Best 202 quotes in «ireland quotes» category

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    I'm 78, I'm on my pension in Ireland, and all that good stuff

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    I speak many times about Stephen Ireland, that he is shy like a hedgehog.

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    In Ireland, I don't get asked out much. English boys are a lot more flirty.

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    I put all my eggs in one basket and invested in property. I didn't do anything internationally - it was all in Ireland.

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    Ireland sober is Ireland stiff.

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    Ireland unfree shall never be at peace

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    I said, in talking, that I felt more and more the time wasted that was not spent in Ireland.

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    It's a great wonder to me, the Irish attachment to our history. What is it but a series of lamentations?

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    It was amazing that I was ever elected.

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    I was born in Northern Ireland in 1951. I lived most of my life there until 1986 or 1987

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    I've always liked it here. Part of me is Irish. My family comes from the west coast, so whenever I come to Ireland I get a wee tingling in my heart that I'm where I belong.

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    I've lived in the UK for longer than I lived in Ireland. I'm not worried about myself, but it's ridiculous for youngsters.

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    I was elected by the women of Ireland, who instead of rocking the cradle, rocked the system.

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    My mum's parents were from Ireland, my dad's mum was American-Irish.

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    I would love to write the story of my upbringing in Ireland.

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    Oh, all kinds of lunacy happens in Ireland, all kinds of lunacy.

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    My only counsel to Ireland is that in order to become deeply Irish, she must become European.

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    The Irish aren't great singers, but they have great songs.

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    The British Government has no right in Ireland, never had any right in Ireland, and never can have any right in Ireland.

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    The Irish always jest even though they jest with tears.

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    Sport and death are the two great socializing factors in Ireland.

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    The cause of Labour is the cause of Ireland, and the cause of Ireland is the cause of Labour

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    Alainn, it is no herb that has made me so entirely insatiable, 'tis just being with you.

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    A face on him as long as a hare's back leg.

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    A landscape fossilized, It's stone-wall patternings Repeated before our eyes In the stone walls of Mayo. Before I turned to go He talked about persistence, A congruence of lives, How, stubbed and cleared of stones, His home accrued growth rings Of iron, flint and bronze - "Belderg

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    There is no topicmore soporific and generally boring than the topic of Ireland as Ireland, as a nation.

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    We dont vote in Northern Ireland for what we want, we vote against what we dont want.

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    When John (Giles) was manager of Ireland, much as he loved me, he still dropped me.

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    After a moment, she announced. "Found it." She held the key up to show him. "Where did you find it?" "Under the back wheel." With laughter in her voice, she said, "If at first you don't succeed..." "I know, I know. Try, try again!" Amelia shook her head. "No, no! You call Moore Detective Agency. She can find anything.

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    And here I thought that smile you wore was because of me.

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    Americans may say they love our accents (I have been accused of sounding 'like Princess Di') but the more thoughtful ones resent and rather dislike us as a nation and people, as friends of mine have found out by being on the edge of conversations where Americans assumed no Englishmen were listening. And it is the English, specifically, who are the targets of this. Few Americans have heard of Wales. All of them have heard of Ireland and many of them think they are Irish. Scotland gets a sort of free pass, especially since Braveheart re-established the Scots' anti-English credentials among the ignorant millions who get their history off the TV.

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    And if I was bewildered through those decades, totally bewildered, so was the country I came from. The majority, what was the phrase? 'Condemn utterly what is happening, this barbarity.' But that's all we did. Condemn. And march. But not often enough.

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    A nation which fails to adequately remember salient points of its own history, is like a person with Alzheimer's. And that can be a social disease of a most destructive nature.

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    And he got going from there to America. Worked his passage, I s'pose, like a lot more. And I heard he did well in America, too. Got married there. Had a family. But never came back. And you know why? 'Cause if he did, if he ever set foot in Ireland again, you know who'd be waiting for him, don't you? That's right. The three of 'em. And their box. And the second time they'd make no mistake. It is a much-overlooked fact that not all of the thousands who fled Ireland in former times did so to escape hunger, deprivation, and persecution. There were also those who went to escape the wrath of the Good People. Many stories illustrated this, the one here being typical.

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    And lucky indeed is the writer who has grown up in Ireland, for the English spoken there is so amusing and musical. (“How to Write with Style”. Essay, 1985)

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    A very wise English lady, one who has much experience of life, once said that young Englishmen of good position are lured into marrying music hall dancers, a thing which occasionally happens to them, because they find these ladies more entertaining and exciting than girls of their own class. I do not know whether this is true or not, but if it is it helps to explain the attractiveness of American women. There is always a certain unexpectedness about them. They are always stimulating and agreeable. It is much more difficult to account for the attractiveness of the English man.

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    As Matt walked Rick outside, he whispered, "Don't forget my little secret." He wiggled his eyebrows. "A happy wife. A happy life. Got it?" Rick nodded. "Got it.

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    Any good history begins in strangeness. The past should not be comfortable. The past should not a familar echo of the present, for if it is familar why revist it? The past should be so strange that you wonder how you and people you know and love could come from such a time.

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    As she glanced down at the great distance to the ground below, she whispered in his ear, "You have obviously taken the heights of passion to an entirely new level, Killian O'Brien!

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    A walking stick is no real use except to a lame man. The walker does not push himself along with it. He does not, when he sets out from home, expect to meet any one whom he wants to hit.

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    Be at peace all of you, for hunger has a whip, and he will drive the strange away in the night.

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    But listen well. In Tir na nOg, because there is no sorrow, there is no joy. Do you hear the meaning of the seachain's song?

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    Books of the sages of the ages reflect upon in stages; like honey their words on the tongue give due savour.” {Source: A Green Desert Father}

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    Do you know what Ireland is?' asked Stephen with cold violence. 'Ireland is the old sow that eats her farrow.

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    By God, Lainna, have you truly no notion how badly I want you, then?" "Oh, but did you not once tell me the anticipation is half the pleasure of it?

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    By the way, I do enjoy fairytale endings, in case you misunderstood me." He glanced at her and smiled. "I like it when good wins over evil... when the knight defeats the dragon and saves the fair maiden... and when the woodsman saves Little Red Riding Hood. I like it when they say, 'And they lived happily ever after'... Just because I'm a man doesn't mean that I don't have a romantic bone in my body." Rick gave a curt nod. "Men can be romantic, too.

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    Capitalism has come, not only to serve Britain's purpose by keeping the people divided, but, by setting worker against worker, it has profited by exploiting both. It works on religious prejudices. It represents to the Protestant workman any attempt by the Catholic workman to get improved conditions as the cloak for some insidious political game.

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    Cowan son of Branieucc, you're the only one of my people that I know for sure still lives.

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    Don't become a grumpy old dater! Life ids for living, laughing and loving!Stop searching, start finding!

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    Do you normally take the time to get to know those you’re sent to kill?