Best 147 quotes in «frozen quotes» category

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    Now that Iran's actions have been verified, it can begin to receive relief from certain nuclear sanctions and gain access to its own money that had been frozen.

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    People do what they are told not to do. It happens time and time again. Here on the frozen tundra, it is known as the Tongue on the Frozen Pump Handle principle.

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    Painting is the frozen evidence of a performance.

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    Rome has not seen a modern building in more than half a century. It is a city frozen in time.

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    Perfectionism is a mean, frozen form of idealism, while messes are the artist's true friend.

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    Probably more than anything else, the place that we really see the effects of the power of even the relatively mild temperature increases so far is in the melting of everything frozen on the planet.

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    Photography is motionless and frozen, it has the cryogenic power to preserve objects through time without decay.

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    Psychobabble is... a set of repetitive verbal formalities that kills off the very spontaneity, candor, and understanding it pretends to promote. It's an idiom that reduces psychological insight to a collection of standardized observations, that provides a frozen lexicon to deal with an infinite variety of problems.

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    Since a photograph is frozen and mute, since there is no before and after, I don't want there to be a conscious awareness of any kind of literal narrative. And that's why I really try not to pump up motivation or plot or anything like that.

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    The best way to thaw a frozen turkey? Blow in it's ear.

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    Since it [architecture] is music in space, as it were a frozen music.

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    Sometimes the early bird gets the worm, but sometimes the early bird gets frozen to death.

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    That's what Zombieland is: frozen, calm, quiet.

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    The idiot who invented instant grits also thought of frozen fried chicken, and they ought to lock him up before he tries to freeze-dry collards.

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    The blood in my veins is frozen but it sings of love.

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    The cold never bothered me anyway.

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    There had been a frozen mist here, and the trees were spun into feathers. Their fragile brilliance made me wonder why, into the spotlessness of Creation, God had seen fit to introduce soiling, twisting, rampaging, Man.

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    The problem of fame is that you get frozen in one frame and nothing you do can alter the name.

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    The literature of the emperor penguin is as forbidding, as inaccessible, as the frozen heart of Antarctica itself. Its beauties may be unearthly, but they are not for us.

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    The marvel is that we did not all die of cold. As a matter of fact, only one of my party actually froze to death before he could be got back, but I am not able to tell how many have ended up in hospital. We were marooned in a frozen desert. There was not a sign of life on the horizon and a thousand signs of death.

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    The music I like best is kind of frozen in my mind from the Sixties and Seventies. I still listen to the same jazz music I listened to when I was eighteen years old, and like and admire it just as much.

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    There is no other way to break the frozen cinematic conventions than through a complete derangement of the official cinematic senses.

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    There was a young man of Quebec Who was frozen in snow to his neck, When asked, 'Are you Friz?' He replied, 'Yes I is, But we don't call this cold in Quebec.'

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    ... the structure of a page of good prose is, analyzed logically, not something frozen but the vibrating of a bridge, which changes with every step one takes on it.

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    These days grief seems like walking on a frozen river; most of the time he feels safe enough, but there is always that danger that he will plunge through.

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    The Wreck of the Hesperus But the father answered never a word, A frozen corpse was he.

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    The "Wet Tongue Gets Stuck To A Frozen Flagpole" attack!

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    Time passes. That's the rule. No matter what happens, no matter how much it might feel like everything in your life has been frozen around one particular moment, time marches on.

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    Time in dreams is frozen. You can never get away from where you've been.

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    To remove blood stains from your conscience try frozen margaritas.

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    Trust me, when they read the [Oscar] results, my face was...frozen. But then I thought about it, and I just decided just to...let it go.

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    Water is the key to life, but in frozen form, it is a latent force. And when it vanishes, Earth becomes Mars.

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    Was it that you wanted to pull my leg by transporting me to the frozen Himalayan heights of 'mahatmaship' and claiming for yourself absolution from having to follow my precepts?

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    Well, just to dispel all the myths, Walt [Disney] was not anti-Semitic. He was not racist in any way, shape, or form. He was not frozen when his life ended. He's not in some frozen vault right now waiting to make a big comeback.

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    We estimate that there are perhaps 20,000 prehistoric hunter-gatherers frozen up in those glaciers. Now, if they simply thaw and wander around, it's not a problem, but if they find a leader - a Captain Caveman, if you will - we'll be facing an even more serious problem.

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    We now know that memories are not fixed or frozen, like Proust's jars of preserves in a larder, but are transformed, disassembled, reassembled, and recategorized with every act of recollection.

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    We revolutionaries acknowledge the right to revolution when we see that the situation is no longer tolerable, that it has become a frozen. Then we have the right to overthrow it.

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    When I heard the words, I felt as if the blood had been frozen in my veins, and that my lungs must collapse for the want of air. Mr. Lincoln shot!

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    What is it with you and frozen desserts Why do you always want them?" "Because we live in a dessert.

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    You might think that after thousands of years of coming up too soon and getting frozen, the crocus family would have had a little sense knocked into it.

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    Will speechless for once, a glass of water frozen halfway to his lips

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    You can find me in the frozen mood section.

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    The other way that you democratize the food movement is through the public school system. If you can pay enough for the school lunch system so that it can actually be cooked and not just microwaved, so that these schools can buy local food, fresh food, because right now it's all frozen and processed, you will improve the health of the students, you will improve the health of the local economy, and you will have better performing students.

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    Where are you from, Mr. Pendergast? Can't quite place the accent.” “New Orleans.” “What a coincidence! I went there for Mardi Gras once." “How nice for you. I myself have never attended.” Ludwig paused, the smile frozen on his face, wondering how to steer the conversation onto a more pertinent topic.

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    Yon foaming flood seems motionless as ice;Its dizzy turbulence eludes the eye,Frozen by distance.

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    You can always spot a 'television personality', even when they aren't actually on television, because they carry their 'made-up' persona in front of them, like some sort of baffler, or Ready Brek force field. Their reach for notoriety predicated on that fulsome mediocrity of talent detailed above has become frozen in their faces.

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    A kingdom of isolation and it looks like I'm the queen.

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    You shouldn't be able to do a swim at the North Pole, it should be frozen over.

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    All the whackjob psychologists out there will tell you that grief is a process. Some say it has five stages. Others say that grief should only last two years at the lost, otherwise it's "abnormal". Putting an expiration date of grief though is like putting out the flame on a burning candle. It might stop the candle from melting down and falling apart, but in the long run the candle goes solid, freezes in a catatonic state. Take away a person's grief and guaranteed they'll only be a frozen shell of a human being afterwards. Grief is only love, it's nothing to hide or send away with happy pills and mother's little helpers. Grief is a lifeline connecting two people who are in different realms together, and it's a sign of loyalty and hope.

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    Everything it's has it's own benefits if you buy frozen pizza you go fat. If you buy well made pizza you will keep your weigh, even you won't get fat!