashtëpersonalja përreth tij, koha vetë, me gjithë përpjekjet e tij, u heq motivimin shpresave dhe perspektivave, në qoftë se ajo i shfaqet si e pashpresë, pa përspektivë dhe pyetjeve dhe pyetjeve të vëna, me apo pa vetëdije, por sidoqoftë të vëna në ndonjë mënyrë mbi kuptimin fundor, më tepër se personal, të të gjitha sforcimeve dhe veprimatarive, ajo u vë përballë një heshtje të shurdhër, kjo gjëndje e gjërave do të ushtronte një farë ndikimi paralizues qoftë edhe mbi karakteret më të mirëfilltë njerëzorë, ndikim i cili, përtej shpirtit dhe moralit, do të mund të shtrihej edhe mbi pjesën fizike dhe oraganike të individit. Për të qenë i gatshëm për një sforcim të madh, që sidoqoftë e kalon masën e atij të zakonshmit, pa qenë në gjëndje që t'i japë një përgjigje të kënaqshme pyetjes "përse"?, për këtë duhet ose një vetmi dhe pastërti morale që është e rrallë dhe e një natyre heroike, ose një vitalitet shumë i shëndoshë. Hans Kastorpi nuk e kishte as njërën, as tjetrën dhe nuk mund të ishte pra, veçse një i rëndomtë, ndonëse në një kuptim tepër pozitiv.