Best 923 quotes in «logic quotes» category

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    Oh dear,' says God, 'I hadn't thought of that,' and promptly vanishes in a puff of logic.

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    Once you realize there's less logic in human institutions than you once thought, you see the narrative potential in just about everything around you. Sometimes, in fact, it seems as if the human world runs on inefficiency and erratic behavior.

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    One of the best things to come out of the home computer revolution could be the general and widespread understanding of how severely limited logic really is.

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    One of the big misapprehensions about mathematics that we perpetrate in our classrooms is that the teacher always seems to know the answer to any problem that is discussed.

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    Perhaps the most surprising thing about mathematics is that it is so surprising.

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    ... on every important issue life transcends logic and it is folly to depend on reason alone.

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    Our punning minds rejoin what logic has separated.

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    Our universe is ruled by random whim, inhabited by people who laugh at logic.

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    Perhaps there really are managers who can outperform the market consistently - logic would suggest that they exist. But they are remarkably well-hidden.

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    Oppression has no logic--just a self-fulfilling prophecy, justified by a self-perpetuating system.

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    Philosophy is a slow process of logic and logical discourse: A bringing B bringing C and so forth. In mysticism you can jump from A to Z. But the ultimate objective is the same. It's knowledge. It's truth.

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    Pleasure has no logic; it never treads in its own footsteps.

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    Plurality is not to be posited without necessity.

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    Poetry, even that of the loftiest, and seemingly, that of the wildest odes, [has] a logic of its own as severe as that of science; and more difficult, because more subtle, more complex, and dependent on more and more fugitive causes. In the truly great poets... there is a reason assignable, not only for every word, but for the position of every word.

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    Production is not the application of tools to materials, but logic to work.

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    Politeness is better than logic. You can often persuade when you cannot convince.

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    Programmers are not to be measured by their ingenuity and their logic but by the completeness of their case analysis.

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    Proofs exist only in mathematics and logic, not in science.

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    Pure logic could never lead us to anything but tautologies; it can create nothing new; not from it alone can any science issue.

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    Radicalism is but the desperation of logic.

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    Reason can wrestle and overthrow terror.

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    Reason: The arithmetic of the emotions.

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    Reason is the shepherd trying to corral life's vast flock of wild irrationalities.

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    Shop often, shop hard, and spend for the best stuff available - logic dictates that you can make delicious food only with delicious ingredients.

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    Religions are not proved, are not demonstrated, are not established, are not overthrown by logic! They are of all the mysteries of nature and the human mind, the most mysterious and most inexplicable; they are of instinct and not of reason.

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    Rhetoric is the counterpart of logic; since both are conversant with subjects of such a nature as it is the business of all to have a certain knowledge of, and which belong to no distinct science. Wherefore all men in some way participate of both; since all, to a certain extent, attempt, as well to sift, as to maintain an argument; as well to defend themselves, as to impeach.

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    seizing the swift logic of a woman, Curse God and die.

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    Science is simply common sense at its best, that is, rigidly accurate in observation, and merciless to fallacy in logic.

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    She was a woman attempting to make some sense of, and get some satisfaction from, a life that seemed to have no more logic than a roulette wheel.

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    Since 1933, New Deal farm policy has continued and expanded, pursuing its grisly logic at the expense of the nation's consumers, year in and year out, in Democrat or Republican regimes, in good times and in bad.

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    Some people have a gift for stupidity, an almost mystic ability to withstand any form of logic.

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    Sir, we must beware of needless innovation, especially when guided by logic.

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    Sketchy: I'm no stranger to stoner logic.

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    Sometimes a faint voice based on instinct resonates far more strongly than overpowering logic.

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    The enormous usefulness of mathematics in the natural sciences is something bordering on the mysterious and there is no rational explanation of it.

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    Sometimes you tell someone to never call you again; and then the phone rings and you hope it's them - it's the most twisted logic of all time.

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    Stop making sense. Logic is predictable. Think differently.

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    Summation of Leviathan: "The axiom, fear; the method, logic; the conclusion, despotism.

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    The advantage is that mathematics is a field in which one's blunders tend to show very clearly and can be corrected or erased with a stroke of the pencil.

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    The best magic always results from ecstasies of logic.

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    The difference between a poet and a philosopher is that the poet sees logically and describes basically the beauty whereas the philosopher defines the basics and shows the beauty of logics.

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    The example of a syllogism that he had studied in Kiesewetter's logic: Caius is a man, men are mortal, therefore Caius is mortal, had throughout his whole life seemed to him right only in relation to Caius, but not to him at all.

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    Soul-directed events defy logic and ridicule reason.

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    The anti-immigrant logic has basically saturated our world. I'm staying, and I'm fighting.

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    The best defense against logic is ignorance.

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    The circumstances of human society are too complicated to be submitted to the rigor of mathematical calculation.

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    The conception of the necessary unit of all that is resolves itself into the poverty of the imagination, and a freer logic emancipates us from the straitwaistcoated benevolent institution, which idealism palms off as the totality of being.

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    The daftest logic brings such sweet unrest.

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    The decision-makers should communicate the customer pictures and the logic of the strategies and actions. That communication allows employees throughout the organization to implement the strategies and actions, tweaking them appropriately in response to variations in the marketplace. It also allows employees to recognize information in the marketplace that contradicts the customer pictures, either because the pictures were not entirely correct or because customers have changed.

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    The mind is led on, step by step, to defeat its own logic.