Best 1001 quotes in «thriller quotes» category

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    A beautiful body perishes, but a work of art dies not.” ~ Leonardo da Vinci

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    A brief whiff of her mother had come through a cracked window that opened to a weed-infested courtyard. It was a fragrance that almost spoke to her, saying, 'Yes, it was an unjust end to the life of a good man.' A man who had accepted gratitude in the place of love, and who knew Magdalena's heart would always remain with Ales's father.

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    A book can be altered little by little, just enough with each teaching, to slowly change the meaning. The generation before would praise the reading of it but hardly recognize the minimal changes from one version to the next.

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    Abel Muranda fought off furious red ants with mandibles that could cut through a miser's padlock.

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    A chill went down her back, her body shivering. The hairs on her arms stood on end. She felt eyes on her.

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    Actions have consequences. Kids today don’t think about that. It’s like, ‘Hey, wouldn’t this be awesome?!’ Consequences? What are those?

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    AD Jones' Büro ist fensterlos und nüchtern. Er hat sich ein Eckbüro mit großartiger Aussicht nehmen können, doch als ich ihn einmal deswegen gefragt habe, lautete seine Antwort sinngemäß: "Ein guter Chef sollte nicht allzu viel Zeit im Büro verbringen." p. 26

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    ...a fissure appeared. Splinters of plastic broke away around it, and the fissure widened, radiating further fractures. When the first leg broke out, Simon tried to shriek.

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    Adventure is my middle name.

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    After earning a degree in Marketing at Auburn University, I spent the next five years in the business world, which is a polite way of saying that I had eleven jobs in a five-year period, including door to door sales, skip tracing people who didn’t want to be found, repossessing cars and collecting on defaulted student loans. During this five-year period, I did an in-depth study of abnormal psychology and sociopathic behavior – and then I divorced him.

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    After 55 years at the bar and a career as a law professor it may seem strange that I wouild write a novel. But the opportunity to spin a tale about hidden treasure, secret codes, midlife love, a life-saving dog and a thrilling chase through West Virginia was just too tempting. The Secet of the 48th Foot was too much fun not to give it a whirl.

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    A good book is a good place to go..... to dream!

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    A hundred times I must have thought of ways to take it back, but I wasn't smart enough to understand that an apology is a sign of strenght, not weakness (...)

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    A heart in love is a thriller book of many stories

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    A gust of wind touches my arms as the front door swings in, and my blood turns cold. Oh, shit, in comes the Creepo.

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    Ah, you're warming up to me. You know what comes next." "Bitter disappointment?" she deadpanned.

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    Ah, you big Nancy, there’s nothing to be afraid of. Seen it many times before. They come and go, boy, never change. It’s the same type from the very beginning. Nothing’s changed except the clothes and technology.

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    Alexei met Stanislav’s gaze. “I like her.” He smiled. “I like her more.

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    A little politeness might smooth the way ahead. Knowing it was his turn to be dispatched, the best he could hope for was as swift a death as the one Massetti had so thanklessly received.

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    All great ideas, all great leaps of progress, all have a wake of sacrificial bodies.

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    All I know is that the fear I have been battling all night is breaking down the door of my ignorance. As my feet slam down I feel not the hard, wet asphalt but the soft Persian rug that led to the staircase in my father’s home. In the glow of lightning the dancing trees are illuminated but I see my mother in the glow of candlelight, spinning, twirling, her hair fanned out behind her. It is falling over me, saturating my thoughts, and I cannot. I cannot let it in.

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    Allow yourself to fall, giving up the effort to learn how to fly, knowing someone will be there to catch you.

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    A lone Japanese man stood on the sidewalk a short distance away. Sleek, self-possessed, dressed in gray. Emma’s lover. Moon’s prime suspect. The man who had once been Dr. Toshi Okada—maimed, supposedly dead, come back alive for revenge.

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    Always do right. This will gratify some people and astonish the rest. - Mark Twain

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    Amanda esitò. – Maddie? Lei la guardò nella penombra della notte. Il lampione era lontano, la luce ambrata stendeva campiture nitide sui lineamenti tesi dell’amica. I capelli scuri si confondevano con l’ombra. – Andrà tutto bene, te lo prometto – mormorò Amanda e le strinse la mano. Madison annuì, vaga. – Sì. Sarebbe andato tutto bene, si ripeté nella mente. Se lo ripeté di nuovo. E di nuovo. E ancora.

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    A man’s ability to give is dwarfed by his ability to take. Those who profit by fulfilling man’s need to take by giving will be the most powerful on earth.

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    Amaya went to sit on a bench nearby. She had been to the park numerous times with Agastya, and just being there with another man made her feel like she was cheating. But Agastya was dead. Long gone. She took out his diary and started reading it.

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    And as he sat upon the Mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, 'Tell us, when shall these things be? And what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?

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    Alana Marks had always known she was different. From her gypsy childhood, to the way she now made her living in the movies, she'd always lived on the edge. She'd been paid to leap from a sixteenth story window, roll a car to a cliff edge, get thrown off a speeding train and dragged into a river by a runaway horse. At the moment, she was about to set herself on fire and jump out of a burning barn.

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    And I smile at him, happy. Because it turns out the only thing better than sharing your own worst secrets is when the person you love shares his with you.

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    And in a land accustomed to so much anguish, Chase tried to be careful with words. His soccer moms began assigning nicknames during the first day of official practice: Difom, Kakas, Kochma, and Maldyok, which roughly translated to Deformed, Carcass, Nightmare, and Bad Eye. He made a new rule regarding nicknames.

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    And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many.

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    A good tanto is a nasty thing, and when the point entered a human neck, it was like the last period in a biography.

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    Angel you may have lucked out this time, but just remember I’m going to be on your ass until I get my revenge. I promise you this will not be the last time you will see me! You’re a dead man Medina, maybe not now but soon! - Orlando to Angel under the crumbling furnace in the hotel.

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    And to think I could be at home cleaning the cat box," Esther Charlemagne said. "Watching for a Peeping Tom is so much better." ~ Chapter 2 The Night Shadow by Cheri Vause

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    Annabelle, I'm going to kill you!" I cried, frowning at the mess. Then I glanced down the stairway and gasped. It looked like someone had beaten me to it.

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    Anna, like most English speakers, thought GASP was a silly name for the project. But the name got the point across. If there were modern wonders of the world, GASP - and Kali - stood as far above them as the Colossus of Rhodes had stood above man.

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    Another tug and a yank at my chestnut curls and she snarls at me, “You are so much like her.” This is something my mother often says and never explains. Though it is a great mystery to me it is also a blessing, for she always hurries from the room after saying it.

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    Another ship. It’s the best news I could ever have imagined. Who are they going to send? Who’s coming? I stare out of the helm window, straining my eyes against the infinite blackness, pressing my fingernails into my palms so hard they sting. I can’t see anything except the silver pinprick stars. How long until I’ll be able to see The Eternity? How long until it will be able to see me?

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    Are you a house-wife, Mrs Silvers?' he asked. 'What would you recommend for getting burger relish out of a white shirt?' The seething woman cranked the venom-level of her gaze up to eleven, and Raven smiled pleasantly back.

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    And when whatever happened in that barn happened, it was a moment I’ll never forget. Like a missing key slid into a dusty old lock. Click. My world opened.

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    Anticipation tingled in my stomach: the kind of tingle that at first you don’t know if it’s a good tingle or a bad tingle – just a tingle.

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    Any self-defense class worth its salt will tell you that you don’t pull out a weapon unless you intend to use it. The same should apply to ballsy remarks.

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    Apparently, we're all in the frame," I heard Harry murmur somewhere behind me. And I whirled back to him. Innate, irrational anger surged. Then stopped, dead - as I suddenly took in Handsome, Robert and Doc. They were all staring at me. They were concentrating, all resolute, all a tad furrow-browed… upon my face. Self-consciousness burgeoned. I gingerly fingered my and lips and my chin, "Am I drooling?" "Your arse is hanging out," said Harry, not looking up from the forensics he was scanning. And so it was. Handsome, Robert and Doc averted their eyes as I, wishing I'd merely been dribbling, grabbed the back flaps of my breezy hospital gown, fully placed my back against the wall. Then, thinking better of it, dived hurriedly, carefully, back into bed. If Chinese Lady'd been here, she could've, would've, told me. I missed her already.

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    As a rule, I had murder in my mind. That day, I had it in my heart.

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    A quick thought shot through my mind. Could I really drown in a dream? I remembered the movie the Matrix. If you died in the matrix, you died in real life. I wasn’t about to take a chance...

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    As a writer, I will go down any dark alley, inch my way through the tightest crawl space, and feed on your every fear. I will take your sense of calm and tear it to shreds. - Horror Author Barbara Watkins

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    As Chloe pulled out of the drive, she realized the weapon next to her made her feel like she was more in control of the situation. As she drove down the Mississippi back roads, a sense of peace settled in her soul. Chloe knew it wasn’t just the .45 resting on her front seat that brought the feeling. It was more of an awareness of being where she belonged. But that was crazy.

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    As cops, our job is simple: do the right thing, at the right time, for the right reasons." -- Detective Alex Landon