Best 45 quotes in «production quotes» category

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    Man, like every other organism, can only live by the transformation of his environment to his own use. He must transform his environment from a condition where it is less to a condition where it is more subservient to his needs. That special, conscious, and intelligent transformation of his environment which is peculiar to the peculiar intelligence and creative faculty of man we call the Production of Wealth. Wealth is matter which has been consciously and intelligently transformed from a condition in which it is less to a condition in which it is more serviceable to a human need. Without Wealth man cannot exist. The production of it is a necessity to him, and though it proceeds from the more to the less necessary, and even to those forms of production which we call luxuries, yet in any given human society there is a certain kind and a certain amount of wealth without which human life cannot be lived: as, for instance, in England to-day, certain forms of elaborately prepared food, clothing, fuel, and habitation. Therefore, to control the production Of wealth is to control human life itself. To refuse man the opportunity for the production of wealth is to refuse him the opportunity for life; and, in general, the way in which the production of wealth is by law permitted is the only way in which the citizens can legally exist.

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    Mary was proud of her husband, not merely because he was a musician, but because he was a blacksmith. For, with the true taste of a right woman, she honored the manhood that could do hard work. The day will come, and may I do something to help it hither, when the youth of our country will recognize that, taken in itself, it is a more manly, and therefore in the old true sense a more _gentle_ thing, to follow a good handicraft, if it make the hands black as a coal, than to spend the day in keeping books, and making up accounts, though therein the hands should remain white--or red, as the case may be. Not but that, from a higher point of view still, all work, set by God, and done divinely, is of equal honor; but, where there is a choice, I would gladly see boy of mine choose rather to be a blacksmith, or a watchmaker, or a bookbinder, than a clerk. Production, making, is a higher thing in the scale of reality, than any mere transmission, such as buying and selling. It is, besides, easier to do honest work than to buy and sell honestly. The more honor, of course, to those who are honest under the greater difficulty! But the man who knows how needful the prayer, "Lead us not into temptation," knows that he must not be tempted into temptation even by the glory of duty under difficulty. In humility we must choose the easiest, as we must hold our faces unflinchingly to the hardest, even to the seeming impossible, when it is given us to do.

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    Marx made theory... Lenin applied it with his sense of large-scale social organization... And Henry Ford made the work of the socialist state possible.

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    Messages focused on miracle will breed in the mind of people the mentality that production is not necessary for prosperity

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    No more semblance or disemblance, no more God or Man, only an immanent logic of the principle of operativity.

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    Nations become great only when its citizens discover their potentials and harness the power of those potentials to create industries, innovations, processes of production and fix the economy. Nations become great only thanks to the power of harnessed potentials

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    One good product is better than many fake goods.

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    No production, no prosperity! Every "product and service" is someone's brain child... Ask yourself, when is my "naming ceremony" going to come on?. Begin producing something today and make a difference!

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    Nowadays films and television are what I like to call "Microwave Media". I like mine in the oven, giving the production time to simmer; get the juices flowing, and cooked to perfection. And that takes time. Slow, precious, tempered time. A script is a film's recipe. It's just a piece of paper to the novice cook, but even a recipe needs time to be perfected before it's given to the masses.

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    Patience is what is needed to see through any process of production.

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    Or how does it happen that trade, which after all is nothing more than the exchange of products of various individuals and countries, rules the whole world through the relation of supply and demand—a relation which, as an English economist says, hovers over the earth like the fate of the ancients, and with invisible hand allots fortune and misfortune to men, sets up empires and overthrows empires, causes nations to rise and to disappear—while with the abolition of the basis of private property, with the communistic regulation of production (and implicit in this, the destruction of the alien relation between men and what they themselves produce), the power of the relation of supply and demand is dissolved into nothing, and men get exchange, production, the mode of their mutual relation, under their own control again?

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    One of the common themes you will read in interview after interview is the call to keep fighting for your vision. This is a message to women directors, producers, writers—anyone who wants to work in the business. Your voice counts. Your vision matters.

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    The only weapon of power, its only strategy against this defection, is to reinject the real and the referential everywhere, to persuade us of the reality of the social, of the gravity of the economy and the finalities of production.

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    Rivera’s admiration for Stalin was equaled only by his admiration for Henry Ford. By the 1920s and ‘30s, nearly every industrial country in Europe and Latin America, as well as the Soviet Union, had adopted Ford’s engineering and manufacturing methods: his highly efficient assembly line to increase production and reduce the cost of automobiles, so that the working class could at least afford to own a car; his total control over all the manufacturing and production processes by concentrating them all in one place, from the gathering of raw materials to orchestrating the final assembly; and his integration, training, and absolute control of the workforce. Kahn, the architect of Ford’s factories, subsequently constructed hundreds of factories on the model of the Rouge complex in Dearborn, Michigan, which was the epicenter of Ford’s industrial acumen as well as a world-wide symbol of future technology. Such achievements led Rivera to regard Detroit’s industry as the means of transforming the proletariat to take the reins of economic production.

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    Spend one more day in pursuit of art that only you can produce, and somewhere, someone is envying your courage to do just that.

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    The most obvious and the most distinctive features of the History of Civilisation, during the last fifty years, is the wonderful increase of industrial production by the application of machinery, the improvement of old technical processes and the invention of new ones, accompanied by an even more remarkable development of old and new means of locomotion and intercommunication. By this rapid and vast multiplication of the commodities and conveniences of existence, the general standard of comfort has been raised, the ravages of pestilence and famine have been checked, and the natural obstacles, which time and space offer to mutual intercourse, have been reduced in a manner, and to an extent, unknown to former ages. The diminution or removal of local ignorance and prejudice, the creation of common interests among the most widely separated peoples, and the strengthening of the forces of the organisation of the commonwealth against those of political or social anarchy, thus effected, have exerted an influence on the present and future fortunes of mankind the full significance of which may be divined, but cannot, as yet, be estimated at its full value.

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    The original KDF-wagen as it was called was basic and rudimentary, but essentially the same as the later post war production cars that followed. Features of this vehicle included cable operated brakes (!!) and a tiny 800cc flat four motor with a single exhaust, 16 inch tires and the KDF twin glove compartment (without lids) dash. Oh, and last but not least – probably the most famous and sought-after rear window in automotive history!

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    The worldly life runs easily due to the egoism which is the by-production of the worldly life. By increasing the egoism there, one has incurred endless worries.

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    The process of exchange enables man to ascend from primitive isolation to civilization: it enormously widens his opportunities and the market for his wares; it enables him to invest in machines and other "high-order capital goods"; ... it forms a pattern of exchanges - the free market - which enables him to calculate economically the benefits and the costs of highly complex methods and aggregates of production.

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    There’s something different about when a female directs versus a male. The level of maturity, mutual respect, and energy that you get from a female director is so different. I’ve worked with male directors who aren’t good, and no one says anything about it, but then we had one female director who was kind of all over the place and everyone complained. It’s so gendered. I feel safer when working with a female director because I know it’s from a female gaze.

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    Time must be converted into product

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    Those who believe in quality produce quality goods. Those who love quality buy quality.

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    We thus see that the price of a commodity is indeed determined by its cost of production, but in such wise that the periods in which the price of these commodities rises above the cost of production are balanced by the periods in which it sinks below the cost of production, and vice versa. Of course this does not hold good for a single given product of an industry, but only for that branch of industry. So also it does not hold good for an individual manufacturer, but only for the whole class of manufacturers.

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    Violent consumption demands violent production.

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    With his night-cap and his night-shirt tatters, He botches up the loop-holes in the structure of the world.

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    When I prepare, then I become pregnant... and then I produce. When I produce, then I praise the Lord... and then I become prosperous and then the cycle repeats!

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    Your daily product determines your output

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    You must be engaged with the process of producing something to expect something.

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    Your daily product determines your value

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    Do not compromise on the quality and your customers will not negotiate on the price.

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    Can-do" is the parent of "Have-done". No passion, no production!

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    Cependant, pour les pays les plus avancés, les mesures suivantes pourront assez généralement être applicables : 1 ̊Expropriation de la propriété foncière et confiscation de la rente foncière au profit de l’Etat. 2 ̊Impôt fortement progressif. 3 ̊Abolition de l’héritage. 4 ̊Confiscation de la propriété de tous les émigrants et de tous les rebelles. 5 ̊Centralisation du crédit dans les mains de l’Etat au moyen d’une banque nationale, avec capital de l’Etat, et avec le monopole exclusif. 6 ̊Centralisation dans les mains de l’Etat de tous les moyens de transport. 7 ̊Augmentation des manufactures nationales et des instruments de production, défrichement des terrains incultes et amélioration des terres cultivées d’après un système général. 8 ̊Travail obligatoire pour tous, organisation d’armées industrielles, particulièrement pour l’agriculture. 9 ̊Combinaison du travail agricole et industriel, ; mesures tendant à faire disparaître la distinction entre ville et campagne. 10 ̊Education publique et gratuite de tous les enfants, abolition du travail des enfants dans les fabriques tel qu’il est pratiqué aujourd’hui. Combinaison de l’éducation avec la production matérielle, etc., etc.

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    Creativity is key to productivity and prosperity.

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    Every minute, hour and hour that passes daily should be converted into product

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    Economists have a singular method of procedure. There are only two kinds of institutions for them, artificial and natural. The institutions of feudalism are artificial institutions, those of the bourgeoisie are natural institutions. In this, they resemble the theologians, who likewise establish two kinds of religion. Every religion which is not theirs is an invention of men, while their own is an emanation from God. When the economists say the present-day relations--the relations of bourgeois production--are natural, they imply that these are the relations in which wealth is created and productive forces developed in conformity with the laws of nature. These relations therefore are themselves natural laws independent of the influence of time. They are eternal laws which must always govern society. Thus, there has been history, but there is no longer any. There has been history, since there were institutions of feudalism, and in these institutions of feudalism we find quite different relations of production from those of bourgeois society, which the economists try to pass off as natural and, as such, eternal.

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    Greatness is the quality of time you are able to convert into the production of value.

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    If school is about postponing the day you have to stand up in front of the world and put yourself at risk, the resistance would like to stay there forever.

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    If one prevents a man from working for the good of society while at the same time providing for the satisfaction of his own needs, then only one way remains open to him: to make himself richer and others poorer by the violent oppression and spoliation of his fellow men.

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    Human existence is as a result of the product of time

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    If you are not involved in the process of production you don’t have the right to eat.

    • production quotes
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    If you're early, you're on time. If you're on time, you're late.

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    If you find a community with less production and less inspiring inventions, then know it is a sign of lack of Business Leaders and full of General Managers do not know what they can manage or what they are managing.

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    I have seen ideas that work on paper not work in the field. But I have never seen an idea that does not work on paper work in the field.

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    It is a rule in paleontology that ornamentation and complication precede extinction. And our mutation, of which the assembly line, the collective farm, the mechanized army, and the mass production of food are evidences or even symptoms, might well correspond to the thickening armor of the great reptiles—a tendency that can end only in extinction. If this should happen to be true, nothing stemming from thought can interfere with it or bend it. Conscious thought seems to have little effect on the action or direction of our species.

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    It is unfortunate that the modern healthcare system has devolved into a mass production line of sickened people attending very short appointments with overworked doctors that are delivering substandard care that is influenced by drug companies.