Best 69 quotes in «naive quotes» category

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    Youngsters tend to save the whole world while their parents struggle to save theirs.

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    All I ask is that you not be naive about how the government works when it decides to go after its prey.

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    You're only naive once. Use it well.

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    Anybody who comes to you and says he has a perfect language is either naive or a salesman.

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    Because with time blocking out the bad, memory is always bound to be a bit naive and stupidly optimistic.

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    Every true genius is bound to be naive.

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    I'm passionate about what I do. I'd be naive to be passive.

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    I would define myself as being naive and perverse at the same time. And I think that if that is consistent it will make the tone consistent.

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    Moon is also a naive native girl when she sets out for Carbuncle.

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    Not everything is going to be successful. To strive for that is really naive. You just do the best you can do.

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    Under popular culture's obsession with a naive inclusion, everything is O.K.

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    We deny the severity of our loved one's problem not because we are naive, but because we can't know.

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    When I did the sitcom I was too naive. I thought, Well, they know what they're talking about, let's do that.

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    When you're a little bit dumb and naive things get done that no one believed could be done.

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    All the adults I knew buried the knowledge beneath lying smiles and hugs. I was still stuck in my own world... Looking back, I couldn't believe how naive I was, just how many clues I missed.

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    From naive simplicity we arrive at more profound simplicity.

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    Maybe I was naive, but I thought the whole point of being an MP was to scrutinise legislation and improve it.

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    Unregulated competition is a naive metaphor for anarchy.

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    He rejected traditional religious beliefs (Jewish, Christian, and Islamic) not on the basis of any reasoned argument, nor even with an expression of emotional antipathy, for he loved to use religious expressions and metaphors, but simply by saying that they are naive.

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    Be naive and curious. That's all you need to become a scientist.

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    But surely something had changed between them! Surely she wouldn't treat him, now, the way she had then, not after she'd spoken the words aloud: You were always there for me, always, but I never appreciated it, I always took you for granted.

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    But this girl—She reminded me of what it was like to believe in something. Her hope was naïve, but it was real, and I hadn’t felt something real in years. Nothing positive anyways. (Eric)

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    Ein Greenhorn schleppt der Reinlichkeit wegen einen Waschschwamm von der Größe eines Riesenkürbis und zehn Pfund Seife mit in die Prärie und steckt sich dazu einen Kompass bei, der schon am dritten oder vierten Tag nach allen möglichen Richtungen, aber nie mehr nach Norden zeigt. Ein Greenhorn schreibt sich achthundert Indianerausdrücke auf, und wenn er dem ersten Roten begegnet, merkt er, dass er diese Aufzeichnungen im letzten Briefumschlag mit nach Hause geschickt und dafür den Brief dabehalten hat. Ein Greenhorn kauft Schießpulver, und wenn er den ersten Schuss tun will, erkennt er, dass man ihm gemahlene Holzkohle gegeben hat. Ein Greenhorn hat fünf Jahre lang Astronomie studiert, kann aber ebenso lange den gestirnten Himmel anstarren, ohne zu wissen, wie viel Uhr es ist. Ein Greenhorn steckt das Bowiemesser so in den Gürtel, dass er sich beim Bücken die Klinge in den Schenkel sticht...

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    Dla niej był(...) to jedyny naprawdę piękny i szczęśliwy okres życia. Jedyny, w którym zderzenie ambicji i marzeń z rzeczywistością nie przyniosło ujemnego bilansu. Jedyny, w którym wierzyła, iż można osiągnąć wszystko.

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    Everybody really wanna be the best. I just wanna be a bit better than them.

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    For every group, malevolence is always somewhere else. Maybe we understand at this point in history that it can occur at night in darkened rooms where small children sleep. However, surely not in academia. Surely lying and deception do not occur among people who go to conferences, who write books, who testify in court, and who have PhDs. At one point I complained to a Florida judge that I was astonished to an expert witness lying on the stand [about child sexual abuse research]. I thought one had to tell the truth in court. I thought if someone didn't, she didn't get her milk and cookies. I thought God came down and plucked someone right out of the witness stand if he lied in court. I thought a lying expert witness would step out of court and get hit by a bus. A wiser woman than I, the judge's answer was, “Silly you." Confessions of a Whistle-Blower: Lessons Learned Author: Anna C. Salter. Ethics & Behavior, Volume 8, Issue 2 June 1998

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    Evil people rely on the acquiescence of naive good people to allow them to continue with their evil.

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    If you're naive - which means immature, inexperienced, or a bit thick - you get eaten alive.

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    However, at fourteen years old, she didn’t understand that all those terrible troubles the heroines in her books went through in real life hurt. That the words were just words on a page, but in real life, the pain was immense. Trials and tribulations to prove your love were exactly that, trials and tribulations.

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    Huwezi kuwa tajiri iwapo wewe ni limbukeni wa hela.

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    If we weren’t already doing it this way, is this the way we would start?

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    I think the main function of contemporary irony is to protect the speaker from being interpreted as naive or sentimental.

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    If you think buying a DSLR has made you a photographer, don't ever buy a Stethoscope.

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    Ignorance paired with arrogance (naïveté) is logical, but arrogance paired with awareness (ego) is toxic.

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    I'm working on a poem about heartbreak that I've been working on forever (give or take). The problem is that I've never had my heart broken, so I'm having a hard time.

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    I think you're wrong." "Well I think you're naive," Hayley snapped. "Maybe," Marley conceded, starting to walk away. "But I'd rather be that than a bully like you.

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    It is naive to think that success will drop into our lives like manna from heaven

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    I’ve learnt to gather simplicity from grasshoppers. I like their naive indecisive minds never knowing exactly when to stop chirping, and I envy their ability to be able to mingle with the green…

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    It's so frustrating that everybody rags on eighties music, when there's a lot of terrific stuff out there," he said. "There's no irony to it. It's not afraid to just be happy or enthusiastic or earnest. Or to have melody. Sure, you can blame it for being naive, but isn't that refreshing next to the whiny navel-gazing that came after it?

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    Ivanov: A naive man is a fool. But you women are clever enough to be naive so that it comes out in you as engaging and healthy and warm, and not so silly as it might seem. Only why do you all behave like this? While a man is healthy and strong and in good spirits, you pay him no attention, but as soon as he rolls down the slippery slope and starts complaining about his woes, you hang on his neck.

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    Mornings are fresh like babies, uncontaminated by events. I find them sad for that reason. They’re too fragile and naïve.

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    Most people feel safe when assume no peeper. That's the magic of holy privacy.

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    Mrs Guinea answered my letter and invited me to lunch at her home. That was where I saw my first finger-bowl. The water had a few cherry blossoms floating in it, and I thought it must be some clear sort of Japanese after-dinner soup and ate every bit of it, including the crisp little blossoms. Mrs Guinea never said anything, and it was only much later, when I told a debutant I knew at college about dinner, that I learned what I had done.

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    Much, much later. when I am back home and being treated for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). I will be enabled to see what was going on in my mind immediately after 11 August. I am still capable of operating mechanically as a soldier in these following days. But operating mechanically as a soldier is now all I am capable of. Martin says he is worried about me. He says I have the thousand-yard stare'. Of course, I cannot see this stare. But by now we both have more than an idea what it means. So, among all the soldiers here, this is nothing to be ashamed of. But as it really does just go with the territory we find ourselves in. it is just as equally not a badge of honour. Martin is seasoned enough to never even think this. but I know of young men back home, sitting in front of war films and war games, who idolise this condition as some kind of mark of a true warrior. But from where I sit, if indeed I do have this stare, this pathetically naive thinking is a crock of shit. Because only some pathetically naive soul who had never felt this nothingness would say something so fucking dumb. You are no longer human, with all those depths and highs and nuances of emotion that define you as a person. There is no feeling any more, because to feel any emotion would also be to beckon the overwhelming blackness from you. My mind has now locked all this down. And without any control of this self-defence mechanism my subconscious has operated. I do not feel any more. But when I close my eyes. I see the dead Taliban looking into this blackness. And I see the Afghan soldier's face staring into it, singing gently as he slips into another world. And I see Dave Hicks's face. shaking gently as he tries to stay awake in this one. With this, I lift myself up, sitting foetal and hugging my knees on my sleeping mat.

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    Normative mind tends to be naive.

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    Often times leaders can become so content with delegating others to find solutions to the problems that they are oblivious to the fact that they're part of it.

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    Our naivety has left us convinced that the people with whom we sometimes talk about other people behind their backs will never talk about us behind our backs.

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    Perhaps there is nothing wrong with being childish and naïve. Perhaps naivety is simply the unwillingness to learn one’s lesson. It is the decision to speak and live the truth, the beautiful truth of who we are and what we’re capable of, against all odds and in the face of all opposition.

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    Politics preys on people's naivety

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    Qualitative and quantitative research with adults and children reporting ritual abuse has found that it occurs alongside other forms of organised abuse, particularly the manufacture of child abuse images (Scott 2001, Snow and Sorenson 1990, Waterman et al. 1993), and hence subsuming such non-ritualistic experiences under the moniker ‘ritual abuse’ is misleading at best and incendiary at worst. Moreover, it is unclear why an abusive group that invokes a religious or metaphysical mandate to abuse children should be considered as largely distinct from an abusive group that invokes a non-religious rationale to do so. The presumption evident amongst some authors writing on ritual abuse that a professed spiritual motivation for abusing children necessarily reflects the offenders actual motivation seems naïve at best, and at worst it risks colluding with the ways in which abusive groups obfuscate responsibility for their actions.