Best 170 quotes in «prepared quotes» category

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    For those properly prepared, the bear market is not only a calamity but an opportunity.

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    Here, the revolution was prepared. Here it was achieved. Here all the great events were fostered.

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    He, who is not prepared today, will be less so tomorrow.

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    Hope is an expensive commodity. It makes better sense to be prepared.

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    How can women be as thin as we are? We have personal trainers to work us out. We have specially prepared meals.

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    Great cooking favors the prepared hands.

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    I choose to be more prepared than I'm expected to be.

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    I am not prepared to accept the economics of a housewife.

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    If I know I have everything prepared for when I get killed by a stalker, then I can go to sleep.

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    If I'm more prepared, the success will fall on me; if not, it will fall on someone else, and I'm okay with that.

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    I find it valid to understand man as an animal before I am prepared to know him as a man.

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    I am quite prepared to die here [in NY]. It doesn't matter at all. I don't know better places, or perhaps if I do I am not prepared to make a move.

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    I don't know what to say. I've always been a prepared loser.

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    If there is anyone to whom I owe money, I'm prepared to forget it if they are.

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    I feel that when we leave here I think it's just another transition and whatever it is I hope I'm prepared for it.

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    If the truth were known, many sermons are prepared and preached with more regard for the sermon than the souls of the hearers.

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    If somebody's not prepared to answer the question, you can keep asking

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    If you do the crime, be prepared to do the time!

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    If we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them.

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    If you're prepared, you can be relaxed.

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    If you're not prepared to be wrong, you're not prepared to be original.

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    I have never really cooked, don't know how to use my dishwasher, and subsist mainly on prepared deli takeout. I don't even eat in restaurants much.

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    I have to say one of the lessons I learned is to always be prepared.

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    If you always want to look relevant, just be CGI-prepared.

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    I'm a full-time mom. I've never felt as prepared, as before maternity.

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    I make a film like I cook for friends. I hope they like it, but if they don't, I'm prepared to enjoy it all by myself.

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    I'm not prepared to have someone tell me there is only one view of what Europe is. Europe isn't owned by any of them, Europe is owned by all of us.

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    I'm prepared for 12 rounds. I'll be very happy with anything else, but I'm prepared for 12 or 15 rounds.

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    In international affairs, you never threaten things you're not prepared to do.

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    I'm enormously less interested in whom you sleep with than I am in with whom you're prepared to die.

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    I'm not prepared to sacrifice my being engaged in the world for just any relationship.

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    I'm not prepared to make any multi-decade commitments.

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    I’m prepared to take risks. And every movie that I do is a risk. No one knows what the movie is going out turn out like.

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    In a carefully prepared, loving LSD session, a woman will inevitably have several hundred orgasms.

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    It's okay to be ambitious, it's okay to be over-prepared.

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    I prepared for the part by drinking, but I was sober when I was performing

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    I prepared to be president. And I think that's a good thing.

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    I've never got a part in the same way twice. I've never prepared the same way. I've never experienced the filming the process the same way.

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    I think the one thing that athletics prepared me for thats been more beneficial than anything has been the humbling times.

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    I was experiencing all the success the entertainment industry has to offer, but I knew there had to be something more. It was sort of through that God prepared me to hear about His great plan.

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    I was not a Girl Scout, but I try to be very prepared. I triple-Spanx!

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    I was prepared for the theatre, but not for the nuts and bolts.

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    I won't be threatened or intimidated by anyone and I've always been prepared to do what is necessary to defend my interests.

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    Life favors those who are prepared

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    Life is not worth living for which a man is not prepared to die at any moment.

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    Lincoln was not a good impromptu speaker; he was at his best when he could read from a carefully prepared manuscript, though maybe a teleprompter could have helped that!

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    Luck is for the ill-prepared.

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    My hands are clean, but not because I wasn't prepared to bloody them.

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    My whole life is waiting for the questions to which I have prepared answers.

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    Never befriend the oppressed unless you are prepared to take on the oppressor.