Best 217 quotes in «thanks quotes» category

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    She doesn't acknowledge Tucker, and there's no thank you for the cigarettes. She says a person shows their gratitude by action, not by words. So I guess that means she thanks me by smoking every cigarette in every pack.

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    she looked up at the stars and gave Tibby thanks. She didn't have to throw her thoughts far to know they reached her.

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    She never says gracias because life is made of survival not grace, she says, and servants are paid to bring what they're asked.

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    Sometimes, we wait on God for special things to happen extraordinarily in our lives before we understand that "God is working". Meanwhile, there are "super-special" things that fill our life barrels in minute drops, but they go unappreciated!

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    Thank ye." “For what?" “For bein’ who ye are." Gabby chuckled and shook her head, saying, “And who else could I be?

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    Some words can create ‘magic’! The 'magical words' are- ‘sorry’, ‘please’, ‘excuse me’ and ‘thank you’!

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    Thank heavens that somewhere deep in all women is a whore

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    Thanks for being the kind of person who likes to pick up a book. That's a genuinely great thing. I met a librarian recently who said she doesn't read because books are her job and when she goes home, she just wants to switch off. I think we can agree that that's creepy as hell.

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    Thanks to Karen Connelly who read earlier versions of this manuscript and to Ronald Hatch my editor and publisher.

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    Thank you Lord. Thank you Lord for the gift of life. Thank you Lord for divine protection. Thank you Lord for daily guidance.

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    Thank you Lord. Thank you Lord for the gift of life. Thank you Lord for divine protection. Thank you Lord for daily guidance. Thank you for the miraculously saving my life.

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    Thank you," he says. "Thank who?" "I don't know. You?" "No, not me. Jesus." "Thank you, Jesus?" "Yes, Toph, Jesus died for your Christmas fun.

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    That he had no scruples; for, said he, when I fail in my duty, I readily acknowledge it, saying, I am used to do so: I shall never do otherwise, if I am left to myself. If I fail not, then I give GOD thanks, acknowledging that it comes from Him.

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    The happiest people on earth are not those who have robust bank accounts, or all the good things in this world; but, they are those who truly embrace the attitude of gratitude. Some of these folks are poor, but are still very grateful for the little they have; for the peace of mind they enjoy, for the love in their lives, for the unity in their family and for all the ordinary things many people take for granted. They always focused, not on the things they are aspiring for, but for all the things God has used to bless their lives.

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    There are Atheists in foxholes Atheists in hurricanes There are Atheists in all the roles Denied by your refrains Atheists are your fellow citizens People who love and laugh and cry Atheists are your relatives and friends Don't insult them with a lie Atheists in many foxholes served And some have had to die Give Atheists the thanks deserved Don't dismiss them with a lie Atheists are all around you They work, they help, they care And no matter what you think is true Atheists are everywhere And no matter what you think is true They do not want your prayer

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    There are many unspeakable words, forgotten, or forbidden. Great thanks to the poets who make them all become reachable.

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    There are two things the Lord gave man over the other creatures. He created the ability for man to think. The other is the ability to love. I thank Him daily for these gifts, along with all the other wonderful things He created. And I thank Him for sending you to me.

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    There is a little word that we can say to others now. "Thank You Very Much".

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    The thanks of a weak one are but of little value," he muttered, "but you have them, for truly, in this past week, little but scraps have come my way- and for all my body is small, yet is my appetite unseemly great.

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    The value we place on what we've been given correlates to our depth of gratitude for it.

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    The very quality of your life, whether you love it or hate it, is based upon how thankful you are toward God. It is one's attitude that determines whether life unfolds into a place of blessedness or wretchedness. Indeed, looking at the same rose bush, some people complain that the roses have thorns while others rejoice that some thorns come with roses. It all depends on your perspective. This is the only life you will have before you enter eternity. If you want to find joy, you must first find thankfulness. Indeed, the one who is thankful for even a little enjoys much. But the unappreciative soul is always miserable, always complaining. He lives outside the shelter of the Most High God. Perhaps the worst enemy we have is not the devil but our own tongue. James tells us, "The tongue is set among our members as that which . . . sets on fire the course of our life" (James 3:6). He goes on to say this fire is ignited by hell. Consider: with our own words we can enter the spirit of heaven or the agonies of hell! It is hell with its punishments, torments and misery that controls the life of the grumbler and complainer! Paul expands this thought in 1 Corinthians 10:10, where he reminds us of the Jews who "grumble[d] . . . and were destroyed by the destroyer." The fact is, every time we open up to grumbling and complaining, the quality of our life is reduced proportionally -- a destroyer is bringing our life to ruin! People often ask me, "What is the ruling demon over our church or city?" They expect me to answer with the ancient Aramaic or Phoenician name of a fallen angel. What I usually tell them is a lot more practical: one of the most pervasive evil influences over our nation is ingratitude! Do not minimize the strength and cunning of this enemy! Paul said that the Jews who grumbled and complained during their difficult circumstances were "destroyed by the destroyer." Who was this destroyer? If you insist on discerning an ancient world ruler, one of the most powerful spirits mentioned in the Bible is Abaddon, whose Greek name is Apollyon. It means "destroyer" (Rev. 9:11). Paul said the Jews were destroyed by this spirit. In other words, when we are complaining or unthankful, we open the door to the destroyer, Abaddon, the demon king over the abyss of hell! In the Presence of God Multitudes in our nation have become specialists in the "science of misery." They are experts -- moral accountants who can, in a moment, tally all the wrongs society has ever done to them or their group. I have never talked with one of these people who was happy, blessed or content about anything. They expect an imperfect world to treat them perfectly. Truly, there are people in this wounded country of ours who need special attention. However, most of us simply need to repent of ingratitude, for it is ingratitude itself that is keeping wounds alive! We simply need to forgive the wrongs of the past and become thankful for what we have in the present. The moment we become grateful, we actually begin to ascend spiritually into the presence of God. The psalmist wrote, "Serve the Lord with gladness; come before Him with joyful singing. . . . Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise. Give thanks to Him, bless His name. For the Lord is good; His lovingkindness is everlasting and His faithfulness to all generations" (Psalm 100:2, 4-5). It does not matter what your circumstances are; the instant you begin to thank God, even though your situation has not changed, you begin to change. The key that unlocks the gates of heaven is a thankful heart. Entrance into the courts of God comes as you simply begin to praise the Lord.

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    To become a better you, remember to be grateful to people who have contributed to making you who you are today.

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    Today is a beautiful day. Thank you!

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    To live, to truly live, one must consider each and every thing a blessing.

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    When I wake up each morning, my first thought, is thanks be to God.

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    When things are bad, be thankful...they are not as bad as they could be.

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    When you thank GOD for what you have, it means you appreciate and value what's in your hands. And when you value what's in your hands, it will open up its wonder to you.

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    wut good lo l

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    You simply will not be the same person two months from now after consciously giving thanks each day for the abundance that exists in your life.

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    You want to become a better person? Just give thanks. Give thanks for all of it.

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    Start the day with PRAISE, Live the rest with RIGHTEOUS DEEDS and ends them with THANKS-GIVING

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    Thanks for turning off the lights... and so far... it's your problem, you are getting in trouble... it's not me... so far you can keep the lights on.

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    Thank you. For being willing to talk. For not turning me in. For... being you.' 'I'm pretty good at being me,' I said. 'I've had all these years to practice--I hardly ever get it wrong these days.

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    Titles does not make a man. But the grace of thanks.

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    Trust is the bridge from yesterday to tomorrow, built with planks of thanks.

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    Usitukane kamwe. Pigana itakapobidi.

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    When you start with thanksgiving, you will always end with praise. Be thankful, it grows.

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    When you wake up every new day, be filled with thanks.

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    'Brave' is one of those words that has been bleached of most of its meaning these days, thanks to far too many appearances in the glaring light of ad slogans and corporate public relations. I never thought about anything as brave anymore; it just seemed like a flabby, glib cliche.

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    All labours draw hame at even, And can to others say, "Thanks to the gracious God of heaven, Whilk sent this summer day.

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    As always, a million heartfelt thanks for bringing such joy into this chick's life.

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    Christina Aguilera finally announced her pregnancy. Thanks for waiting until your third trimester to get the word out—why not just wait until you’re crowning?

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    Cultivate the habit of being grateful... and ...give thanks continuously.

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    From 1962 to 1965, the guitar became this icon of youth culture, thanks mostly to the Beatles

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    Give assistance, and receive thanks lighter than a feather: injure a man, and his wrath will be like lead.

    • thanks quotes
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    Give thanks to God, who made necessary things simple, and complicated things unnecessary.

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    Good job on Percy Jackson I read all of them 8 times and have listened 42 times and still not bored Thanks.

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    Great sermon helped me to reflect on scape goats, forgiveness, revenge and the messiness of community. .. where I referenced this sermon. Thanks! Keep preaching the damn Gospel!

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    Here you go, dear."" The corners of Mrs. Colbert's mouth curled up. "You like meat, don't you?" Emily blinked. Was it her, or did that statement seem...loaded? She checked Issac for his reaction, but he was innocently selecting a roll from a wicker basket. "Uh, thanks." Emily said, pulling the platter toward her. She did like meat. The kind you, um, eat.

    • thanks quotes
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    He saved me. He freaking electrocuted himself to save me. I’m gonna be there when he wakes up so I can tell him thanks.