Best 465 quotes in «insight quotes» category

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    Schooling deprived of religious insights is wretched education.

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    Shut your eyes and see.

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    The deeper our insight into the methods of nature . . . the more incredible the popular Christianity seems to us.

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    Studying cancer could provide huge insights for astrobiologists into the nature of life itself.

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    The history of science is full of revolutionary advances that required small insights that anyone might have had, but that, in fact, only one person did.

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    The goal of a designer is to listen, observe, understand, sympathize, empathize, synthesize and glean insights that enable him or her to “make the invisible visible

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    The moment of truth, the sudden emergence of a new insight, is an act of intuition.

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    The key, I suppose, has less to do with insight than with willingness, the former being relatively useless without the latter.

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    The more insight I get, the more scared I get of women in general.

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    The most mature human insight comes from one's introspection rather than from exterior research.

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    The purpose of visualization is insight, not pictures

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    The normal objective of my thought affords no insight into the dark places of human will and feeling.

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    The quest for the truth, in and of itself, Is a story that's filled with insights.

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    The Stoics thought that a fundamental insight into human life is that some things are up to us and others are not, the famous dichotomy of control. Up to us are our judgments, decisions, and actions; everything else is not up to us, because it is influenced by external factors.

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    There is not a single true work of art that has not in the end added to the inner freedom insight and life of each person who has known and loved it.

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    The sequence is suffering, insight, will, action, change.

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    There is a mandate to impose a voluntary return to traditional values.

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    There is nothing so terrible as activity without insight.

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    Those who have obtained the farthest insight into Nature have been, in all ages, firm believers in God.

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    The true teacher is within us. A good teacher is someone who can help you to go back and touch the true teacher within, because you already have the insight within you.

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    ... the true seeing is within; and painting stares at you with an insistent imperfection.

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    The worst insult I can inflict on life is that I do not reflect on its meaning.

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    This is the real power of habit: the insight that your habits are what you choose them to be.

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    Those we call saints rebelled against an outmoded and inadequate form of God on the basis of their new insights into divinity.

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    Tolerance gives us spiritual insight, which is as far from fanaticism as the north pole is from the south.

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    To learn and think; to think and live; to live and learn: this always, with new insight, new understanding, and new love.

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    What always seems miraculous is when aesthetic necessities yield an insight which otherwise I would have missed.

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    Truthfulness itself is almost medication, even when it’s served without advice or insight.

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    We are as humans essentially products of our hardware - that is an insight that I've taken with me into the trading side.

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    We must be both rational and intellectual, both analytic and imaginative, utilizing both statistics and insight.

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    We must not offer people a system of redemption, a set of insights and principles. We offer people a Redeemer.

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    We're constantly pushing these materials and processes to the extreme to see what will happen. It's an insight into things that you don't normally see.

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    What else is nature but God?

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    When asked to give a speech never turn it down. It is a chance to develop you and to give new insight to others

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    When Caesar says, 'Do this', it is performed.

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    When believers neglect the revealed Word of God, they are likely to turn to silly and unprofitable methods of insight.

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    When mundane, lowly activities are at stake, too much insight is detrimental — far-sightedness errs in immediate concerns.

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    When I go to movies and I love the movie, it's because it feels like it articulated something about how we're living now, and also gives me some insight into my own life. I feel actually altered after having seen it.

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    These powerless people at the bottom are the ones with whom we must begin. They must have the insight and the knowledge to work together and recognise that they are on the right track.

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    When we sit down to work, we become like a magnetized rod that attracts iron filings. Ideas come. Insights accrete.

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    When one's thoughts are neither frivolous nor flippant, when one's thoughts are neither stiff-necked nor stupid, but rather, are harmonious -- they habitually render physical calm and deep insight.

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    When you begin to see that your enemy is suffering, that is the beginning of insight.

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    With age comes acumen. With experience comes insight.

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    Without memory there can be no insight. Without love, there can be no appreciation.

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    Without the imaginative insight which goes with creative literature, history cannot be intelligibly written.

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    Without troublesome work, no one can have any concrete, full idea of what pure mathematical research is like or of the profusion of insights that can be obtained from it.

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    Writers of comedy have outlook, whereas writers of tragedy have, according to them, insight.

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    You cannot understand what a person is saying unless you understand who they are arguing with.

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    You get more insight as you get older, on everything. I kind of woke up one morning and was like, 'Oh I see what's happening, I get everything'. I woke up and was like, 'I get it, I'm a product'.

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    Zen is the game of insight, the game of discovering who you are beneath the social masks.

    • insight quotes