Best 64 quotes in «jerk quotes» category

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    The biggest Russian problem - not all Russian jerks have moved to the US and UK yet.

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    True success is figuring out your life and career so you never have to be around jerks.

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    There are more great guys than jerks, so it's a huge list.

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    Tony Bennett said to me, "Wow, your talent is amazing." Maybe he's a bore, maybe he's a jerk, but when he said that to me, I didn't need anything more than that.

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    What's the difference between tough love and acting like a jerk?

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    What is known can't jerk us around unwittingly. Before anything can be resolved, the implicit must be made into the explicit.

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    They say love thy neighbor as thy self , what am I supposed to do jerk him off too?

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    When you jerk off, you're saying "Hey", I care about me.

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    When you've been hurt, you don't make excuses for the jerk who hurt you. That's his mama's job.

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    For the second time since meeting her, Echo looked as if I’d slapped her. Water pooled at the bottom edges of her eyes, her cheeks flushed red and she blinked rapidly. She’d succeeded in making me feel like a d*ck … again.

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    From Jerks to Monks, from Prostitutes to Nuns, everyone is vulnerable to fall in Love.

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    Every single person is a fool, insane, a failure, or a bad person to at least ten people.

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    Hal—come sit!” Rachel is looking back. She motions toward a sliver of space between Jonah and Madison. “There’s room.” “No. There’s not.” Luke says it without even turning around. “How do you and Hallie know each other, anyway?” “We met in the bathroom. Earlier tonight. She seems cool.” Rachel smiles at Hallelujah. Hallelujah can’t bring herself to smile back. “Sure, if you like the strong, silent type. I don’t. No offense.” Luke laughs, and Brad laughs, and the girls from Knoxville take that as their cue to laugh too. Like it was actually funny. Rachel doesn’t laugh. She’s still smiling, but now it’s like she’s not sure whether she should be. “Come on, Hal,” she says. “We’ll make room.” But Luke’s shaking his head. “Sorry. Guess I’m not being clear. There might be room for someone. But there’s not room for Hallie. Hal. Whatever you wanna call her. Besides. She has to get back. Curfew.” Rachel looks from Luke to Hallelujah, confused. “We’re all breaking curfew.” “Yeah, but it’s Hallie’s fault we have early curfew in the first place. And it’s her fault we have so many chaperones to deal with.” Luke’s counting on his fingers, holding them in the air. “Plus, they’ll probably be checking up on her. So she can’t stay.” “How is all of that her fault?” Rachel asks. “What’d she do?” “Yeah, Luke. What’d she do?” It’s Jonah. Hallelujah is kind of shocked to hear his voice. It’s low, with a dark undercurrent that’s unfamiliar to her. Then again, it’s been months since they talked. And a lot has changed. “If I remember it right,” Jonah goes on, still staring into the fire, “she wasn’t the only one.” Luke looks over at him. “What’s that supposed to mean?” “Nothing,” Jonah says. “Just making an observation.” “An observation,” Luke repeats. “Yeah.” There’s a moment of silence. It’s uncomfortable. Hallelujah feels like the night sounds get louder to compensate. The wind rustling tree branches. The hum of cicadas. Birdcalls. They’re suffocating her. Then Luke shakes his head and laughs. “Whatever. Hallie still has to go.” He swings around to look at her directly. “What are you waiting for?” Hallelujah blinks, wishing that small movement could make her vanish. Everyone in the circle is staring. Waiting for her to leave. Their eyes cut into her. She takes two steps backward, tears clouding her vision. Don’t cry. Don’t cry. She turns and starts walking away. Walking, not running. She doesn’t want to give Luke that satisfaction.

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    I now watch porn, but I don't have the feeling to go to the bath and start to jerk off. It's the world bad idea ever came. I have quite jerk off and I will quit it's not the way I should live, the same is for you!

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    High school will probably be better. I mean, some kids will still be jerks, but it's not so bad if you have at least one good friend. Someone who gets you.

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    I'm evil, know it, and enjoy it.

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    I wasn’t stupid. I realized that I was preventing her from being around her sister and her parents. Her boyfriend. I was banishing her from everything she knew. From a comfortable future. From money and opportunity. From family Christmases and blue-eyed kids with Dean, who was oh-so-fucking enchanted with her. From love. I was ruining her life. Because. I. Was. Jealous.

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    If you fall in love with jerk, don't you just reject him. He may reveal the jerk part of you which concealed.

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    My eyes meet his eyes. “You were a jerk,” I say. His hands move to my cheeks. “I’m sorry.” I pull away, but I can only go an inch before I bump into lacrosse sticks, not that I really want to go any farther. “Nope. No way. You do not get to kiss me yet.” He pouts.

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    She struggled against him and then kicked him with her knee, right between his legs. He won’t be treating her like this. Bastard. There was a fury inside her, that made her disliking of guys even bigger. He stumbled back, his hand loosening his trip. His face is twisted in pain, and he was completely out of the breath. Angel felt satisfaction. He deserved that. "How about this, you ignorant asshole! Keep your hands off of me and leave me alone!" she spat at his face. She barely held back, to not kick him again.

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    My father was gone. I went up to his suite, not to see him, but to figure out if he had been gone or left in a hurry. It looked like a tornado had visited so I assume he started packing as soon as he heard I was coming. I spit in his open underwear drawer. I know that’s nuts but I always try to leave a little something for the asshole on my visits.

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    These days he was like a zombie, all grim business, just another jerk with an erection.

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    The enemy of my enemy may be my friend … of course the friend of my friend is often a jerk.

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    There's a difference between playing it cool and being a jerk.

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    all skinny guys with beards are jerks

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    Wait!" he yelled. I didn't turn around, I walked faster. Then I heard him slam his fist on the hood of his car. I almost stopped. Maybe I would have if he'd followed me. But he didn't. He got in his car and he left, just like he said he would.

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    You betcha. If I get to punch a manic, lanky jerk in the face, my night will be complete.” I gave her a fierce grin, still riding off the energy of the crowd.

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    As soon as you start preaching, nobody wants to hear you because then you're a jerk.

    • jerk quotes
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    They'll say you are bad or perhaps you are mad or at least you should stay undercover. Your mind must be bare if you would dare to think you can love more than one lover.

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    A jerk on a motorcycle is equal to a leaf, because I find it beautiful when these things fall.

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    As I've gotten older, I've realized that things are a lot more permeable. It's not so black and white: not every journalist is a jerk.

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    Do not tolerate brilliant jerks. The cost to teamwork is too high.

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    Dissent is morally neutral. You can correctly call yourself a dissident because you like to kick puppies, but at the end of the day, you're just a jerk who likes to kick puppies.

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    Don't be a jerk to other comics and don't let the business beat you down, stay positive and if you work your ass off you're going to get somewhere.

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    If you date, you will meet your share of weirdos and jerks. That is as sure as death and taxes.

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    Everybody calls me fat all the time, so I can’t wait to have a reason, instead of everybody just being a jerk! I’ve never been Gisele Bündchen, so ain’t nobody expectin’ that! I like to set a [low] standard so people don’t expect a lot.

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    I almost did the knee-jerk thing of saying Judge Judy is funny to me, but I just don't have the patience for the format of that show.

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    I could be a real jerk on the days I was pitching.

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    I felt there's a wealth in Jewish tradition, a great inheritance. I'd be a jerk not to take advantage of it.

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    If I'd had a great level of success early on, who knows how I would have responded. I might have been a complete jerk.

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    I have tons of tunes, maybe 30 tunes that I still think are great, and only because some jerk at a record company didn't think it was great, it's not out there.

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    I'll get cast occasionally as sort of the jerk version of myself, and I have fun doing that. But it's really better for everyone if I stay behind the camera.

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    I'm not afraid to be a jerk or anything and laugh at myself anymore.

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    I'm not sure I'm okay with 2 guys gettin' married, but I don't wanna be a jerk about it.

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    In democracy everyone has the right to be represented, even the jerks.

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    Is it okay to go the roof of the tallest building in your town and jerk off into the street?

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    It's about time trees were good for something, instead of just standing there like jerks!

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    Be respectful to your peers and yourself, of course. Don't be a jerk. But at the same time don't settle for anything less than yourself.

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    I could be a jerk and get a lot more publicity, but that's not who I am.

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    If a guy is over 25 percent jerk, he's in trouble. And Henry was 95 percent.