Best 78 quotes in «judgmental quotes» category

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    I am not systematic at all when it comes to religion. I just love life. And I'm not judgmental. And I'm a vegetarian.

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    You know… the airport is the only place you can walk around with no shoes, a glazed look on your face, and sleep on the benches and no one judges you.

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    I don't believe any religion should be exclusive or feel superior in any way, or be judgmental. It should be a quiet, private thing.

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    Who am I to judge me?

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    Why does everyone make fun of New Jersey? It's beautiful here," she said. "We live in America." "What does that mean?" "People like to judge without knowing.

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    Your every ill-thought, secreted hate, cynical and vicious judgment you carry is meant only for you.

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    I am a very judgmental person. Of myself and other people. I recognise it's a great fault, but I have no power over that.

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    I was judgmental of artists who were exploring their sexuality, and I thought, Why are they doing that? They don't have to. They've got a good voice.

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    I rejected the God that was portrayed as masculine and judgmental and cruel at times. The concept of us bring not worthy to receive him is something I used to say every Sunday in church, and eventually I just couldn't say it with any conviction.

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    People have maybe, sometimes, said that I can, occasionally, be a teeny bit edgy and judgmental.

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    It's been my experience that the longer I do yoga, the more I want to know, the more I am able to understand and the less judgmental I am.

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    Life experiences can, at times, be quite humbling, but you learn from them. But I like the changes in my life and what kind of person they've made me into. I'm very open, not as judgmental as I was in my twenties, and a lot more compassionate.

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    Midwestern people have the most judgmental assholes ever. I'm sorry, but it's true.

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    One thing I learned in sobriety is to stop being judgmental, to always be discerning. When I drive, that will be my bumper sticker.

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    I'm very judgmental person. It's one of my faults.

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    Let's all commit ourselves to the basic civility of minding our own business. Failing that, let's go back to a time when we were nasty and judgmental, but only behind one another's backs.

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    My desire is to be a forgiving, non-judgmental person.

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    The more you look into and understand yourself, the less judgmental you become towards others.

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    Nick subjected him to a long, judgmental stare. "There's something very wrong with you," he said at last. "I thought you should know.

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    Punishment also includes judgmental labeling and the withholding of privileges.

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    There are many things that people do happily that I can't imagine why they would do it... But I have to say that even though I am critical or judgmental of society at large, I'm not critical of people individually. We are who we are.

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    The older I get, the more open-minded I get, the less judgmental I get.

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    Simply put, mindfulness is moment-to-moment non-judgmental awareness.

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    And I'm not assuming and I'm not judging. I'm just being curious.

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    ...when doing science (or perhaps when doing anything at all in a society as judgmental as our own), be very careful and very certain before pronouncing something to be a norm - because at that instant, you have made it supremely difficult to ever again look objectively at an exception to that supposed norm.

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    You're always going to be more judgmental about your own performance than anyone else.

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    The thing about 'Star Trek' is that it is not judgmental. You can do what ever you want, within reason.

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    To say that being non-judgmental is better than being judgmental is itself a judgment, and therefore a violation of principle.

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    We energetically attract what we haven't worked out in ourselves. When vampires evoke intensely judgmental reactions from us, it could be they are mirroring aspects of our personalities we don't like or completely understand.

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    We're supposed to be less judgmental and accept and be kind and love one another.

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    You never know, when you're going in to work with people if they're gonna be friendly or judgmental, or what have you. There's a ton of insecurities that go into my head, before I start working with someone.

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    A judgmental heart keeps listening to the things that annoy.

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    A lot of people who find out about the things I do immediately figure I'm just a pathetic "druggie" with nothing to say that is worth hearing. They talk endless bull shit of "recovery!" They make it sound like some amazing discovery...don't they know I'm far too busy trying to recover me?

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    A simple word of greeting, an offer of a cup of coffee on me, a smile and a hug will all go a long way toward reconciliation. A listening ear can open a wandering heart to the thought that God still loves them, and there just might be a place still set for them at their Father’s table.

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    Because Honestly is it trashy to want something so bad you go for it even if it might kill you? My opinion? It's judging that's trashy. Bad enough the world looks at us under a (distorted) microscope. Like the good Lord says, we don't need to judge each other.

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    Being judgmental is mainly about us. It has very little to do with the people we judge. The day we accept others just as they are is the day we've managed to accept ourselves just as we are. It's a form of forgiving ourselves.

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    Holding one's self responsible is a critical feature in stigma and in the generation of shame since violation of standards, rules, and goals are insufficient in its elicitation unless responsibility can be placed on the self. Stigma may differ from other elicitors of shame and guilt, in part because it is a social appearance factor. The degree to which the stigma is socially apparent is the degree to which one must negotiate the issue of blame, not only for one's self but between one's self and the other who is witness to the stigma. Stigmatization is a much more powerful elicitor of shame and guilt in that it requires a negotiation not only between one's self and one's attributions, but between one's self and the attributions of others.

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    Blame the economy, blame bad luck, blame my parents, blame your parents, blame the Internet, blame people who use the Internet.

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    Don't fucking make judgments about something you know nothing about.

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    Everyone is right from their own perspective so don't judge anyone prior knowing why they have that perception.

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    Having a religion doesn’t make a person love or not love others. It doesn’t make a person accept or not accept others. It doesn’t make a person befriend or not befriend others. Being without a religion doesn’t make somebody do or be any of that either. No, what makes somebody love, accept, and befriend their fellow man is letting go of a need to be better than others. Nothing else.

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    Are you listening, or are you busy forming opinions?

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    Dear Girls Across the Globe, Let's stop body-shaming each other with hurtful comments about how another girl looks or doesn't look. We are all beautiful in our own unique way; so let's speak about each other with the dignity that we would want others to have when they speak about us.

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    DeLois lived up the block on 142nd Street and never had her hair done, and all the neighbourhood women sucked their teeth as she walked by. Her crispy hair twinkled in the summer sun as her big proud stomach moved her on down the block while I watched, not caring whether or not she was a poem.

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    God, I hate judgmental people. They're so mean...and fat.

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    Grateful I choose to see the good in others; friends, family or strangers. Instead of judging me on my past mistakes, try also learning of all the great things I've done before you think you know who I am.

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    Hairspray and blusher, eyelash curlers, eye-shadow palettes the size of tea-trays. Even before they left school it was as if they were already rehearsing for some witless kind of womanhood.

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    I never wanted to live in that place again, but if for some reason I was forced to live there again, I would never accept the harsh judgments made against me by people whose only power to do so was that they had known me from the moment I was born.

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    I am never going to be less sensitive so that you feel better about being judgmental toward me.

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    If becoming "religious" has made you more judgmental, rude, harsh, a backbiter, you need to check if you are worshiping God or your ego.