Best 83 quotes in «attack quotes» category

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    A man who’s susceptible to panic attack is a man full of worry

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    25. Whenever two human beings spend time together, sooner or later they will probably irritate one another. This is true of best friends, married couples, parents and children, or teachers and students. The question is: How do they respond when friction occurs? There are four basic ways they can react: • They can internalize the anger and send it downward into a memory bank that never forgets. This creates great pressure within and can even result in disease and other problems. • They can pout and be rude without discussing the issues. This further irritates the other person and leaves him or her to draw his or her own conclusions about what the problem may be. • They can blow up and try to hurt the other person. This causes the death of friendships, marriages, homes, and businesses. • Or they can talk to one another about their feelings, being very careful not to attack the dignity and worth of the other person. This approach often leads to permanent and healthy relationships.

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    A country that publicly threatens to completely destroy another nation should not be surprised when a preemptive surprise attack occurs from that nation and their allies.

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    A clever general, therefore, avoids an army when its spirit is keen, but attacks it when it is sluggish and inclined to return.

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    An all-out attack on evolutionist thinking is possibly the only real hope our nations have of rescuing themselves from an inevitable social and moral catastrophe.

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    Be open in everything with your partner, because where there is secrecy, it can mistakenly come off as being sneaky; where you just may be innocently quiet.

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    At the same time that we see a massive deployment of wireless radiation, we see the most violent attacks on modern society.

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    Be bold! You will then see that life will find no time to attack you, because you are attacking it!

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    A person's true character lies somewhere until after you might have pressed the wrong button without knowing, then you'll realize that there are dogs in human form.

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    a single outburst does not produce a difficult relational environment. It is only when a parent [or anyone] repeatedly and regularly uses anger to close conversations, in the broadest sense of 'conversation,' that a dilemma is framed. When a parent [or partner] uses anger or the threat of anger to dominate the emotional atmosphere, then even potentially good conversations with them lose spontaneity, openness and honesty.

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    Attack and adversity contribute to national cohesion in a way that success and affluence do not

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    Don't drive a car in the dream, else you won't drive it on earth. Don't wish to become, else you won't become. Don't associate with fools, else your ancestors will be insulted. Don't be addicted to wine, else your pocket will be empty. Don't be drunk, else you'll be attacked.

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    Defend your leadership roles with your true character. Never attack your own aspirations with corruption and unfaithfulness! Keep calm and be honest!

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    He attacks again, his sword a silvery fish darting through the sea of the night.

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    Don't mention your move before you make a move.

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    God is not dead— She has forsaken us. We wipe our angry, hate-filled tears after another shooting, as a man polishes his gun outside a mosque. All those stolen lives—we scream for justice! But God has quietly left our temples and churches. She will not return, for what WE have done is much worse. We have murdered humanity. God has deserted even the devout of us who save our love and compassion for those good and righteous, as we abandon the bigots brimming with hate. Yes, those least deserving of love, but the most in need of it. God’s agony rings in our hearts. She wails for the future shooters. Though we reject them, God greets these cracked and confused creatures— the least deserving of compassion but the most in need of it! We’ve read their spiteful tweets, but when we pass them in classrooms, in trains and markets, we dismiss those seemingly small opportunities for kindness. We don’t know—and how ignorant we are— that every time we ignore them, we sharpen our daggers and stab humanity in its pink raw flesh, not in dark alleyways. No, we do this openly in broad daylight, for hating them shows how loving we are. For condemning them proves how moral we are. But every shooting illumines the failure of our collective duty to love as God loves, to be compassionate as God is compassionate. Your prayers heal, yes, but for God’s sake, let God be. I say: First, resurrect your humanity!

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    Every temptation comes with a choice.

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    His face was pale, and he dropped to the floor so that he was half kneeling, half sitting before her. "Please. I you." "No." She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. Her mind felt clearer now. Everything made more sense when she wasn't so hungry. "I don't think I want the help you have." He cradled his bloody arm and tried to stand. "This isn't right. You aren't right. You aren't suppose to be here." "But I am.

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    He pulled something out of his pocket and tried to stick it in her arm. A needle. He'd offered her hope, but then he was trying to hurt her. Poison. She pushed him away. "That wasn't nice.

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    Hey! One of Edilio’s soldiers just came staggering in from the gas station. He says someone attacked, took the place over.” That silenced the argument. Sam, with exquisite contempt, turned to his girlfriend and said, “You want to go deal with it, Astrid?” Astrid flushed red. “No? I didn’t think so. Guess it will be up to me then.” He left silence in his wake. “Maybe we better pass some laws real quick so Sam can save our butts legally,” Howard said. “Howard, go get Orc,” Albert said. “Now you’re giving me orders, Albert?” Howard shook his head. “I don’t think so. Not you or her,” he said, jerking a thumb at Astrid. “You may not think much of me, you two, but at least I know who saves our butts. And if I got to take orders from someone, it’ll be the someone who just walked out of here.

    • attack quotes
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    If a negative viewer looks at you with an ugly fiendish eye, find a way and pluck off his eyes, or better still, protect your good image.

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    I don't care whose son he is. I won't go belly-up like a timid pup. If he's fool enough to take a poke at me, I'll snap the finger clean off that does the poking.

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    If the enemy attacks, it is because God is giving you much more

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    I know what I'm talking about, Alecto! When I think of Jud, I think of the times he wanted to be a coal miner, the times he took Wendy and me sailing in the harbour, the times he showed me how to play soccer, but I forgot all the bullying and I’ll never understand why. And now you ask me, you ask me what happened once we were in high school. You said you didn’t understand what having a family was like, so ask me!” Mandy was shouting at him without even realizing it, her words sharp and unforgiving. “I….” Alecto started, hesitating for a moment. “You don’t seem like yourself Mandy Valems, not at all….” “No, go ahead! You want to know what having a real family is like?” Mandy snapped, turning to stare at him coldly. “Ask me what happened, I’ll tell you anything you want to know!” “…What happened?” Alecto asked quietly, looking nervous and confused. “I stayed late after school in shop class when I was in grade 9, trying to keep my lousy grades up. I was building a birdhouse, something like that, and that was when Jud and all his popular jock friends came storming in, laughing and swearing like a bunch of pigs,” Mandy continued. “So ask me what happened next.” “I… I don’t want to ask you what happened,” Alecto replied. “Ask me!” Mandy yelled. “Alright, what happened next…?” Alecto questioned.

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    In a fight, your doubt is a target of enemy's attack.

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    It is easy for those who conflate religion with government to interpret any criticism of government or policy as an 'attack' on their 'faith'.

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    Negative people will always be there to stain your pure image with their dirty tongues and brushes, but you'll always remain as white as snow, no matter how high the quality of paint they use.

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    I was called an 'ethnic traitor' and kicked in the pit of the stomach, then called a 'sellout' and stuck across the face again. I really couldn't understand what the last one meant. I knew the literal meaning of the word, of course, but I just couldn't bring myself to think that I was a sellout. I could sense the incongruity of the label but didn't have words to express it. Then someone who was able to say exactly what I was feeling appeared, like a superhero. A voice rose up from the back of the classroom. "We've never belonged to a country we could sell out

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    It is time to get strengthened in faith and know that the blessings of God are stronger than the devil’s attack

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    I’ve seen how cigarettes went from being advertised in every type of media to being something found to be deadly… they can’t kill me no matter how many of them I smoke but I’ve seen humans die from smoking them… if I were you I would stop smoking them.” “Why should I? You smoke ‘em all the time, you chain-smoke cigarettes,” Mandy pointed out. “Yeah, I started doing that back in the Sixties… for reasons you likely saw on those VHS tapes… but I’m not a person, I’m Pollution, things like that aren’t dangerous to me but they are to you,” Alecto told her. “It’s not a good idea.

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    Los milicianos corrieron por las calles mientras los ciudadanos se escondían, desesperados, entre casas viejas, en los pozos, en las despensas de sus vecinos. Cerraban las puertas los padres de familia y asían con fuerza sus mejores cuchillos. Las mujeres abrazaban a sus hijos, las sirvientas aseguraban las ventanas. Algunos, los más temerosos, se acurrucaban en el camastro con la débil seguridad de las velas encendidas. Esa noche, los lobos tomaron Barcelona, y en ese ferviente caos de guerra y muerte, Fortuna desenvainó su espada. Había entendido el mensaje. «Gryal está aquí», decían los lobos. «Ha vuelto la primavera», decía su aullido.

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    Love' is the only weapon I have, I will defend with love, I will attack with love.

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    My first week living in the USA was marked by the 9-11 attacks.

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    Remember, without a goal, your stamina is useless no matter how you get trained. You may defend your integrity and attack your obstacles, but when you have no target in focus, you will score many zero number of goals...

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    Poetry is jealous of you tonight, for as soon as I come to pen a few words, your perfume attacks me in the most civilised manner and I forget myself. I forget the poem. I forget the ...

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    Profanity is the name given to the defilement of the sanctity of human life.

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    Oh dear,” Lionel says from the front, hefting his rifle, “it seems that we’ve kicked a hornet’s nest here. Do those look like elite troops to anyone else?”, FADE by Kailin Gow

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    Oh no, was I to be one of those girls who gets attacked by a jealous girlfriend?

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    Possession is not only when the devil plays hide and seek in your brain or poison your medula oblongata with negativity, but it is also when you are under the influence of the same specie as you!

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    Raise your vibration, Not your tone of voice.. You gain inspiration, For Peace is a choice.

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    Resistance is a sign that shows you're going the right way

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    The dog leash was still tied tight around the oak tree in the back, stretched worn and limp across the green grass as if trying to escape to freedom; and he buried his wife without a tombstone. Where before, she sat most times in his home, licking her wounds.

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    Sofia the kind of woman no matter what she have in her hand she make it look like a weapon.

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    Some readers may find it a curious or even unscientific endeavour to craft a criminological model of organised abuse based on the testimony of survivors. One of the standard objections to qualitative research is that participants may lie or fantasise in interview, it has been suggested that adults who report severe child sexual abuse are particularly prone to such confabulation. Whilst all forms of research, whether qualitative or quantitative, may be impacted upon by memory error or false reporting. there is no evidence that qualitative research is particularly vulnerable to this, nor is there any evidence that a fantasy— or lie—prone individual would be particularly likely to volunteer for research into child sexual abuse. Research has consistently found that child abuse histories, including severe and sadistic abuse, are accurate and can be corroborated (Ross 2009, Otnow et al. 1997, Chu et al. 1999). Survivors of child abuse may struggle with amnesia and other forms of memory disturbance but the notion that they are particularly prone to suggestion and confabulation has yet to find a scientific basis. It is interesting to note that questions about the veracity of eyewitness evidence appear to be asked far more frequently in relation to sexual abuse and rape than in relation to other crimes. The research on which this book is based has been conducted with an ethical commitment to taking the lives and voices of survivors of organised abuse seriously.

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    Sometimes you don’t even know how strong you are, the devil sees it before you do and attacks

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    ………..That right there shows a mirror with a crack disfiguring the image staring back at you—it shows a side of Mr. Ellison that no one wants to really examine because insults sell more. No one wants to hear of a kind, wounded, generous man who found himself without the help of anyone else; they want a man that people would enjoy attacking, and they presented him that manner.

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    The devil’s attacks are proof of his powerlessness before us

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    The fourth approved approach for the problem of frontally attacking a guarded wormhole was to shoot the officer who suggested it.

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    The gangs of arrogant thieves that can rob you of your success are your own doubts, fears and low self-image. Get them arrested and kept distances apart and you and your accomplishments are secured.

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    There was a sound of steel meeting steel. Devin flung a desperate look over his shoulder, saw Hewet fending off two men behind him, and looked ahead in time to see ten men in light armor ride out of the trees up ahead and drive straight for him. He almost swallowed the flute. He threw an arm over his face, too shocked to be terrified, and waited to die.