Best 198 quotes in «diet quotes» category

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    Addiction is the primary way people escape the modern world. Unfortunately, it is destroying the modern world.

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    A culture fixated on female thinness is not an obsession about female beauty, but an obsession about female obedience. Dieting is the most potent political sedative in women’s history; a quietly mad population is a tractable one.

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    Adjust your mentality to make veggies a centrepiece of your meals and snacks. Get comfortable with occasionally consuming larger quantities than typical Western diet traditions call for.

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    A Family That Eats Together, Grows Together.

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    And certain animal products, such as commercial beef and processed meats, are more disease-promoting in our diets than others, such as frogs, salamanders, sardines, snakes, and wild salmon.

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    After a few months of talking with people and observing them, I realized that the traits of the successful fitness enthusiasts had everything in common with those of the high achievers I had spent years studying in business.

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    A healthy man watched what he ate. An intelligent man watched what he watched.

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    A natural person can achieve right diet because his instinct is in proper working order. He is satisfied with simple food; it is nutritious, tastes good, and is useful daily medicine. Food and the human spirit are united. Modern people have lost their clear instinct and consequently have become unable to gather and enjoy the seven herbs of spring. They go out seeking a variety of flavors. Their diet becomes disordered, the gaps between likes and dislikes widens, and their instinct becomes more and more bewildered. At this point people begin to apply strong seasonings to their food and to use elaborate cooking techniques, further deepening the confusion. Food and the human spirit have become estranged.

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    An unhealthy life is destined to end with an unhealthy death.

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    As food is always a choice,DIET control is to do with MIND control

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    75% Eats 25% Feats

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    A sharp bolt of hunger hit Luther hard. His knees almost buckled, his poker face almost grimaced. For two weeks now his sense of smell had been much keener, no doubt a side effect of a strict diet. Maybe he got a whiff of Mabel's finest, he wasn't sure, but a craving came over him. Suddenly, he had to have something to eat. Suddenly, he wanted to snatch the bag from Kendall, rip open a package, and start gnawing on a fruitcake.

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    A waist is a terrible thing to mind.

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    As most of us have come to learn, however, diets don't work. If you want to be healthy and stay in shape, you eventually have to find a way of eating and exercising that uniquely works for you and that you can integrate into your lifestyle. Likewise, once you have read this book and the clutter-cleaning diet is over. ... pull from it whatever you have found from your experience works and incorporate it into your own clutter-cleaning program. (Chapter 1)

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    ...and flour in all forms has to be eliminated forever. Bread isn't the staff of life in these times. Rather it is the staff of death.

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    A wonderful organic cook as a partner makes for good health.

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    Balance your body for better results. A balanced body improves electrical communication to muscles and gets you stronger, faster.

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    Believe it or not, your body has nothing but unconditional love for you. The proof? Without any effort on your part, your heart is beating, your lungs are breathing, and the rhythm of life is graciously flowing through you every second of every day—unconditionally.

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    Bread, however, is their chief food. It is cheap; they like it; it comes into the house ready cooked, it is always at hand, and needs no plate and spoon. Spread with a scraping of butter, jam, or margarine, according to the length of purse of the mother, they never, tire of it as long as they are in their ordinary state of health. They receive it into their hands, and can please themselves as to where and how they eat it. It makes the sole article in the menu for two meals in the day. Dinner may consist of anything from the joint on Sunday to boiled rice on Friday. Potatoes will play a great part as a rule, at dinner, but breakfast and tea will be bread.

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    Can you really drop up to 11 pounds from your body (and belly) in just 7 days (and keep losing it at a record pace for weeks to come)? Believe it or not…the answer is a shocking YES! (And you don’t have to starve yourself or do endless exercise…and you can still eat your favorite foods. In fact, it’s an important part of the program…YIPPEEE!)

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    Dammit, it's just like a man to put a rich, fattening meal in front of a woman and get offended when she won't eat, then you seem shocked in the bedroom when you're looking at her hips and wondering how she put on ten extra pounds.

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    DEMAND FOR ANIMAL PRODUCTS WILL INCREASE 70% BY 2050 Even if the world went fossil free by 2100, the increasing consumption of animal products will continue to cause catastrophic global warming.

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    Develop a vision, not a goal. Visions are much more powerful. 98% of what’s going on in your brain is subconscious. Developing a vision requires the use of more of your brain than just developing a thought, which suggests we are tapping into subconscious brain power.

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    Break the rules and make up your own rules.

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    Dink, my boy, I'll be a millionaire in ten years. You know what I'm figuring out all this time? I'm going at this scientifically. I'm figuring out the number of fools there are on the top of this globe, classifying 'em, looking out what they want to be fooled on. I'm making an exact science of it." "Go on," said Dink, amused and perplexed, for he was trying to distinguish the serious and the humorous. "What's the principle of a patent medicine?—advertise first, then concoct your medicine. All the science of Foolology is: first, find something all the fools love and enjoy, tell them it's wrong, hammer it into them, give them a substitute and sit back, chuckle, and shovel away the ducats. Bread's wrong, coffee's wrong, beer's wrong. Why, Dink, in the next twenty years all the fools will be feeding on substitutes for everything they want; no salt—denatured sugar—anti-tea—oiloline—peanut butter—whale's milk—et cetera, et ceteray, and blessing the name of the fool-master who fooled them.

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    Diets don't really work & can be destructive, but if you get healthy overall (mind, body, spirit) then your weight balances naturally.

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    Don't be scared, I'm a vegetarian.

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    Dr. Jens Kjeldsen-Kragh, M.D., of the Institute of Immunology and Rheumatology at the National Rheumatism Hospital of Oslo, conducted a study about the usefulness of vegetarian foods in arthritis. He found that switching to a vegetarian diet resulted in improved grip strength and much less pain, joint swelling, tenderness and morning stiffness in about 90 per cent of a group of arthritis patients, compared with controls eating an ordinary diet. The patients noticed improvement within a month, and it lasted throughout the entire year-long experiment. Dr. Kjeldsen-Kragh concluded that about 70 per cent of the patients improved because they avoided fats that are likely to instigate the inflammation process.

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    During the years he was never sick, except of course for the chronic indigestion which was universal, and still is, with men who live alone, cook for themselves, and eat in solitude.

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    During World Wars I and II, wartime food restrictions that virtually eliminated meat consumption in Scandinavian countries were followed by a decline in the mortality rate (by ≈2 deaths/1000) that returned to prewar levels after the restriction was lifted (7–12).

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    Dr. Pottenger theorized that there are similarities between malformations found in animals and those found in humans. My points here are that: 1. I firmly believe there is indeed a direct connection between diet, health, sexual performance, and fertility for both men and women. 2. The lack of whole foods and live nutrients combined with the abundance of synthetic chemicals in the typical American diet makes it a deficient and toxic diet, which causes impotency, sterility, disorders, and cancer in men and women.

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    Each ounce you consume is either a net positive or a net negative by the time it runs through your body. You don't get healthier by simply trying to eat better in general. You improve your health on a bite-by-bite basis.

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    Eating cholesterol and bad fat will contribute to heart disease if and only if you bathe them in a massive lifelong overdose of insulin and glucose.

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    Eating a can be the weight that pulls you under or the life raft. It's your choice.

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    Eating a Paleolithic diet is not about historical re-enactment; it is about mimicking the effect of such a diet on the metabolism with foods available at the supermarket. There was no one diet eaten throughout the entire Paleolithic, nor is there a single diet eaten by contemporary hunter-gatherers. Hunter-gatherer diets can vary substantially depending on the geography, season, and culture. Even so, the commonalities among hunter-gatherer diets provide useful parameters for a healthy modern diet.

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    Eating healthy is not so much about what you eat, but what you don’t eat.

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    Eat your food slowly and chew each bite completely (20-30 chomps is ideal) to facilitate proper digestion.

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    Even if these researchers do see the need to address the problem immediately, though they have obligations and legitimate interests elsewhere, including being funded for other research. With luck, the ideas discussed in Good Calories, Bad Calories may be rigorously tested in the next twenty years. If confirmed, it will be another decade or so after that, at least, before our public health authorities actively change their official explanation for why we get fat, how that leads to illness, and what we have to do to avoid or reverse those fates. As I was told by a professor of nutrition at New York University after on of my lectures, the kind of change I'm advocating could take a lifetime to be accepted.

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    Everyone who learns about nutrition through the usual channels, be it fitness magazines, mainstream diet books and forums, gets cursed with the prevailing belief system of what constitutes a good diet.

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    Comfort foods they may have been, but helpful foods they most definitely were not. By merging my identity with certain foods and thinking of them as old friends, I found myself in the food equivalent of a co-dependent, destructive relationship. I was allowing food to have the power of defining me as a person. And those foods had defined me, all right; they'd defined me as fat, miserable, out of breath, lacking in energy and self-worth, and looking terrible in sweat pants. If I was going to insist on relating to food as a friend, then clearly I needed new friends.

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    every session I had no fewer than sixteen girls with “allergies” to dairy and wheat—cheese and bread basically—but also to garlic, eggplant, corn, and nuts. They had cleverly developed “allergies,” I believe, to the foods they had seen their own mothers fearing and loathing as diet fads passed through their homes. I could’ve strangled their mothers for saddling these girls with the idea that food is an enemy—some of them only eight years old and already weird about wanting a piece of bread—and I would’ve liked to bludgeon them, too, for forcing me to participate in their young daughters’ fucked-up relationship with food.

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    Exercise stimulates an increase in appetite and calorie consumption such that it results in a draw when it comes to weight management.

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    Famine sometimes increases the number of people who are overweight.

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    Food is part of God's creating. A right relationship with food points us toward Him.... The table is not only a place where we can become present to God. The table is also a place where He becomes present to us.

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    Food commonly eaten for more than 150 years should be innocent until proven guilty, and food invented in the last 150 years is guilty until proven innocent.

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    For good health, watch what you eat. For a good head, watch what you watch.

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    Given these five compelling reasons to reconsider dietary choice—anymal suffering and premature death, environmental degradation, world hunger, labor injustices, and our own health—it is not surprising that the world’s most commonly celebrated religions require and/or encourage a diet of greens, grains, fruits, and legumes, while simultaneously forbidding and/or discouraging the slaughter of anymals and the consumption of anymal products.

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    God cares about our dietary choices. This should come as no surprise; you only have to read the first two chapters of Genesis to see God's concern for food. Humanity's first sin was disobedience manifested in a choice about eating. Adam and Eve were allowed to eat anything they wanted, except the one fruit they chose. And the New Testament makes clear that God cares about the most basic quotidian aspect of our lives. (Our God, after all, is the God who provides for the sparrows and numbers the hairs on our heads.) This God who is interested in how we speak, how we handle our money, how we carry our bodies - He is also interested in how we live with food.

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    Health first, then everything else.

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    HEALTHY EATING isn't about counting fat grams, dieting, cleanses, and antioxidants; Its about eating food untouched from the way we find it in nature in a balanced way; Whole foods give us all that we need to perfectly nourish ourselves.