Best 306 quotes in «mass quotes» category

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    In capitalist society spare time is acquired for one class by converting the whole life-time of the masses into labour-time.

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    In effect, according to Lenin, socialism and democracy are indivisible. By gaining democratic freedoms the working masses come to power.

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    In the great mass of our people there are plenty individuals of intelligence from among whom leadership can be recruited.

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    Inflation makes the wealthiest people richer and the masses poorer.

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    I operate under the assumption that the mass media will never be accurate. ... It operates with the objective to simplify and exaggerate, which is exactly what Walt Disney told his cartoonists.

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    I prefer to be subcultural rather than mass-cultural. I'm not interested in hitting the vein of the mainstream.

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    Is it not possible for us all to realize that the masses will never mount to freedom through murder?

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    I only go to mass when somebody asks me, but when I get in trouble I call for a priest.

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    I take the subway to work. I love mass transportation.

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    I still believe in public radio's potential. Because it's the one mass medium that's still crafted almost entirely by true believers.

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    It is already too late to avoid mass starvation.

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    It is easier to raise the performance of one leader than it is to raise the performance of a whole mass.

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    I think it's very wrong to have the mass murder, every single day, of millions of animals.

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    It is the Mass the matters.

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    In mass cruelty, the expulsions of Germans ordered by the Russians fall not very far short of the atrocities perpetrated by the Nazis.

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    I usually play toffs and soldiers, with a sideline in mass murderers.

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    I've decided something: Commercial things really do stink. As soon as it becomes commercial for a mass market it really stinks.

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    I won't live to see the death-with-dignity movement reach critical mass, but I call on you to carry it forward.

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    [Jill Stein] don't have to engage in soundbites here as you may have experienced with some of the mass media.

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    Law must be viewed as a formless mass of isolated decisions.

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    I've attained my mass basically by training hard and very, very heavy.

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    Lecter is so lucid, so perceptive; he's trained in psychiatry... and he's a mass murderer.

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    Les masses ont tort et les individus toujours raison. The masses are wrong; individuals are always right.

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    Let us not satisfy ourselves with a knowledge of God in the mass; a glance upon a picture never directs you to the discerning the worth and art of it.

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    Life provides material for its agitation which makes its general views comprehensible to the masses.

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    Mass-murderers are simply people who have had ENOUGH.

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    Mass killings have gone from being an extremely rare occurrence to a common occurrence.

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    Mass civil disobedience was for the attainment of independence.

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    Mass marketing means appealing to the masses which means appealing to the average.

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    Mass movements do not usually rise until the prevailing order has been discredited.

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    Mass attention is almost unattainable and it's not clear that you want it.

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    Mass demand has been created almost entirely through the development of advertising.

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    Mass man is a phenomenon of electric speed, not of physical quantity.

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    It really takes likeable superstars to get the attention of the masses.

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    [Meanness] is more ingrained in man's nature than Prodigality; the mass of mankind are avaricious rather than open-handed.

    • mass quotes
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    Ministry to an individual is as mighty an act of God as is ministry to the masses.

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    Masses are always breeding grounds of psychic epidemics.

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    Most people will reach a point where, whatever their ideology, they will relent, or conform, and that keeps them kind of in the general mass of people. And for those who find that they can't, all of sudden they leave the general mass, they find that they become exceptions, and exceptional, and often this makes them public.

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    My father was killed by a German mine, while I lost other relatives in Allied bombing attacks. The Second World War claimed tens of millions of victims. For some the most terrible aspect of it was the deportations, while for others it was the leveling bombings or the mass deaths by starvation and cold.

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    My love for Dan Brown knows no bounds. It literally has no mass.

    • mass quotes
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    My personal influence in the Revolutionary Governing Council is such that the dictatorship of the proletariat is firmly established, since the masses are backing me.

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    M is for Marx And clashing of classes And movement of masses And massing of asses.

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    Mystical powers develop primarily through the raising of the kundalini. The Kundalini is a type of energy that exists within all things. It's possible to pull that energy, to mass it, to transmit it.

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    Mosquitoes are the greatest mass murderers on planet Earth.

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    No mass appeal. Ergo no profit. Ergo no use. The current World Credo.

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    Nonviolence, applied to very large masses of mankind, is a new experiment in the history of the world.

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    No one has ever seen a Republican mass meeting that was devoid of the perception of the ludicrous.

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    No one revolution up to now has brought all that was expected of it by the masses. Hence the inevitability of a certain disillusionment, of a lowering of the activity of the vanguard, and consequently, of the growing importance of the rearguard. [Joseph] Stalin's faction has raised itself on the wave of reaction against the October revolution.

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    Non-co-operation is an attempt to awaken the masses to a sense of their dignity and power.

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    Nothing is so contemptible as the sentiments of the mob.

    • mass quotes