Best 138 quotes in «publishing quotes» category

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    I stood by and spoke out for Amazon when Amazon was attacked by Hatchett and other traditional publishers in the early days. I also represented Amazon as an author spokesperson to the media during the Press Conference launch in Santa Monica for Kindle Family as well as at Book Expo America. Today, authors don't have that kind of loyalty to a distributor of their books. They don't have that kind of loyalty to the publishers of their books and jump around to find the best deal for each book and going back and forth between publishing with a big publisher and self-publishing. Publishing like any industry is built on relationships. When an author is published by multiple publishers and jumps around, it signals to her publishers her lack of commitment to them. It is only human to see this lack of trust. So, my advice to authors who jump around...find a good publisher to land with if you decide to go with a traditional publisher. Be committed to them or it will seem like a betrayal when you are published with another publisher in the same genre. - Advice to Authors by Kailin Gow

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    ‎"It almost felt like the dolphin of my heart’s desire playing in the ocean of my life." - on writing

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    It began to falter not when the book publishers who loved books gave way to those who preferred profits to reading. It happened when publishers and editors cut back on their drinking. If there is one national flower in book publishing, it is the martini.

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    It can be depressing when no one takes interest, and a lack of response makes the writer question why they’re writing at all. To have one’s writing rejected is like you, yourself, are being rejected.

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    It has been our experience that American houses insist on very comprehensive editing; that English houses as a rule require little or none and are inclined to go along with the author's script almost without query. The Canadian practice is just what you would expect--a middle-of-the-road course. We think the Americans edit too heavily and interfere with the author's rights. We think that the English publishers don't take enough editorial responsibility. Naturally, then, we consider our editing to be just about perfect. There's no doubt about it, we Canadians are a superior breed! (in a letter to author Margaret Laurence, dated May, 1960)

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    I think of book development like cooking spaghetti. There are many ways to cook it, but the basic ingredients should be present: The pasta, and the sauce, and the cheese topping! If you’re a fabulous cook, and you plan on selling spaghetti to earn extra income, it should be obvious to you that there are a lot of other places where it is sold, and you would have to convince people that your spaghetti is better than the others. You’d do this by making sure that the noodles are perfectly al dente, the sauce is tasty, and to give it an edge, you’d make it cheesier, put it in a nice container, and maybe add a sprig of parsley on top to add to the appeal. You wouldn’t serve it on the floor and tell people to go on and taste it because it’s truly delicious, and that you have slaved for many hours perfecting the taste. Packaging and appearances are important, as much as the taste. In publishing, you could be the next great writer, but if you don’t present your words in the most appealing way possible, especially in this highly competitive industry, I doubt anyone would bother to read it except your friends and family, if at all.

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    It is bound to be a failure, every book is a failure, but I do know with some clarity what kind of book I want to write.

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    It is proper Netiquette to post pictures with status updates to make them more engaging.

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    It’s always the end of the world,” said Russell Grandinetti, one of Amazon’s top executives. “You could set your watch on it arriving.” He pointed out, though, that the landscape was in some ways changing for the first time since Gutenberg invented the modern book nearly 600 years ago. “The only really necessary people in the publishing process now are the writer and reader,” he said. “Everyone who stands between those two has both risk and opportunity.” Amazon Signs Up Authors, Writing Publishers Out of Deal. New York Times, 10/16/2011

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    It's called publishing. It's how smart people install new ideas into other peoples brains.

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    It takes great courage to write great books. Find your courage and find your voice.

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    NEWSPAPER: What great paper is the Earth; what a typeface is the Day; what ink is the Night! – Everyone prints, everyone reads; no one understands.

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    Marketing isn’t sleazy car salesman tactics. Marketing isn’t tricking people into buying. Marketing isn’t unethical. Marketing isn’t intrusive self-promotion. Marketing is two things: (1) creating lasting connections with people, through (2) a focus on being relentlessly helpful.

    • publishing quotes
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    it takes a village to build success in publishing a book - it takes friends that are willing to help - it takes hours upon hours of no's to get to a yes, it takes many twists and turns with seemingly no end to the detours, it takes courage to face the unknowns - it takes and it takes and it takes - But then, like a flower opening its blossom - it gives.........

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    I've always felt that good writing does not have to be literary.

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    I was once told by a traditional publisher I write and publish more books than they can handle so I became a publisher. - Kailin Gow on being prolific

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    Not everyone will like what you write but there's a certain group who'll love what you write. Keep WRITING for them.

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    No matter how good it is, your book will not sell itself.

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    One of the greatest gifts we can give someone is our undivided attention--a thought that whispers constantly in the ear of any author who respects their readers.

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    One alphabet at a time, you can write an encyclopaedia. One word at a time, you can publish an entire library.

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    Nowadays, the Internet decides if you're good, not the big man in the big office. No matter how important that man thinks he is, everyone else knows that he's not important anymore, and the Internet decides these things, here in the modern age.

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    Now, Max, I have told you many times that you are my publisher, and permanently, as far as one can fling about the word in this too mutable world....The idea of leaving you has never for one single moment entered my head.

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    People don't know they want to become an author until they meet me.

    • publishing quotes
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    Publication is a marathon, not a sprint. Writing the book is only the start.

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    Publishers are businesses and I don’t blame them for that. If they didn’t make money by publishing books, there wouldn’t be any books.

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    Publishing a book is like being pregnant. By the end, you're just ready to get that baby out!

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    Publishing is definitely something you do because you enjoy educating or entertaining people.

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    Publishing a book does not make you an authority or an expert. Authorship doesn’t not equal authority.

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    Publishing would be so wonderful without those wretched authors.

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    Publishing is a business and writing is an art. The two have to be crammed together despite the clearly different motivations behind them.

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    Quotes › Authors › D › Damian Barr › The stories we tell ourselves about... The stories we tell ourselves about ourselves are very often not really what happened. And as I started to write stuff down, I started to challenge what I thought I knew about myself, my culture, my family, all of it. It was a huge, destroying process that completely took over my life. I just wasn't here, I mean I was physically present, but I wasn't here, I was back in the 1980s.

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    Readership is highly dependent upon format and distribution as much as it is on content.

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    Rejection is no badge of honour.

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    So many authors, so little time to disqualify them!

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    Sometimes, I'm brave. Sometimes, I'm just stubbron.

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    Some writers aren't writers, they are mere escapees' and refugees' on an exile from the jungle of thoughts.

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    Stop thinking “Outside the box” and look what is actually in the box first. You jump around from marketing gimmick to marketing gimmick without a clear plan or goal, hoping to reproduce someone else’s success without understanding all of the nuances and factors that went into that success. Further, people are so busy recreating the wheel that they have forgotten what the wheel looks like.

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    Technically, you cannot really own a book you bought; you can only own the sheets of paper your copy is printed on; unless, of course, you are the book’s publisher.

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    Teams that spend a lot of time learning the tricks of the trade will probably never really learn the trade.

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    Technological change is discontinuous. The monks in their scriptoria did not invent the printing press, horse breeders did not invent the motorcar, and the music industry did not invent the iPod or launch iTunes. Early in the new century book publishers, confined within their history and outflanked by unencumbered digital innovators, missed yet another critical opportunity, seized once again by Amazon, this time to build their own universal digital catalog, serving e-book users directly and on their own terms while collecting the names, e-mail addresses, and preferences of their customers. This strategic error will have large consequences.

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    That 'power grab' of Netflix has only led to an incridible amount of horrendous mediocrity. They should simply have focussed on collecting the best series in the world instead of producing them. Its as if a poetry collector suddenly thinks he should become the biggest publisher in the world. Cut out the middle men, but what if those middle men are you?

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    People can’t read a book if they don’t know it exists. All authors need to do marketing, regardless of how they published.

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    Përndryshe, në qoftë se shtëpitë botuese mjaftohen të shesin vepra të përkthyera, të cilat janë seleksionuar gjetiu, atëherë kthehemi te muhabeti i free riders; meqë ashtu shtëpitë botuese heqin dorë nga roli i tyre kulturor, duke u mjaftuar me shitjen e qofteve.

    • publishing quotes
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    Persistence can look a lot like stupid.

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    The big trinity of publishing: mystery, thrillers and romance. If you can combine all three, then it’s a winner’s trifecta and you’ll be rich beyond your dreams.

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    The hard fact is that writing is available to readers because of market factors as much as particular writing talent.

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    The pain of an unpublished manuscript is akin to the trauma of bearing an unborn.

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    There are two motives for writing a book: one, that you may save what you know, the other, that you may share what you know with the public.

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    There is a saturation of books on Amazon due to a sudden get-rich-quick surge in "everyone can be authors" seminars similar to the house flipping ones in the early 2000s which led to the housing bubble and an economic slowdown in the U.S. To distinguish quality books from those get-rich-quick ones, look at the author's track record - worldwide recognition as books that garnered credible awards, authors who speak at book industry events, authors who speak at schools, authors whose books are reference materials and reading sources at school and libraries. Get-rich books have a system to get over 500 reviews quickly, manipulates the Kindle Unlimited algorithm, and encourage collusion in the marketplace to knock out rivals. Be wary of trolls who are utilized to knock down the rankings of rival's books too. Once people have heard there is money to be made as a self-published author, just like house flipping, a cottage industry has risen to take advantage of it and turn book publishing into a get rich scheme, which is a shame for all the book publishers and authors, like me, who had published for the love of books, to write to help society, and for the love of literature. Kailin Gow, Parents and Books

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    There is only two kind of #books .First one is by some #famous person and Second one makes a person #famous .